Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Lowcarb alive and doing very well at !

Checking it’s good to see lowcarbing doing very well. As has always been the case, it’s lowcarbers who are posting most of the good news. From weight loss and drastically reduced BG numbers from type two’s, to reduced medication and much tighter and more predictable control from type one’s. As usual, and the case for close on four years, the success stories from non lowcarbers, are about as thin as an anorexic whippet. I predicted some time ago Benedict would turn a once great forum around, and lowcarbing would get back to the glory days before Ken got his hand on the tiller. He has done a great job.

Ken as you probably know, is entrenched in his self made rubber Ramada of a forum and all is very calm. Let’s face it, you can’t ban, thread lock, delete posts etc etc. if no one posts, and Kens place is so hushed, it makes Trappist monks look like a bunch of acid house ravers. A few of old Kenny boys clique still try to rock the boat now and again, but as we saw yesterday, Cherub was politely shown the door. The days when the clique could posse up, and railroad people off the forum are long gone, why doesn’t Kens crew spend more time getting the rubber Ramada off the ground ? Answers on a post card please.

If you have been successful, in controlling your weight and diabetes with lowcarbing, and are not a member, or you are an ex. member, why not join/re-join Tell people about your success and how it was achieved, spread the word. You know it makes sense, why fight it ?


  1. There are some non lowcarbers active on the "Any Non low carbers here" thread at you want to see some of the stuff their eating!!!!!

  2. Sarcastic Sid is at it again in a rant at a newbie about Newcastle Study type diets.

    Part of his actual quote was:

    "I'm just getting bored with this now"

    If your getting bored Sid butt out and let them get on with it. They are obviously not interested in what you have to say and who can blame them.

  3. This is what Sid Bonkers said,

    "Sorry to sound so harsh, I am just sick of all the Newcastle Study type diets, I have no doubt they work as I have tried one in the past but they do not last and they will not cure diabetes."

    Personally I don't care if the diet works or not. But for Sid to use his experience of the diet to state they don't work and conclude the same will apply to everyone else is ridiculous.


  4. Bonkers by name and Bonkers by nature. One of old Kenny boys misfits.

    Please forgive him, his back must be playing up this week. Eddie

  5. See my old mate phoenix is offering advice to a T2, which is fair enough seeing the lady was asking about the GI diet albeit in the Low carb forum.

    My main concern is that the OP is not aware of phoenix's credentials. A 1.5 insulin dependant who supports Hope Warshaw's diet for T2s. For those not in the know this consists of 45 to 60% carbs and low fat of course. In other words a fast track to diabetic progression and medications.

    I can only wish the OP luck with her foray into the GI index minefield.



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The best of health to you and yours.
