Objective: To assess the association of 1-h plasma glucose (1hPG) and inflammation with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) and pre-diabetes (pre-DM).
Research Design And Methods: A cohort of 1062 subjects was enrolled. After oral glucose load (OGTT), we compared NGT and pre-DM subjects above and below the 1hPG cut point (155 mg/dl). Fibrinogen and leucocytes count (WBC) for subclinical inflammation, lipid ratios, insulin sensitivity (Matsuda Index), were determined.
Results: NGT and pre-DM patients 1hPG>155 mg/dl showed a significant increase of inflammatory markers and lipid ratios (for all, p<0.05). In age-sex-BMI-adjusted analysis, 1hPG is associated with a significant higher WBC count and fibrinogen (p<0.05). Patients with elevated 1hPG showed a highly significant lower insulin sensitivity than subjects below 1hPG (p<0.01).
Conclusions: Elevated 1hPG in NGT and pre-DM subjects is associated to subclinical inflammation, high lipid ratios and insulin resistance. Therefore, 1hPG >155 mg/dl could be considered a new “marker” for cardiovascular risk.
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So why do the ADA tell diabetics 180 mg/dl after meals is ok.
ReplyDelete180 mg/dl thats 10.0 mmol/l ouch! I'd hazard a guess and say if you were to follow the the ADA diet, getting your blood sugar below 180 would be nigh on impossible.
"The relationship between glucose and incident cardiovascular events. A metaregression analysis of published data from 20 studies of 95,783 individuals followed for 12.4 years."
ReplyDeleteR E S U LT S— Analyzed studies comprised 95,783 people (94% male) who had 3,707 cardiovascular
events over 12.4 years (1,193,231 person-years). Studies reporting fasting glucose levels (n = 6), 2-h glucose levels (n = 7), 1-h glucose levels (n = 5), and casual glucose levels
(n = 4) were included. The glucose load used varied from 50 to 100 g. The highest glucose interval for most studies included glucose values in the diabetic range. The re l a t i o n s h i p between glucose levels and the risk of a cardiovascular event was modeled for each study and
the - coefficients were combined. Compared with a glucose level of 4.2 mmol/l (75 mg/dl),a fasting and 2-h glucose level of 6.1mmol/l (110 mg/dl) and 7.8 mmol/l (140 mg/dl) was associated with a relative cardiovascular event risk of 1.33 (95% CI 1.06–1.67) and 1.58(95% CI 1.19–2.10), respectively.
C O N C L U S I O N S— The pro g ressive relationship between glucose levels and cardiovascular
risk extends below the diabetic thre s h o l d ."