Thursday 22 March 2012

Down Ken, down boy !

Inevitably, the forum reached the tragically hilarious
'One man getting into an argument with himself' stage


  1. “It seems to be that DCUK no longer cares about what is posted on their forum anymore.......just how many 'hits' they get and how much 'stuff' they can sell.....hampers and diet plate being just a couple of the rubbish products they 'flog'. What a sad state of affairs....…”

    What a hypocrite this guy is. This junk was being peddled by the whole time he was a mod and he said nothing.

  2. There's cruel irony in Ken using words like 'Oracle' and 'know-all'.

  3. Ken the Hypoman still telling T2s on diet or diet and metformin they must treat 4mmol/L or under with two or three glucotabs followed by a carby snack, a sure way to go Hyper!


  4. It’s not even a full moon. I see his clique are staying well away.

    There is a line that the phoenix, the cherub, bonkers and nobhead will not cross!



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