Monday, 10 October 2011

Cugila, gone but not forgotten, or has he returned ?

No one other than a traveller from Mars, or a deaf, dumb, blind, mute, will have forgotten old Cugila aka Kenny boy, the disgraced and fired chief exectioner forum moderator and leader of the Ku Klux Klique. His antics were legendary, from rabid outbursts at anyone that questioned his self appointed God like powers, to swiftly banning members that had the temerity to question his ludicrous dietary claims. From long term successful diabetics, to Doctors and diabetes experts, all were treated equally, i.e abysmally. Posts altered or deleted, threads locked and banning was the norm. King Canute could do no wrong in the eyes of the clique. How dare they question the authority of the font of all knowledge and his small band of fulltime lowcarb antis.

The lunacy reached new heights, when Ken and his long term Moll Sue, another fired mod, done their best to convince the world, that a 1000 calories a day was sustainable once weight loss had been achieved and stabilised. A well know Doctor and diabetes expert, himself a diet controlled type two diabetic, questioned Kenny on his unique low carb, low fat, low calorie diet. The result was highly predictable for anyone following at the time, the member was swiftly banned. As was the usual modus operandi from the grovelling clique, Kenny was hailed as a hero and the font of all knowledge. But not for long.

Kenny had finally cooked his own goose, high fat low carb ironically. Kenny boy and the moll were fired from the mods jobs, they done their best to hang onto the power, like a couple of deposed third world Dictators. First rubbishing the new mods and admin, then bleating for support from the toadying, petrified, and leaderless clique. It was not a bloodless coup, but the good guys had won back the forum, and quickly returned to the good days before the Junta’s takeover.

Albert aka Kenny boy, assisted by his long term bag carrier, Sid Bonkers aka the village idiot is pushing the very lowcarb, very low fat, very low calorie diet once again. No-one with more than six functioning brain cells fell for it last time, and it’s falling on deaf ears once again.

To be continued.


  1. “You still haven't told us what you eat, Albert. Being overweight and limited in what exercise I can do, I'm interested. How about posting a typical day's menus?”

    A comment from a regular. Be prepared to wait until hell freezes over. Albert/Ken and his chums are full of s**t.

  2. A quote from the aptly named Sid Bonkers

    " I dont avoid fat but I certainly don't think it is a good idea to increase it especially saturated fats which have been "proven", regardless of what you think, to contribute to cardio vascular disease."

    So come Sid enlighten us just what are these studies that prove the link between saturated fat and CVD, even your leading spokesperson on Type 2 Phoenix can only mangage a mouse study.

    Conclusive proof? as presented by phoenix on her blog.

    Not expecting a response!



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The best of health to you and yours.
