Friday, 3 February 2012

The toast man.

Carbo and his weapons grade bread discovered.


Please take the picture I took of a loaf of bread off your blog. You have not asked permission to use my photograph. As a professional photographer yourself I would have expected you to understand the basic courtesies of using other people's work.

If you have not taken the photo off your blog within 24 hours I will have no option other than to complain to Google about your misappropriation of my work.

Regards, Tubs.

Who owns this rucksack !

While other brave souls are posting photographs of themselves on the thread 'do you imagine what other forum members look like'  over at, this individual posts the photograph below. Who is this person ? Is it a spammer selling rucksacks, no. It’s a regular poster known as the “slippery one” A low carb anti, and disciple of the American Dietition, No Hope Warshaw. A regular at the mind confusing blog, Carb Sane Asylum, a blog set up to rubbish certain people. Carbsane is a person who is besotted with Jimmy Moore and Gary Taubes, and demonstrates the very thin line between love and hate.So who owns this rucksack ? That’s all the clues you are going to get. The first three correct entries, will be put into the grand draw, and will get the chance to compete, in our forthcoming competition. What’s in that Rucksack ? We know, and it is not for the faint hearted, or lowcarb diabetic !

"Though it is but a family snapshot I still retain the copyright of the photo published on this page, and have not given you permission to publish it. Please remove it or I will report it to google.typeonepointfive aka phoenix at

ps you should try some distance walking someday, you would be surprised at how much it improves your insulin sensitivity."

My reply to the Carbo “riposte”

Oh no Carbo, your ham fisted riposte just won’t do, I had expected so much more from you. Do you think you can dissect me with your fly blown blog. You know what you look like to me Carbo, with your bag of do-nuts and packets of hobnobs? You look obese, overweight, and a high carb low fat failure. Good nutrition’s given you some length of bone, but too many carbs have lead to your downfall. You’re not more than one Jammie Dodger from your next hyper, are you, Carbo.

Carbo, that accent you've tried so desperately to shed, pure West Brom. You know how quickly the tuck shop found you, all those tedious sticky fumblings at the back of the class, with crispy cream do-nuts and chocolate digestives, While you could only dream of getting out…... Getting…anywhere.….getting all the way…….to the weight watchers club.

A low carb anti, once tried to test me, I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

First principles, Carbo. Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What do you do, what do you seek? Err sticky buns, NO ! What is the first and principal thing that drives you? Toast. NO !, err heroic amounts of toast, NO !, that is incidental. You covet, that is your nature. And how do we begin to covet, Carbo ? We covet with our eyes. What needs do you serve by eating? Anger, um, social acceptance, and, huh, sexual frustrations, NO, We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you love eating those Mars bars and chocolate digestives Carbo? and don't your eyes seek out the things you want ? Err yes.

Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with roast spuds, rice, and toast. You wasn't born a glutton, and an anti lowcarber Carbo. You was made one through years of systematic sugar and starch abuse. You hate your own identity, you see, and you think if you can bring every newbie and confused
diabetic down to your level, you will feel good about yourself. That you won‘t wake up in the middle of the night, screaming and craving toast, you won’t be the only one raiding the biscuit barrel, and shovelling pies and cakes down your neck, you won't be the only one, that can’t say no, to a fried Mars bar. Am I right, or am I right?

You are right Eddie.

Thank you Carbo. One more thing, luv ya suit!

The 300 slice Carbo Turbo Toaster.


  1. That looks a lot like Nellie's rucksack. It's likely full of whole grains and skewed statistics. But I could be wrong, so don't take my word for it.

    I'd also like to propose a toast to Carbo's good health. No, no! Hang about! More toast is not the answer here.

    Is now a good time to mention chocolate digestives? I thought not.

    Is Carbo low-carbing in secret and using a toast smoke screen? We need to be told.

  2. 爱词霸在线词典为广大英语学习爱好者提供carbophile的意思、

    I asked Julie to translate:

    You're toast

  3. Carbo has tried for years to promote a lifestyle that has been a total failure for him. Carbs and more carbs.Just does not work. For a diabetic carbs are a disaster.


  4. Who does carbo think he is kidding. Only himself.

  5. Carbos blown it good and proper check out his blog.

  6. This has been an eye opener for me, Carbophile has been living a lie and misleading others. He must be very naive to think his diet is sustainable in the long term, it can only end in tears.


  7. Is it true your BG never went above 5.4 even when you ate a dietition. BTW luv the blog.

    Clarice Starling

  8. How desperate are they over at Tubolards blog. The best example I have ever seen on the dangers of a high carb, cover it with medication zombie existence. Carbo will need more than a diet based on toast to save him.

    From his blog.

    “DCUK is a train crash happening in slow motion, the fat controller now is Edie and his pals ably assisted by his pal beeny-dickt on the footplate, grazer tooting his whistle furiously at anything that moves and little old borofergie who tries hard to be intelligent, apparently he has a degree, not in diabetes though! Signals at red but no matter, just blindly lead new members astray and make out only they know what they are talking about!”


  9. Though it is but a family snapshot I still retain the copyright of the photo published on this page, and have not given you permission to publish it. Please remove it or I will report it to google.
    ps you should try some distance walking someday, you would be surprised at how much it improves your insulin sensitivity.

  10. Typeonepointfive thats on carbos blog roll, must be impressed by his diet then.


  11. This will be the one.

  12. Oh phoenix, thank you for gracing our humble blog. For so long, I have appreciated your very special talents. Very cleverly, walking that tight rope, between total stupidity, and being the “intellectual backbone of the uk forum” it requires very special skills. As we all know, you have insulin, a pump, and test strips, and access to top notch diabetes care.

    Tell me phoenix , why do you align yourself with that obnoxious Kenny boy, and that frightful Tubolard aka Carbophile. I see you are a follower of that lunatic dietition, Hope Warshaw, and the weight loss in progress Carb sane asylum.

    Please tell me phoenix, what makes a person, such as you, hang around at spreading fear and alarm. What makes you so against, the type two’s who can control their diabetes with a low carb diet, and no med’s. I appreciate you live on a diet around 40-60% carbs. But please tell the type two’s, that cannot even get a test strip, from their Gps, how they can gain control, and hold safe BG numbers.

    I look forward to your reply.


  13. A straight honest answer from phoenix. Good luck.

  14. Carboloaf ingredients;

    75g wholemeal flour (carbs 57g/100g)

    300g unbleached white bread flour (carbs 67g/100g)

    1/2tsp salt

    3tbsp skimmed milk powder (45ml skimmed milk) (carbs 43.5g/100g)

    1 1.2tsp fast action yeast

    150g unsweetened fruit and nut muesli (carbs (carbs 64g/100g)

    260ml hand hot water

    30ml sunflower oil


    65g chopped dates

    1tbsp honey

  15. Over at Carbos bog.

    “Here's an opportunity to discuss your favourite troll and why? No prizes for the most witty comment, but plenty of kudos nonetheless.”

    This from the guy that was Gothrosie and bungle on various diabetes forums, and his bloated pumper side kick carbs reunited SarahQ aka SueM, aka carbsrock. They must be as thick as Carbos waistline.

  16. "You could also view the volume of repeats as an attempt to push this entertaining piece further down the viewing schedule. If I were Edie I'd just delete it and attempt to pretend that I hadn't written it".

    Carbo reckons your trying to hide this post.

  17. RE The Rucksack

    We know what you ate last summer

  18. Phoenix the rucksack.

    Dehydrated curry for emergency ***********350g packet wholemeal wraps(If we can't get bread)
    Teabags,coffee sachets, sweetner ************100g Dried milk in ziplock
    50g Choc drink powder in ziplock************ 200g Muesli in ziplock
    200g wholemeal pasta *********************Packet parmesan
    Cereal barres ***************************** Matches/lighter

    OK for a pumper on insulin.

  19. Hello! Phoenix good of you to drop in, I see your still pushing your low GI diet at DCUK unfortunately it does not seem to be generating any interest, as has been the case for the last three years. You really need a Type2 role model, may I recommend your friend tubolard a shining example of the benefits of the GI diet, I'm sure he fits in the Hope Warshaw range of 45 – 60% cals from carbs.

    I've been viewing some of the low GI foods the you include in your diet:

    Croissants and bread seem the norm for breakfast.

    “The wine flows very freely. There is no choice, but it was all good, charcuterie, duck, salad, sauté potatoes, cheeseboard, tarte aux myrtilles”

    “odd handful of chocolate apricots”

    with a large number of slightly spicy baked potatoes (sans skin)...

    “thin slice of 'Opera', a gateau filled with a chocolate mousse”

    Looks very nice too, just one thing that worries me, it's when you exclaimed “I’ve no idea where that came from” when you saw 11.4mmol/L on your meter. I would have thought that as you know
    that trying to achieve 'normal' levels in T1 is a matter of balancing carb intake, insulin dose and exercise, you would have the answer.

    I’ve no idea where that came from D'oh!


    P.S. I bet you miss me don't you!

  20. Carbo

    “Long is the way and hard, that out of Hell leads up to light”

    John Milton

  21. "Is now a good time to mention chocolate digestives?"

    No it's not a good time to mention chocolate digestives, and I would not mention the compulsory four finger dark chocolate kit-kat nor the odd jammy dodger.

  22. Silly me there was I thinking GI stood for glycemic index when apparently it refers to Gross Indulgence!

  23. As the helicopters flew over the horizon with the deafening sound of ride of the Valkyries the memorable quote never to be forgotten " I love the smell of toasted hovis in the morning"
    Leave the poor carbo alone addiction is a tough nut to crack, and if it's Ginger nuts he will take double helpings!!


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
