Monday, 19 September 2011

Our youngest low carber doing very well !


  1. Looks a very happy and healthy "low carber" to me !

    Oh what it is to be young !


  2. Reminds me of my young grandson who simply adores Ben 10. I can remember Thunderbirds and way back Tintin.

    Age is a wonderful thing, well sometimes.

    Great picture thanks for sharing it with us.

    From a low carb fan.

  3. Thanks for your kind words, as you would expect we are besotted with him. He's the best salesman in the world - we struggle to say NO to him.


  4. A picture that brings a smile to ones face.

    I too can remember Tintin but I also remember one Christmas having to hunt high and low for a 'Tracey Island' from Thunderbirds series, it was nigh impossible to get hold of, eventually relations that lived quite a way from us managed to track one down. Hence we had excited son on Christmas morning.

    Those were the memories eh.


  5. It's amazing how quickly they grow up, my grandkids are now 6 8 and 9 years old ,when I babysit instead of sponge bob square pants or shrek I'm now subjected to Hanna Montana videos. Though one of the girls since going on a school trip to Liverpool has taken an interest in the Beatles!!!


  6. Great little picture, he looks a great little character.

    Again a picture of health and happiness.


  7. "When I grow up I'm going to be a pilot."

    Aah you have lovely looking grandchildren rhis little one and the other two, just lovely pictures. You are good to share with us.

    Now I must get on, suddenly thought this is my third comment today.

    Mary P

  8. What a lovely picture, treasure every moment.

  9. We love our grandchildren beyond words, and treasure every moment with them.



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