King prawns cooked in butter, garlic and seasoning. Swede boiled and mashed with lots of butter. Purple sprouting broccoli with a knob of butter. Delicious and very low carb.
Medical disclaimer ! If you do not want to hold non diabetic BG numbers, reduced total cholesterol, reduced or no meds, and trigs of a teenager, keep well away from this sort of meal. Carbo and his high carb, high med’s and Orlistat addiction would not approve, nor would the NHS and DUK. Jeez, even the photography is slagged into the ground on his septic tank of a blog!
But hey, each to their own eh.
Comment from Carbo member tonight.
"omg - have you seen eddie's dinner tonight - it looks like slop!
He cannot be a photographer surely!"
Lets not forget, Carbo carries more excess weight than the total weight of my mate Graham !
ReplyDeleteCarbo and fellow idiots have yet to post anything useful on their blog, WHERE is the good advice for diabetics?? Talk about photographs, LOL, who of? Perhaps he can put one up of the handsome Jopar LOL
Hells bells the sight of that and the price of fish LOL
ReplyDeleteI've seen healthier looking zombies LOL!
Keep posting the great food recipes. Look at the state of I know it all Jopar. As for Tubo/carbo and his friends, they are dead men walking.
ReplyDeleteAddicted to chips and crap.
I love this blog. Good information and great food ideas. Keep up the good work.
Ignore Carbo he is addicted to carbs. Why waste your time on this reject. Obviously his followers are the same.
ReplyDeleteLove it, mate. Love prawns, and particularly love purple sprouting. Just go easy on the garlic.
ReplyDeleteKeep the great meal ideas coming, Ed. We'll leave Carbo be with his marzipan on toast lightly sprinkled with chocolate digestives.
ReplyDeleteA real super star and never stops trying to promote the eat carbs and high sugar goo with every post. His high med mates are a credit to his blog of doom ! Check out the not. Check out the good links..... er not. Check out the good not.
It's a cess pit for the failed and no hopers.
Cant you just spot someone who is obviously eating carbs and taking medication, these unfortunate misguided people suffer from puffy, sallow, pasty skin, heavy eyebags, basically sluggish digestion and circulation.
ReplyDeleteThe photo of Jopar proves my point, without being cruel, a person cannot help facial features unless they go under the knife, but that is nothing to do with it. She most certainly does NOT look a healthy woman to me.
Those carb addicts tend to eat less variety and less amounts of low carb fresh vegetables and that is just for starters. They ridicule the idea of increasing fats, and so forth. It simply is not a healthy diet.
Sorry Jopar, but you look as if you have s grest deal of inflammation in your body, like most people who tend to follow your diet.
Thats the trsgedy of it sll.
When you next have swede, why not mix a little carrot in with it too, its very tasty.