Friday 9 March 2012

Banned again !


  1. Oh dearie me NOT AGAIN.

    How many times does this make it now Eddie?

    Shame on you and I bet you were only trying to be helpful.


  2. Oh Daisy you are such a spoilsport.

    From, a reader of both this blog and

  3. Daisy is a member of cugilas forum, is she a fit person to be a moderator at


  4. Karen chocfish9 March 2012 at 18:41

    Hahahaha the self-important little twerp!! Thinks he knows it all, look at my case for example, threatened to blow my cover (whatg cover?) by reealing my real name and adress, he even emailed details to me on what he found out about me. The biggest laugh was that at that time he put two and two together and made 5, him and the duck did LOL spent a small fortune on only to come up with the details of my cleaning lady, and only because she also happens to be Austrian and has a son with the same name as mine.
    Biggest laugh is that I am not even registered as UK citizen as I am not permanent resident any more and havent been for a couple of years.
    The Ediot and his dumbass ideas, might be different if he had an ounce of brain?
    Karen chocfish

  5. Hi Karen nice to see you again. Chuffed you are still my number one fan. All those years of backing me up, and promoting the lowcarb way of life, and now you reside at Carbo’s cesspit ! where did it all go wrong ?

    As someone once said, Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Liking your recipes on, always a strong point of yours. BTW give my love to Carbo.

    SWALK Eddie

  6. Knowing what we know about the manipulative Karen, Chocfish, WhitbyJet, Carbo’s blog is the best place for her!


  7. Being a fairly new reader to this blog I am not too sure of the history here. I can only say that I like this blog and all the useful articles. You have all made it like a magazine that you can flip through and read what most interests you. Yes, some of the articles could cause upset but surely there is a serious message here. It is a shame that you are not allowed on D.UK I feel sure that your knowledge would benefit many. Is this nation not known for free speech?



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