Saturday, 31 March 2012

Low carbing how low should we go ?

Over the years, I have seen many definitions, of what the low carb diet is in terms of carbs per day. Some believe Bernstein’s 30 per day is low carb, others feel 100 carbs per day is a lowcarb diet. I have seen numbers as high as 200 grams per day, described as low carb, compared to the daily recommended for adults. An argument put forward to keep the peace, and quell the usual arguments, is drop your carb level until you get safe BG numbers. Some non insulin users are holding sub six HbA1c numbers on a 150 or more carbs per day, others have to drop to 30 carbs per day to hold a sub six HbA1c. Peace and calm restored, everybody’s happy. We are told by some, constantly, we are all different. Initially that seems sensible advise. It makes sense until you consider the following.

It is widely accepted a type two diabetic has been a diabetic for years before diagnosis. Some data suggests around ten years. Some people less and some more. It is also believed the typical type two diabetic at diagnosis has lost around 50% of functioning beta cells. Excess weight is a feature for around 80% of type two’s as is insulin resistance. So, let’s take a man consuming 150 carbs per day and holding HbA1c of 5.8 on nil meds. That’s pretty good and only a small percentage of diabetics hold BG in the so called 5% club. But consider this. The same guy consuming 50 carbs per day may well hold HbA1c in the fours ! A very rare situation, and a very safe place to be. Also, he will putting less load on his already highly depleted beta cells. All things being equal, he should be able to stay meds free for longer, maybe the rest of his life.

I believe age is also a big factor. If our man was seventy years of age, he may well take a view to keep more carbs in his diet and accept a high fives HbA1c. If he was forty years of age, a Bernstein type carb level could well be his best option. I have known type two diabetics that could hold non diabetic BG numbers on a 150 or more carbs per day, unfortunately it did not last. Over time their BG numbers have crept up. I believe the safest number for a type two non insulin user is in the fours for HbA1c. Very few achieve it, but it is possible, but maybe not on a diet using 100 plus carbs per day.



  1. Join the debate on DCUk then. I am sure you are clever enough to do another sock puppet identity that will last for a few posts.

  2. I don't need to. Now Sid is back, he blows it for the lowcarb-high fat antis every time. Plus he is much funnier than me.


  3. Eddie there's no need for you to back on DCUK, since you saw off cugila lowcarb has flourished, the few antis left are now a spent force.


  4. Surely we need to manage our carbs and eat/adjust with our meter. Over the years I have found about 40 to 60 carbs a day suits me, I manage to hold numbers in the mid 5's. I am nearly 60 yrs of age and I find I am happy with this.

  5. "Surely we need to manage our carbs and eat/adjust with our meter."

    Your right of course that's the same method we used. Unfortunately many Type 2s are actively deterred from testing, unless they can afford the cost of test strips this is not an option. Given the usual dietary advice the future does not bode well for them.



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The best of health to you and yours.
