Monday 10 October 2011

"You still haven't told us what you eat, Albert."

“You still haven't told us what you eat, Albert. Being overweight and limited in what exercise I can do, I'm interested. How about posting a typical day's menus?”

Straight to the point. Let's see if Albert responds. My money is on, not a chance.

Like the carb addicted, morbidly obese, and 'orribilstat' addicted Carbo, we will never receive a straight answer.



  1. He has bulls**t for breakfast, bulls**t for lunch, and leftover bol**cks for his tea.

  2. So Albert has below 270 cals from fat 240 cals from carbs that leaves him a 1000 cals short of the du toit diet, which must come from protein. As Kenbert must getting through about 250g of protein daily perhaps he shouuld take note of the following, mind you after several years following the same diet the damage may already be done

    How much protein should I eat?

    "Our bodies use protein to help develop our muscles, but if you eat more protein than your body uses, it gets stored as fat. Very high-protein diets also carry serious health risks, such as kidney damage.

    In the UK, on average, we eat more than the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of protein, with men getting 88g a day and women 64g a day. The RDA is 55.5g for men aged 19-50 and 53.3g for men aged over 50. For women the RDA is 45g for those aged 19-50 and 46.5g for over-50s."


  3. Now, there I was thinking that the "die-hard" low carb was a protein/kidney damage denier! Isn't Eddie on record saying "We are also aware that the consumption of protein, poses no risk to a person with normal kidney function"?

    11 October 2011 07:41

  4. I'm a lowcarber and I would not think I exceed 100g of protein, fat is the mainstay of my diet and is by far the biggest source of my daily calories.


  5. Could it be..........

    "They got him on milk and alcohol"

    With apologies to the Dr Feelgood band


  6. Rather than just tell us what he had for breakfast, lunch and tea today, Albert has decided to buy himself some time. He will, of course, be using this time wisely. It will be chiefly spent finding an as yet undiscovered source of calories.

    Albert is undeterred by fact that this alternative source of calories appears to have successfully evaded the attention of even the very finest scientific minds.

    However, if all else fails, Albert remains positive that someone will hear his pleas and PM him some kind of diet plan worth posting ASAP.

  7. So he/she/it has posted a typical day...

    Poached Egg..........5g fat, Nil carbs, 73cals
    1 rasher dry fried lean back bacon.......5g fat, 0.5g carbs, 76 cals

    1 plum.............0g fat, 4.3g carbs, 32 cals
    1/2 can pineapple slices..........0g fat, 7g carbs, 28cals

    Evening meal
    Red salmon.........8.2g fat, 0.1g carbs, 156cals
    Lettuce.........0.3g fat, 1.8g carbs, 13 cals
    Cucumber.....0.1g fat, 1.5g carbs, 10cals
    Beetroot.......0g fat, 3.5g cartbs, 19cals
    Cherry toms.......0.3g fat, 3.1g carbs, 18cals


    Assuming his numbers are correct (although how in the heck can anyone be that precise???) I put this in a spreadsheet see a grand total of 425 calories in that day's diet: 167.4 calories from fat (at 9 calories per gram), 87.2 calories from carbs (at 4 calories per gram), and (a calculated) 170.4 calories from protein (at 4 calories per gram). Surely that puts him at less than the 600 calorie slimfast shake diet? That certainly stretches my credulity beyond the limits

  8. "Now, there I was thinking that the "die-hard" low carb was a protein/kidney damage denier!"

    Your thinking right pal, the link was directed at Kenbert who was always quoting national GDA guidelines on the forum, so therefore it would be right to assume that he would adhere to them.


  9. Albert

    "I know, some people seem to have too much time on their hands! I have been sent a link to a site where some have questioned how I can survive on 425cals per day? As I have never said that is what I do I wonder what planet they are on? I posted just one days meals out of 365 days, often I eat around a 1000 calories a day, sometimes a bit more, but all within the limit low carbs and fat that I set myself. It's quite easy to do really if you read the labels carefully and keep the portion sizes down."

    By the end of the week, he will be telling us, SOME days he eats 2000calories a day.


  10. Here is a link to the numbers in a spreadsheet. It has been extrapolated to allow for up 1,000, 1,500 or 2,000 calories a day; to see how the stated low carb + low fat play out in terms of protein grams per day.

  11. Alberts reminds me so much of cugila who one week can't handle bread, and the next he was telling us about enjoying a couple of slices of crusty white!


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The best of health to you and yours.
