“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Joseph Goebbels
Avandia is safe, saturated fat is bad for your health, basing your meals on starchy carbohydrates is healthy for diabetics, diabetes is always progressive, people can’t stick to a lowcarb diet, low carbing will bring about scurvy and osteoporosis, a calorie is a just a calorie, high protein will damage healthy kidneys, multinational food companies care about kids health, food companies do not target infants with high sugar/starch products, food packaging nutritional information can be trusted, Dr. Robert Atkins died of a heart attack, Statins are safe, lowering total cholesterol will improve cardio outcomes, we can trust big pharma, sugar does not cause a whole host of health problems, BG testing for type two’s is a waste of time, all type two diabetics are fat, lazy and brought it on themselves, the NHS is making progress in the fight against reducing blood glucose numbers and diabetic complications, that relaxing HbA1c control will bring about improvement in outcomes for diabetics.
The list of lies is long ! The spirit of Goebbels lives on.
Big Pharma and multinational food companies, giant vampire squids, wrapped around the face of humanity.
Not wishing to add to the list; because lord knows we have enough to deal with, but does anyone have any views on amalgam fillings? My mouth is full of them (from when I was a child) and I have just discovered, that 50% of those fillings are made up of mercury.
ReplyDeleteMercury is currently residing at No. 2 in the charts for 'Most Toxic Material Known to Man' just behind Cliff Richard. Or Plutonium; I forget which.
Yet apparently it's fine to have that stuff in my mouth close to my brain being ground at all day when I eat...
Perfectly safe say the dentists. But what if I took all those fillings out and threw them in a lake? Well, then we'd have to shut the lake down as a health hazard to wildlife; so best keep them in your mouth.
Has the alien invasion actually happened and we are now all being slowly eliminated by a variety of slightly oblique means because they couldn't get the death rays to work?
Just a thought...
Ok, so had a look at this; there are dentists who will go through very particular removal processes to take out amalgam fillings with costs quite easily hitting the £1,000+ mark.
ReplyDeleteGood business? Possibly.
Here is a summary from 2003 of studies into the safety or otherwise of amalgam - this pretty much says they are fine.
I'm still slightly worried about it though. Any thoughts..?
Hi Dillinger
ReplyDeleteI wouldn’t worry about mercury in dental fillings. There is so much mercury in fish these days they can be used as a thermometer LOL.
Air, water, land, food and just about everything else has been poisoned. Do what you can for your kids, but we are all doomed mate. Diabetes will soon be the least of our worries. Start storing lowcarb tinned food, not to much fish ! The tins expand in hot weather.