This type of poster causes more forum trouble than any other. They trawl the net looking for any scrap of information that throws doubt on the lowcarb lifestyle. "Butter causes heart disease" and lowcarb diets will lead to a swift demise, are the favoured posts. Posting negative articles from the tabloid press, that cannot fail to kick up a storm. When all hell breaks loose, and the lowcarbers are locked in battle with the "I love crusty white bread" and "saturated fat will kill you" mob, they scream rape. The ever present mod will wade in and come to their assistance, bellowing for calm, while at the same time, pointing the finger of blame at the low carb stalwarts. It goes without saying, the anti lowcarb vultures are soon circling overhead.
Did you ever see the Doctor Who Weeping Angels?
Or I wonder how many realise that the original Cherubim where not cute little but large scary temple guardians -- colossal guardians of the "true way" as it were! lol
You can take the weeping angel challenge here
Oh you heartless savages. The Good Lord sent us a low-fat angel to bring us love and understanding and Flora Pro-Activ, and you blew a cyber raspberry at her. This quite probably made tears run down her perfectly innocent cheeks (and the cheeks on her face too).
ReplyDeleteI hereby give notice that either you accept the cherub's low-fat love and cuddles or else legal action will follow.
You have been warned/loved.
The Cherub goes into full damage limitation mode. Who other than the grey matter impaired does she think she is kidding ? Kenny boy and the clique bag carrier for years, never slow in finding a piece of tabloid trash to put down lowcarbers.
ReplyDeleteHolds an HbA1c in the 4s, no meds and low GI. My wife is a lowcarber, no meds, HbA1c in the fours, but heh, she is not a diabetic !
Cherub, the eighth wonder of the world.
ReplyDeleteThe Cherub gets her butt smacked.
Quote from the cherub who claims to have an A1c of 4.9.
ReplyDelete"It scares me too and I am a Type 2 and I am hypo aware at around 4.5. I also find it odd to aim for non diabetic numbers when you are a diabetic."