"The statistics were grimly uttered by Ann Albright, Director of the Division of Diabetes Translation for the Center for Disease Control (CDC).Additionally, she said that "of the children born in America in 2000, one in three will develop diabetes in their lifetime."
In addition, according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), there are 21 million people in the United States who are diagnosed with diabetes and if something dramatic does not occur in the next 20 years, this number will double! The costs for diabetes will exceed $174 billion dollars in 2008.
These statistics do not lie. They're getting worse every day. Something has to be done NOW to help everyone who has diabetes but even more let's do all we can, as individuals, to PREVENT diabetes (Type II) from occurring in ourselves, our families, and our friends."
"Something has to be done NOW"
And that “something” is a big reduction in sugar/carbs. Whether diabetic or not ! Spread the word to your family and friends, work colleagues, anyone who will listen. We know what is causing the epidemics of obesity and type two diabetes, it’s up to us and the growing number of enlightened medical professionals.
ReplyDeleteCouldnt agree more, we need to continue to spread the message wherever and whenever we can, that would include HCPs as well, look away from the script, treat real people, face reality.
So heartbreaking, I work in a building where there is a clinic holding sessions for diabetics once a week, on Thursday I saw a woman in her 20s with her thumb amputated as a result of a infected nail, it just wouldnt heal up, she has had hihgly fluctuating blood glucose levels for 4 years.
Her thumb wont grow back, but she can do her level best to asvoid losing any more extremities/limbs and other complications by keeping steady non-diabetic bg levels, and how would you manage to achieve that?
Karen chocfish
Its a delicious irony that the article was written back in 2008 in a Pharma mag. Given that some 3 years have elapsed.
ReplyDeleteHas anything changed ?.
Have any Pharmasists been made redundant ?
Has the rate of diagnosis decreased ?
The truth is out there agent Moulder
Great comment Karen. I had a fight with an onion 7 months ago - the onion won and I chopped off one side of my finger nail. This was frightening, half of the nail from the tip to the quick was gone. It really bled and was agony.
ReplyDeleteSeven months on and you wouldn't know it had happened. If I wasn't low carbing I'm certain it would be a different story.
It is so true it really is up to us to spread the word. We know that it is vital to reduce sugar and starchy carbohydates and what better place to start is with family and friends. Pass on the news and keep passing it on - if we all do this I'm sure we can make a difference.
ReplyDeleteCome on everyone give it a go and while we are spreading the word why not show our family and friends how tasty and varied lower carb food is. My great success this summer has been the summer fruit and strawberry sponge cake, my non diabetic friends were really impressed.
I actually enjoyed reading through this posting.Many thanks.
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