Friday, 16 December 2011

More Lowcarb good news.


I found your site quite by chance when I googled 'Lowish Carb in the UK' or
something like that. I'm not a diabetic, but I was very impressed by your site
and your blog. I loved the recipes and have tried a few already!

I've been playing around with low carb eating off and on for a couple of years,
but could never really get into it, because I was trying to be too perfect! I've
decided to take a slightly more laid back approach, and love the fact that I can
have cake/bread type substitutes like your low carb cake or one of the almond
sponges with cream and berries.

I've only been eating the way you recommend since Monday, but feel tons better
already! I don't get hungry either. Amazing! I'm eating more than I was on a low
fat Weightwatchers type eating plan and don't feel irritable or down. In fact, I
feel much happier generally. I've also lost about 4lbs since Monday (and it's
only Thursday!).

I was wondering if there was any way of contacting others who follow your plan
via a Forum or similar? It would be great to be in touch with others who are
eating this way.

I know the Christmas period will be a real challenge, as I'm off to stay with my
aunt for a few days on Monday. I plan to eat as low carb as possible and will
take the low carb cake with me!

Many thanks again for your wonderful site, blog and recipes.

Wishing you health and happiness,

E mail address, name and tel. no. supplied.


1 comment:

  1. Well done to you and please do your best to keep up the 'low carb lifestyle'. I am diabetic but other members of my family are not. However, the non diabetic adults do now follow a much lower carb/sugar intake and they do feel so much healthier for it. Just keep your eye on articles, recipes etc associated with this blog, I'm sure you will find many helpful articles, news and tips. If you are not sure about anything just ask. This can be done via the website or if associated to an article just ask away - someone will be only too pleased to help.



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The best of health to you and yours.
