Wednesday 8 February 2012

Anecdotally Speaking

By means of low carbing all the team members of this blog have, for nearly 4 years, successfully maintained excellent blood glucose control, lost weight and maintained the loss and, without statins, achieved excellent lipid profiles. Detractors, of course, take a delight in emphasising that this is anecdotal. Yes it is, but the team members are quite happy to reference the many diabetes sites were similar results are posted. Given that it is extremely unlikely that Big Pharma will ever undertake meaningful trials for low carbing, the following results from a survey conducted by the ‘Active Low-Carber Forums’ [this is not a diabetic forum , hence no HbA1c results] may be of some interest.

52.09 % had HDL increased [935 people answered]
60.71 % had LDL decreased [929 people answered]
71.25 % had Triglycerides decreased [935 people answered]

67.95 % were able to maintain at least 30 lbs. of the weight lost for a year or more [1869 people answered]

78.18 % had feeling of hunger improved [2300 people answered]
85.33 % had energy improved [2304 people answered]

Still anecdotal and with all the usual caveats regarding opinion polls but it does give room for thought.


“Anecdotal Evidence”
‘An engineer, a physicist and a mathematician find themselves in an anecdote, indeed an anecdote quite similar to many that you have no doubt already heard. After some observations and rough calculations the engineer realizes the situation and starts laughing. A few minutes later the physicist understands too and chuckles to himself happily, as he now has enough experimental evidence to publish a paper. This leaves the mathematician somewhat perplexed, as he had observed right away that he was the subject of an anecdote, and deduced quite rapidly the presence of humour from similar anecdotes, but considers this anecdote to be too trivial a corollary to be significant, let alone funny’.

I have forgotten where I found this, so no reference possible.


  1. Yes very anecdotal - you have no way of proving if any of them were telling the truth!

  2. Anecdotal maybe but they reflect the same results posted by many diabetic lowcarbers on various forums throughout the world.


  3. Yes anecdotal. But I will tell you what is not anecdotal. The appalling NHS statistics. The medics and dietitions are getting nowhere, and that’s a rock solid fact.


  4. "Yes very anecdotal - you have no way of proving if any of them were telling the truth!"

    Just what the dietician used to tell us on DCUK, then proceeded to give us anecdotal evidence about his patients lol!

    At least diabetic Lowcarbers post their lipd profiles that can't be said for the low fat dieters all we get is total cholesterol from the many on statins.

    In fact lipid profiles from low fat dieters are as rare as rocking horse number two's.


  5. Eddie and mate - if low carving is that good why are you still taking medication such as metformin etc - can you explain that or will this post be ignored ?

  6. As a type two diabetic my insulin output is impaired. Two 500mg metformin pills allow me to eat up to 50 grams of carb per day and hold non diabetic BG numbers. Without the Met I have to drop to 30 carbs per day. 20 grams extra may not seem much to you, but it enables me to eat a very wide range of foods. Met also has proven heart benefits. Met has been used safely by millions for a long time and is very cost effective.

    Why are you against low carbing ? Are you a drug salesman ? Are you a healthcare professional ? Are you a complete idiot ? Please let me know. “or will this post be ignored ?”


  7. Why do you want to know who I am - it does'nt matter.You need to recognise that low carbing is not for everyone. Worry about yourselves - others will look after themselves

  8. "Eddie and mate - if low carving is that good why are you still taking medication such as metformin etc - can you explain that or will this post be ignored ?"

    Me I'm almost four years on from diagnosis, I take one metformin with a bit of supper before bed, and that's all I take. Not bad for a skinny T2 on a high calorie diet now is it.

    Perhaps you could explain just were I'm going wrong? and maybe you could point me in the right direction.


  9. "Why do you want to know who I am"

    I never asked who you are. I asked what you are. Thank you for confirming option three.

    "Worry about yourselves - others will look after themselves"

    Ah but they don't, that is why we have the million plus diabetics, who are at high risk of complications, due to idiot dietitions and medics.



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The best of health to you and yours.
