Sunday 11 March 2012

Ahab returns from the depths !


  1. The Kenster's forum

    "It's not often that I bother reading DCUK anymore as I have better things to do with my time nowadays"


    "I know I have too much time on my hands....I like it that way........."

    With five visitors a day its going to stay that way.

  2. Every time Ken posts I misread “four’s the floor” as “four on the floor” and disturbing images of Ken stepping out to disco music in a white suit a la John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. The images recede only when I realise that with his dietary claims he would not have sufficient energy.


  3. Ken's forum is about as busy as an Alan Bennett monologue.

  4. Fair play to kenny after all he's speaking from experience, all those hypo's have taken their toll as can be seen in his increasingly bizarre rants.

  5. His forum got busy today.

    6 Users active over the last 24 hours: carty, cugila, daisy, Google [Bot], MadCollie, sugarless sue

  6. "6 Users active over the last 24 hours:"

    I don't think active is a term that can be applied to Ken and Sue!


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