Sunday, 23 October 2011

Edition 1

They say a week can be a long time in politics, it appears 48 hours can be a long time in the world of diabetes forums.

Saturday on

From Albert

“Here's a link a good friend of mine gave me to a cracking new website for those newly diagnosed diabetic's. It's worth a look as it is packed with helpful information.” Complete with a link to Kenny boys new forum of fun.


From Albert

"Please can somebody tell me if this rule has changed?

A link to another forum for diabetics which I posted in this thread 'Other forums and Blogs' has been edited by Josie38 (moderator) as being advertising??? It has been removed?

This thread was specially set up for that reason, so that people could post clickable links to 'Other forums and blogs'. I would have thought the clue was in the title! Links according to Admin are allowed in this section?

I would just like to know what is going on. If my link has to be removed then surely every other one in this thread should be as well. They are all advertising. Why am I being discriminated against?

I would be grateful if somebody, Administrator or mod could clarify what is going on here?"

Only the grey matter deficient, did not realise, Albert was a creation of the arch Troll Ken. Did Ken really think were going to give free advertising to a guy that caused so much grief ? If so, Ken is barmier than I thought, and believe me, I never figured Ken to be very high up in the food chain.
I won’t go so far as to say I missed Kenny’s short absence, but he did bring a sense of macabre entertainment to the diabetes world. I am sure more slapstick will follow. Is it me, or does the Panto season start earlier every year ? Probably an age thing.


Nice to see Albert has put on some weight.


 Keeping Kenny boy and the misinformation mob on the straight and narrow.


  1. Psst, has anyone else noticed Albert hasn't been daft enough to join Ken's kingdom?......................................................................... Bet it wont be long before he joins now lol lol

  2. How could Albert join Kens Kingdom? It's a kingdom for Kens, not Alberts.

  3. Even Ken, hasn’t got the brass necked gall to appoint Albert aka Ken to the new forum of faluire. Albert has served his purpose, i.e massaging Kenny’s ego, and linking to Kens Kingdom. Watch how the link to Kens Kingdom gets bumped over at as it disappears from the front page, as it was yesterday. If Kenny and Sue’s thousand calorie a day nonsense is going to be a regular feature, they will help no one. Let’s not forget, the thousand calorie a day that they were pushing, was because they were both trying to lose weight, after a combined 15 years of type two diabetes !!!

    They are clueless as is Bonkers and Nobhead aka Top Cat.


  4. Now that's what I call a forum - Low Fat, Low Carb the only thing high is the twat content!

    By the way, I got banned from for saying that some of the mods couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time. It seems these valiant souls have joined Ken (AKA Gadaffi 2) in his new venture! I rest my case.


  5. Ray

    Kenny “I only wanted to help people” boy is a fraud. As you say, some of the mods are grovelling to him at the new forum. He taints almost all he touches, but not all ! The black ops department has a ton of stuff on Kenny. If Kenny can offer a good service to diabetics he can redeem himself, some how, I kinda doubt this will happen. Time will tell.


  6. By Sid Bonkers

    "I think you should fully acquaint yourself with all the facts before you start libelling people carbdodger"

    As far as I can see carbdodger was aquainted with the facts, Ken was removed from the mods team because of his banning of Dr Jay, using the word libel is a joke.


  7. I see bonkers post has now been deleted, can't wait for his response should be fun. He should count himself lucky though under the despot's regime he would have been banned for daring to question Kennys rules.

  8. Kens ' Kingdom will give the makers of gluco tabs a boost, it won't be long before he has T2s running about like headless chickens at the sight of a 4.0 mmol/L on their meters.

  9. WOW sid ...
    "You are wonderful ... xxx
    Always have liked you, you're a gent !!!
    I will follow you're instructions precisely...
    Will be chuffed to bits if sucessful .

    Pass the sick bag. They will be making babies next LOL

    Loving it, Eddie

  10. I like to think of K'ens kingdom like a very fat turkey buzzard. It has wings, so it should theoretically be able to get off the ground. But it never will.

  11. Well although I admire peolple who go out and try to do some good I do question the reasoning behind this new forum. It looks to me to be a club for thr clique.

  12. Kens k'ingdom is like an adventure playground where Ken's ego can run riot and do stuff it can't get away with in real life.

    That's the only reason it exists.

  13. Kens Kingdom is on a life support system within the first few days. I see rigor mortis setting in soon. Maybe burial in a secret desert location at dawn is the answer. What he needs is a couple of live wires, who know a bit about controlling diabetes with a sensible diet, minimal/no meds and a good exercise regime, then he could ban them once the forum got up and running.


  14. Dare ye clamber aboard Ke'ns ghost ship? No arguing wid teh capt'n, else ye be a walkin' the low-calorie plank, me hearties!


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