Thursday, 24 November 2011

Obesity kills over 30,000 a year !

More than 30,000 lives are being lost each year because of weight-related diseases, warned Health Secretary John Reid.

Highlighting the appalling death toll from Britain's worsening obesity crisis, he said the problem was affecting children as young as 13.

"Obesity levels are rising at an alarming rate," said Dr Reid as he launched a national consultation on public health.

The cost of obesity to the Health Service is estimated to be £500million a year.

"Most alarmingly, over a third of children are overweight or obese and there are increases in cases of Type II diabetes in children."


  1. Obesity, heart related disease, diabetes and many more I'm sure are going higher and higher and why is this?

    Well for me reading the many articles that are out there part of the cause must be diet, closely followed by lack of exercise.

    Its a sign I'm getting older but when you look back surely the food we used to eat which was of a more natural type (even home grown for me) and not full of all the preservatives, sugar and processed 'muck or goo' was much healthier for everyone.

    Exercise .. well we walked to school, played in the park, played ball games with our parents. I'm sorry but today's kids are very often driven to school by car or perhaps older children have to get the bus or school coach. After school they go home to computer games, not a lot of exercise there. Also because of tight times very often both parents work so there is little time for ball games in the park or a family outing to enjoy a healthy picnic, a walk, ball games on the common. In fact even open spaces are disappearing .. and this is called progress?

    Even at school exercise is being hit with time on the curriculum becoming tighter for PE/Games related exercise. If it wasn't for the like of PE teachers giving up their time to run lunch time or after school football, netball, fitness clubs our young children/adults would be even less fit than now.

    In the coming Olympics Year I believe I am correct in saying that the funding for sports co-ordinators at primary and secondary schools have been cut so even less exercise related activities are on offer.

    Surely we owe it to ourselves but more importantly the younger generation to do our utmost to push the message on the correct diet and exercise.

    What do you think?


  2. I couldn't agree more on your last paragraph Anne we do owe it to everyone and most importantly the younger generation to do our utmost to push the message on the correct diet and exercise.
    Its blogs and articles like this one that have helped me and my family to a healthier lifestyle.

  3. I think the comments do reveal they are from us 'of a certain age' no bad thing but continuing with family fun things to do I do wonder how many families with young children were out and about over the weekend enjoying their time together getting exercise and fresh air - then returning to a wholesome healthy meal?


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