Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Smaller Plate Won't Help Your Diet, Research Shows!

Bad news for Sid!

FRIDAY, Feb. 3 (HealthDay News) -- A smaller plate won't help you eat less, says a new study that challenges a widely held belief.
"Smaller plates are often recommended as a way of controlling intake, but that simply isn't an effective strategy," senior researcher Meena Shah, a professor of kinesiology at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, said in a news release. "There was no plate size, weight status, or plate size by weight status effect on meal energy intake."
The study included 10 overweight or obese women and 10 normal weight women who were randomly assigned to have lunch using either a small (8.5-inch) or large (10.8-inch) plate. The women were told to serve themselves and eat until they were satisfied.
The women did this on two different days, using a different-size plate each time.
"It is possible that plate size does not have an impact on energy intake because people eat until they are full regardless of what utensils they are using," Shah said.
She noted that overweight and obese women "reported lower levels of hunger and prospective consumptions before the meals and felt less full after the meals compared to normal weight subjects despite no difference in energy consumption between two groups. This suggests that overweight/obese individuals may have a lower ability to sense hunger and fullness than normal weight adults."
The study was recently published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.


Try a black plate instead!

The Best Plate Color for Your Diet

Black is slimming, and not just when it comes to clothes. The color of your plate can influence how much you enjoy your food, according to a new study.




  1. The main problem with small plates for some, is you can stack toast vertically. Just ask Carbo.


  2. Sid Bonkers "walks the walk" by filling his small plate with two tins of celebrations. Doesn't help him lose any weight though.

  3. You can also stack 4 finger kit kats, chocolate digestives may be a problem unless you leave them in the packet.

  4. "Sid Bonkers "walks the walk" by filling his small plate with two tins of celebrations. Doesn't help him lose any weight though."

    Not according to his forum profile. He talks the talk, but does not walk the walk.

  5. Sid Bonkers lost over 4 stone while on insulin and prednisolone weaned himself off both and has kept the weight off for three years, the only diabetic drugs he takes are metformin. Yes I put on 9lb over last Xmas but have since lost the extra weight.

    So how do I not walk the walk? Perhaps you need to get your facts right before you make a complete fool of yourself.

    Sid - A1c still in the 5%'s LOL

  6. Fats the way to do it.10 February 2012 at 15:25

    Sid the fact may have escaped you but after plugging the same diet for over two years at DCUK no one is interested. Might be something to do with your arrogant dismissal of any other method dont you think!

    DCUK forum member.

  7. Greeting Sid, you do seem to have a problem selling your diet to the forum members don't you! It must have sunk in by now the DCUK members are not interested, this also proved to be the case at failed DFL forum and will surely be the case at your new abode. Give it a rest Sid and accept that Kenny no longer rules the roost at DCUK members are free of the shackles and able to decide for themselves whatever route they want to go down.

    You had a problem with this comment;

    "Beancounter if you are only eating between 600 and 800 cals a day I am at a loss as to where the glucose is coming from I would have thought that all the carbs in your diet would be going straight out as energy, but then I am no expert especially on this type of diet."

    This link may be of use though no doubt kenny will disagree!
    Counterregulatory Hormones

    Give my regards to all at ABC.

    Mr Nasty AKA Graham

    P.S Can you ask kenny what percentage of carbs in his 30g per day is accounted for by Glucotabs!


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The best of health to you and yours.
