Monday, 30 January 2012

Is Bob Krause the longest living Insulin dependent diabetic in the World ?

"When Bob Krause turned 90 last week, it was by virtue of an unflagging determination and a mentality of precision that kept his body humming after being diagnosed with diabetes as a boy.

A leading diabetes research center named the San Diego resident the first American known to live 85 years with the disease, a life that has paralleled – and benefited from – the evolution in treatment.

Krause was lucky to be diagnosed with diabetes not long after the commercial production of insulin made it widely available. It was 1926, and he was 5 years old and living in Detroit where his father worked for the U.S. Rubber Co."

For breakfast every day, he eats a bowl of nuts and five pitted prunes. He usually skips lunch and eats a salad with some lean meat for dinner.

So Bob is a lowcarber, surprised ? I'm not.



  1. Is his breakfast of nuts and prunes really all that low in carbohydrates? Or is his longevity due more to his low-calorie diet?

  2. There are many nuts that are lowcarb, and 5 pitted prunes, does not sound like a high carb blowout to me. Lean meat and salad for dinner. We see diabetics, that consume more carbs than Bobs daily total, for a between meal snack.

    His longevity is down low carb, low calorie,and very strict self discipline I reckon. Plus what we all need, a little bit of luck.



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