Sunday, 6 November 2011

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter Carbo’s blog"

Carbo aka Tubolard really scraped through the bottom of the barrel on his cesspit blog last night when he posted this from an anonymous person.

Anonymous said...
“Keep on complaining to Google, they will listen eventually.
Meanwhile WHO is really interested in what doughboy and friends are saying? How many more videos of Dr Jay and what not else, WHO is interested in doughboys musical preferences or his family, cute as his grandkids may be?
Comes up with startling headlines, then you realise its old bunkum all over again, pretty boring if you ask me and I am a committed low carber. I agree with above poster, Eddies food looks nothing short of revolting.
Thanking the many thousands of people who visit his site? Balls to that, people who have initially supported him have left in droves, I cant see many falling over themselves wishing to join the idiot doughboy and his cronies.
Reducing your carbs to achieve good bs levels is one thing, but low carb does not cure cancer, heart disease, etc, - or hang on, why is Eddie down with a hear condition? Graham sock puppet down with sodium imbalance due to BP medication or John Wilson freaking over suspected prostrate cancer. Arent those people safe and secure in their knowledge and safety of the low carbing they do?
If their extreme low carb waa as effective as they like you to believe then why does doughboy suffer heart disease? Why the need for BP meds?”

Some time after the above comment was posted, I received a telephone call asking had I seen the post. I had not, but going on to the cess pit, I immediately recognised the post was the handy work of our ex friend and ex team member Karen. The team distanced itself from Karen, some time ago, when some very worrying, and disturbing information came our way. Karen was not the hugs, kisses and cuddly person she appears to be on various forums and blogs.

I telephoned Karen and stated I believed she was the anonymous poster. She did not want to talk to me and hung up. After reflecting on the situation, I called her back and again a short call, but long enough to bait a trap. Would she be stupid enough to go back on Carbo’s cess pit and post a denial. She fell for the ploy hook line and sinker, and posted this.

“Oh deary me, Carbophile how could you publish the above post? Congratulations to the poster, ROTFL, it upset Eddie, the doughboy something big time.
The little, ugly twerp just phoned to give me a telling off or something, I told him I want nothing to do with him. He rang back, yelling that he is going to publiah my full name and address and my marriage certificate on his website tomorrow.
That will be very interesting, most likely my emp0loyees details whose address we have had packages sent to as we are out most of the day or out of the country.
Poor Eddie and Co, this has truly rattled his cage, only 3 people apparently knew about John'a suspected cancer then did they? Yeah right, Eddie the doughboy haa forgotten how many emails he sent out to multiple recipients then.
Karen aka chocfish”

“Carbo then posted this.

"There are some serious allegations being made in the comments on this thread. We don't want to enter the realm of libel, so we're going to close this thread to comments.

In the meantime we wish JW all the best, and hope his fears are unfounded.
Regards, Carbo and Carbs United”

Now, there is no love lost between me and Carbo, but I have never considered him less than bright. Surely, if Carbo thought he had a potential libel case on his hands, why did he allow the posts to stand ? Why did he allow the posts to pass moderation ? Why did he not delete the possibly libellous posts and save himself possible trouble ? Why are the posts still on the blog around twenty-fours later ? Could it be Carbo is as bright and wily as me ? Could it be, Carbo, like any other straight thinking person, realised the first post was from Karen, and left her hanging out to dry in the wind.

Cheers Carbo, I owe you a drink, lowcarb of course.

What a strange world this interweb is eh, who would have ever thought, I would be thanking you !



  1. eddie - why are the nasty libelous posts still on your blog - double standards I think - dare you to post this !

  2. Yes we do circulate e-mails to multiple recipients, but Johns prostrate problem was never mentioned in “ANY” of them. The fact is the only people privy to the information outside of Johns family was me, Eddie and of course Karen who was informed in a phone call by Eddie. Now we have never mentioned it to anyone else, there's only one person who would have posted that on your blog tub's and your welcome to her just watch your back!!!

    P.s Thanks for your concern tub's but the good news is that John's test turned out to be a false positive and he has now been given the all clear and is still enjoying a healthy lowcarb life.


  3. If you live your life on the web then information will get out! Personally I think you are all posting too much about yourselves , except Graham then he may not be a real person -just a thought!

  4. "eddie - why are the nasty libelous posts still on your blog - double standards I think - dare you to post this !"

    I think you have missed the point.The posts are not libelous, or Carbo would have deleted them

    Carbo wanted to high-light the buffoon Karoon.


  5. eddie - I am talking about your blog not carbo !!! AHHHHH!!!!

  6. "except Graham then he may not be a real person -just a thought!"

    I'm real thing is are you, as you choose to post anonymously you could be male/female/other or this is just a thought! your a puppet if so who's pulling your strings?

  7. "eddie - why are the nasty libelous posts still on your blog - double standards I think - dare you to post this !"

    Eddie posted your comment now I double dare you to give us your forum username.

    P.s will reply to your last e-mail soon.

  8. Hi Graham I see our old friend has left her signature on the emails and blogs comments !


  9. "Hi Graham I see our old friend has left her signature on the emails and blogs comments !"

    Must be deluded if she thinks were not on to her, she stands out like a porcupine in a nudist camp.

  10. Karen

    A liar easy to see.



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