Thursday, 23 February 2012

A one way walk up to Beachy Head, or a bottle of pills and a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Spend some time on a NHS website re. diet for anyone, let alone diabetics, and starchy carbs figure big time. The same recommendations apply on DUK and other diabetes sites. Check on diabetes forums, and time and time again, we see posters reporting their diabetes advisers from dietitions to diabetic nurses, are pushing the eat starchy carbs with every meal, diet of slow death. After a while you get to understand why. All you have to do is follow the money, and big pharma and multinational food companies have the money. Big money brings power and influence. Most of the food agencies advising governments in Europe are funded by global food outfits. Big pharma controls most of the medics. Politicians are bought and sold, and far too many Scientists, well those that want to stay employed, are controlled by the money. All in all, it’s money for old rope. Big pharma can test it’s latest wonder drugs on poor people in third world countries, and the Global food mobs can exploit the same poor people for raw materials. Call the rip-off fair trade and everyone’s happy. The people working 12 hours a day, very often in back breaking work, are very poorly paid, but hey they can afford a tin hut to live in now, things are looking up. These people are slaves in all but name. Out of sight and out of mind most of the time, but not anymore !

Slavery is coming to a high street or retail park near you. We have seen the like of Tesco et al taking on unemployed workers who’s only payment has been the return of their unemployment benefit. The benevolent vampire squid also gets a nice fat cheque from the government. I fully expect to hear these unfortunates will be taken off the official unemployment numbers, let’s face it, they are ‘trainees’. Sounds like slavery to me. Work hard for a pittance and you might be able to afford to eat. The Universities will be charging an average of £9000 per year from this autumn. A youngster on a five year course as many are, will leave University with a millstone of debt wrapped around their neck for life. Many will never repay the money owed, because many will never find a job, and those that do find a job, will never earn enough to make a dent in the capital plus interest at commercial rates. Welcome to the future, slavery for almost all.

What’s this got to do with diabetes you may be asking yourself ? Well, the NHS as we know it will soon be gone. Doctors lists are being pruned of people that cost money. Drugs available to almost all a few months ago are now on banned lists. Test strips are being withdrawn from almost all type two’s, and being drastically reduced for insulin dependent diabetics. We read about newly diagnosed diabetics having to fight to see their own Doctor, and essential tests being denied to hundreds of thousands of diabetics, and it’s going to get far worse, far worse than most want to imagine. So, what’s the answer ? A one way walk up to Beachy Head, a bottle of pills and a bottle of Jack Daniels, obviously not. The answer is to become your own diabetes expert. Let’s be brutally frank here, most medics and dietitions, are not only clueless in the correct way to control diabetes, they are down right dangerous. While they believe diabetes is always progressive, nothing is going to change. What a cop out they have, diabetes is always progressive, and if that fails, the patient did not comply. And why is diabetes very often progressive ? Because the treatment and dietary information given to most diabetics, almost guarantees an early grave and serious complications. It gets worse. Obesity and type two diabetes is expected to double in a few decades, and there is insufficient money now.

There has never been a more urgent need for all diabetics to take control of their diabetes. If you do not accept the fact, you are responsible for good blood glucose control and take charge, you have had it. The days of expensive drugs being dolled out like sweets are coming to an end. Three monthly full bloods tests are going to become a thing of the past. Test strips for all who need them, already gone. All over the world big pharma are laying off tens of thousands of workers, they know the writing is on the wall. The NHS is being dismantled, and diabetes is the largest single cost to the NHS, become your own diabetes expert, or Beachy Head may get you yet.



  1. Ah Beachy Head brings back memories. My family used to go to Eastbourne quite a bit and we always used to go and see the lighthouse at beachy head, a very picturesque spot, and yes unfortunately it is a well known suicide spot. However, I can remember nice hot summer days walking over the downs happy memories indeed.
    However getting back to your excellent piece, as much as I wanted to disagree with something you'd written I find I cannot, it's not that I am argumentative its just good sometimes to open up the debate and get those little grey cells working.
    Every point you raise I feel unfortunately is happening here and now and it is not going to get any better. Am I getting old, well probably, but it is the younger generation I feel for, what legacy are we leaving for them?
    Your last sentence "become your own diabetes expert" is, if you want to stay around for as long as possible and get the most out of life true,how many people out their recognise this, I just don't know, going on some of the debate, comments etc that you see here and elsewhere definitely not enough.
    Perhaps not everyone wants to wake up and see what is happening, perhaps some don't really care. I wish I knew the answer but I do not. All I know is for me and my family I am going to do the best I can to live as healthily as possible and get out and about and yes I may well go to Beachy Head and the Sussex Downs for enjoyment. I still have good health, enjoy walking and my eyesight is good,my last retinopathy scan was good. I count myself lucky but I think if we all try we can bring ourselves a little luck.

    Well sorry if I have gone on a bit, my other half does say I get on the soapbox sometimes.

    I'd better get on with lunch, some chicken with salad, I want to keep my figures in the 5's a bit longer.


  2. On a practical note Eddie; I have wrailed often about the lack of strips for Type 2's not on hypoglemic's, but have never been provided with them for my partner.

    Having researched extensively I find I can obtain them from the UK on-line pharmacies much cheaper; between a third and half off the price at Boot's et al. In addition if you set up an account and fill in a VAT form as registered as a diabetic you can get them VAT free as well because Diabetes is a 'chronic disease'.

    I am not in the business of advertising but anyone unable to find the info can email me and I will send a link. You may have to phone to get the VAT form. And of course you may already know all of this. Like the recipes by the way. Keep plugging away.

  3. "Having researched extensively I find I can obtain them from the UK on-line pharmacies much cheaper; between a third and half off the price at Boot's et al."

    I have a collection of five different meters that gives me more options when I need extra strips, e-bay has been a good source in the past not as good these days though.


  4. Hi Blackdog

    Thanks for the kind words and support.


  5. To Glenys

    Thank you for your time and good luck and health to you and yours



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