“Old Dogma: People with type 2 diabetes should follow a low carbohydrate diet.”
“New Reality: Nutrition recommendations for people with type 2 diabetes from the American Diabetes Association and other health authorities echo the recently unveiled U.S. 2010 Dietary Guidelines (1/31/11) for carbohydrate about 45 to 65 percent of calories. (Americans currently eat about 45 to 50 percent of calories as carbohydrate--not a "high carb" intake.)”
“Countless research studies do not show long term (greater than six months to a year) benefit of low carb diets on blood glucose, weight control, or blood fats.”
“Let's encourage people with diabetes to eat healthfully, control their ABCs, use the blood glucose lowering medications they need to stay healthy over the years."
Scroll down the page from the link and all becomes crystal clear. PRESENT Diabetes is brought to you by the generous contributions of the following companies.
About Hope Warshaw…I can think of a few scenarios.
ReplyDelete1) As Upton Sinclair, author, so aptly commented, “it’s difficult for a person to understand something when their very salary depends on them NOT understanding it
2) She’s a Liar.
3) As others said, she’s a “front”, for the American Diabetes Ass. (sic) in order to insure an ever increasing population dependant of the services offered, and my guess is that the ADA is a “Front” for big Pharma, and possibly even the AMA. (Brilliant marketing move).
5)The American Dietetic Ass.(sic) gives out certifications when you send five box tops to them (from Kellogs or General Mills cereals) along with a $100.00 registration fee.
6) She’s an idiot.
You choose the best fitting scenario!
For the good of your health I think it best to stay well clear of this woman, and others of similar ilk. In todays world you must be careful, do your research (if you can, ask family or friends for help if you can't)never be afraid to ask questions, this can sometimes be hard as not all health care professionals are approachable. Just be true to yourself, again this can be hard as we often hide the truth from ourselves. Keep reading articles and blogs like this the knowledge is out there just keep on looking.