Monday, 11 July 2011

How sick can it get ?

When you are a politician you have got to roll with the punches. If you can’t take the heat keep out of the kitchen, it goes with the territory. Tonight I hear of people sinking to a new level. Ex PM Gordon Browns wife and children have been subjected to phone hacking and their privacy invaded. What kind of world are we living in ?

Children no more than babies are having their privacy invaded, and for what, the selling of newspapers by the despotic and ultra greedy, Rupert Murdoch. On tonight’s news I also viewed children dying from lack of water and malnutrition in Africa. This is in a world that some men can spend a million pounds on a car, or 250 million pounds on a yacht. How messed up do you need to be to spend a million pounds on a car to massage your ego and pretend you are someone special ? Ok this sort of indulgence provides work for people, but surely money could be spent better elsewhere.

It’s at times like this I am glad to be growing old and on the last lap of my life.



  1. I agree with you completely Eddie, children must be protected at all times, not that it is fair to pry into anyone's business; doesn't matter if rich or famous.
    As for the tragedy unfolding in Africa all over again, I feel as helpless and frustrated as most of us do. Of course i do like my lifestyle, certain luxuries, but I also have quite deep pockets that I am reaching into again and again. Just like most deeply caring people do, the thing is that a high percentage of donations doesn't end up where its so badly needed. Some goes to admin, the rest to the warlords, the real evil people in this world. Yes money, goods are needed so badly but kind hearts are needed to go with it.
    There are some very ignorant people too, busy criticising those less fortunate for having too many children that they cannot afford to feed. Look at the bigger picture, look at their culture and beliefs then you will begin to understand. The poor are not afraid to work hard for a living, they are not counters, they need help, tools and education.
    I just really wish Argo sold magic wands that work, we would all live in utopia, I would wave the wand for everyone.
    Please people don't moan 'Oh not, not again' please help the poorest of the poor, a couple of coins?
    Karen chocfish

  2. Couldn't agree more with you Karen.


  3. I've never understood why people are so eager to read the garbage the papers print about "celebs". The term "Human interest" has been extended to include downright bloody nosy and intrusive.

    There's an old Fleet St saying "If it bleeds, it leads".

    The perceived demand for tittle tattle inevitably leads to the disgusting invasions of privacy we've seen recently.

    It's mostly lies and when it isn't the facts are so re-arranged so it might as well be lies!

    This inability to state simple facts permeates the whole of the media. In the absence of the truth - make something up! It's a bit like when they make the film of the book that bears no resemblance to the original story.

    I remember Joseph Wambaugh, who, in the 70s wrote the best selling novels "The Choirboys" And "The Onion Field", was asked where he got the idea for his new book. He said "From the film of the last one".



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