Monday, 5 March 2012

DUK Natural Born Killers !

DUK the largest diabetes charity in the UK, promote a diet of death for diabetics. As we know, if you want to get to the nitty gritty, you have to follow the money. DUK have many of the usual suspects on the payroll. They have junk food manufacturers and big pharma helping to fund their seedy operation. They call these outfits acknowledgements. Today a spokesperson from DUK, tried to justify the diet of death, they promote on their website. On a BBC Radio four program called ‘You And Yours’ Doctor John Briffa shredded them, and exposed the woefull lack of knowledge at DUK.

In any sane World, the likes of DUK, would be regarded as charlatans and snake oil salesman. But as the informed know, we are not living in a sane World.

Welcome to the crazy World of diabetes. Check this out at 12 minutes 50 seconds.


On 2nd March I had an email from someone telling me that he’d recently been approached by people in the street asking for donations to Diabetes UK. Nothing odd about that, except that they, apparently, were using Krispy Kreme doughnuts as an inducement. His enquiries reveal that Diabetes UK sanctions this approach and discourages the elimination of any food group from the diet. What, even doughnuts? What sort of a message does using doughnuts to induce people to donate to Diabetes UK send out? Sadly, in my view, it’s a message that is consistent with the wrong-headed and potentially dangerous dietary advice that this charity dishes out generally.


  1. Shame on DUK. Briffa always talks sense.

    A good 12mins and 50secs spent, thanks.


  2. Ah dr Briffa - doctor who sells all sort of supplements and encourages people not to have screening or childhood immunisation . He is a disgrace to the medical profession - should be struck off .

  3. From 2003 to 2011 DUK evidence! based recomendations for Type2 diabetics included 45-60% of energy intake from carbs.

    From the new 2011 guidelines this is what they say about carbs.

    "Although the total amount of carbohydrate ingested is the primary determinant of post-prandial blood glucose response, there is little evidence to support
    specific strategies for recommendations about carbohydrate intake in Type 2 diabetes."

    "The total amount of carbohydrate consumed is a strong predictor of glycaemic response
    and monitoring total carbohydrate intake whether by use of exchanges, portions or
    experience-based estimation, remains a key strategy in achieving glycaemic control."


  4. With DUK pushing the diet of slow death, is it any wonder the NHS stats prove year on year no progress is being made to control serious complications. How do DUK workers sleep ? Check out the misinformation on the Briffa blog link on GI foods flogged by Kellogg’s one of DUK sponsors.


  5. Or you could check out the Website for BANT
    ( British Assoc of Nutritional Therapists ).

    No !! this isnt an advert.

    On their opening screen they post the Question " is metabolic syndrome caused by the intake of Fructose etc". You can read the extract and the research Article.

    The message must be getting home

  6. Anonymous said...

    "Ah dr Briffa - doctor who sells all sort of supplements and encourages people not to have screening or childhood immunisation . He is a disgrace to the medical profession - should be struck off"

    Are you a dietition or a drug rep, maybe a DUK rep.

    I bet you would not put your name to your comment. Why are all the mutants with negative comments anonymous ?


  7. Who cares who I am - that Doctor has very alternative views.
    He peddles supplements behind the scenes

    Check out the witch report on bant trained nuts - shocking !!
    By the way who says DMUK encourages celebrations and donuts.

  8. "Who cares who I am - that Doctor has very alternative views.
    He peddles supplements behind the scenes

    Check out the witch report on bant trained nuts - shocking !!
    By the way who says DMUK encourages celebrations and donuts."

    DUK does encourage donuts ! They give them away !

    As for BANT they can't be worse than the BDA surely. The BDA are as bad as DUK, halfwits hiding behind a so called qualification !


  9. "12 minutes in - the dangers of a high carbohydrate as recommended by Diabetes UK.
    4 years ago I was developing crippling neuropathy - having followed the D uk recommended diet for 7 years.
    Following advice on the internet I cut out all the obvious carbs. In 3 months I was well again, out of pain & other conditions improved.
    4 years on (at 73) I am still well - & preparing for an evening flood-lit tennis.
    Dr Briffa is right!"

    Nicked from


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The best of health to you and yours.
