Tuesday 12 July 2011

If I could be anyone, Manu Katche, fantastic drummer and super cool !


  1. That's a great performance by a truly gifted musician.

    Another awesome drummer if you get the chance to see him is Brady Blade. I saw him once with Steve Earl and, like the rest of Manchester Apollo was totally awestruck by his 12 minute solo - in the realms of John Bonham's Moby Dick epic!

    I love it when I've been privileged to be present when a great musician lets rip!

    I'll never forget a warm summer day at the Americana festival in Newark in July 2000. Billy Joe Shaver was playing. Suddenly the attention shifted to his son Eddie who broke into, possibly the most exciting guitar solo I've heard. He really was on fire and it seemed to go on forever. None of the crowd wanted it to stop. I heard from a number of musician friends who had seen him backstage "loading up" with what obviously fueled his genius. Sadly, that was the cause of his death six months later. I wish that performance was on video it was truly incredible.


  2. Ray I think you are a bigger music nut than me. So many of the great ones killed by drugs or booze eh. Eric Clapton came very close to the edge, these days he only drinks tea.


  3. You're so right Eddie, my wife and I are nuts on music. Our music collection freaks out some people. My wife is barmy over Stephen Tyler at the moment but our collection includes Eminem, most of Springsteen's albums, Led Zep, The Mavericks, Andrea Bocelli, Beniamino Gigli, Bill Wyman and the Rhythm Kings, Paloma Faith and on and on.

    I also love 30s and 40s dance band music.

    Always looking for something new and different I recently discovered Caro Emerald who is huge in Holland.


    I love variety in life.

    Oh, I nearly forgot, my wife teaches belly dancing so we have a huge collection of Middle Eastern CDs as well.



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