Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Get me on the payroll !

Eat pasta, bread, spuds, cereals, baked products, morning, noon and night. Shovel down the meds.!
To big pharma and junk food firms. When do I get my cheque ?



  1. Poor Edie, no replies, not even one........seems like your audiences are getting smaller and smaller.

    Emporer of the low carbers.......ROLFHO.

    Just wrap a white sheet around your shoulders and change your name to Edius Julius Ceasar because it looks very much like you've suffered the same fate as him judging by the number of "friends" who have abandoned you and are now stabbing you in the back all over the Internet.

    You had it coming to you for a long time Edie, I think we can now claim that Edie's Empire is dead and buried.

    Emporer Edie is dead, long live the Clown of the Internet Edie.

    An "Old Friend" ;-)

  2. Hello my dear “Old Friend”

    I see I am still exciting you, how that thrills me. At my age, I thought my days of exciting women, was long gone. I posted your last comment, as it was so much shorter, than your usual communiqué. My time is limited, you understand.

    May I say, I’m a bit disappointed. I have come to expect, a far higher standard of verbal flagellation from you. Your recent chastisement, is leaving me somewhat limp. Please try harder, to return the excitement, I lovingly give to you.

    Your obedient servant.


  3. Hi Eddie

    As Monty said more than once no pain no gain.

    Keep up the good work.


  4. Here we go again another of the "gutless anonymice", perhaps I should rephrase that, it's quite possible that he/she/other has a big gut to go along with the expansive mouth! so shall we just say cowardly wimp.

    What have you got to hide are you terrified I'll show you up for what you really are? you know I can don't you.

    Audiences getting smaller no quite the opposite we are getting even more hits and they are from all parts of the world. Tubs has even devoted his blog to us, lets face he's nothing to offer of value to diabetics so we give him and his sheeple somthing to focus on, and of course it goes to show we are targetting all the right idiots.

  5. Graham

    The "gutless anonymice", keep me going ! I would have called it a day years ago, but for Kenny boy, Ally the crazy dietishun (sic) and the likes of Jopar and Karen, I love you all chocfish xxx.


  6. PS

    I nearly forgot, my old mate Tubolard aka carbopile.



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