Monday 26 September 2011

Guilty as charged ?

For over three years, I have posted thousands of posts on forums promoting a lowcarb lifestyle for diabetics. I cannot see any other way to safely control type two diabetes. The list of type two diabetes medications is long, but the list of banned and failed type two diabetes medications, is also long.

For over three years I have asked this question. From Doctors to Dietitions, from the newly diagnosed to experienced long term diabetics. How do I control and obtain non diabetic BG numbers with nil/minimal meds, other than lowcarb ? Never have I received a satisfactory answer. In fact, I have never ever received any answer !

This I can understand, because there is no answer. Low GI, portion size control, cuts no ice with me, starvation is not my idea of fun. I eat meals that satisfy, I never feel hungry, and trust me, I am not going short of the right nutrients. A typical working day can be 12 hours, I am 61 years of age, with no lack of energy etc.

Big pharma has brainwashed many Doctors into believing their meds are the answer. But as we have seen, many of the type two wonder drugs are killers ! None of these wonder drugs can reduce HbA1c, anywhere near as effectively as a lowcarb diet and exercise ! And that’s a fact.

So sure that I am right, I will donate £1000 to your chosen charity, if you can tell me how I can get back to the diet I used before type two diabetes. I.E, meals based on pasta, rice, potatoes, and bread. A safe bet, because eating these foods, in reasonable quantities, and holding non diabetic BG numbers, for me and many others, is a total and utter impossibility.

Prove me wrong and win the bet.


  1. Do it the same way as all the others - pump yourself full of insulin (before telling T2s that they can follow the same diet without the meds).


  2. I guess a lot of us are 'guilty as charged'.

    Low carb is the only way for me.



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