Monday, 26 March 2012

Say what you like about Sid, but he is consistent.

Say what you like about Sid, but he is consistent. Week in and week out he keeps the forum alive. If the majority say it’s black, Sid says it’s white. One week it’s fat will kill ya, (while scoffing tins of Celebration chocolates) the next he promotes the NICE guidelines, regarding HbA1c as the guide he goes by. Sid stated today “I think you'll find I don’t give a fig whose figures they were originally, I just use the same ones that are recommended by NICE and this forum here in the UK” Earlier he admitted "I'd be horrified if I got those figures"

So, what’s the best number for a diabetic regarding HbA1c ? That’s a no brainer, the same number as a non diabetic. And that number is a very, very long way, from the NICE guidelines 7.5 which equate in old money to around 9 mmol/l, twice the number of a healthy non diabetic. Clearly the NICE guideline HbA1c recommendation is not a place a well controlled diabetic wants to be. Tragically, the majority of diabetics, never get close, to the almost complication guaranteeing, NICE guidelines.


NHS Statistics for 2008 2009:
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 71.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 33.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 33.6 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 14.3 per cent.
These results are very similar to those found in 2006 – 2007 and 2007 – 2008.

Sid also said today “Then tell the Admin on this forum and then when they change the information given to newly diagnosed diabetics I will follow suit” Well, we have been saying the newbie’s cut and pasted intro, regarding NICE HbA1c guidelines, is very poor information to give to the newly diagnosed, for around two years. This cut and paste job, was originally put together by Ken aka ‘four’s the floor’ Cugila. How many newbie’s, would take those dangerous numbers as satisfactory ? Far too many in my opinion. Even the Bonkers one says he would be horrified with those numbers.

As I said earlier, Sid is consistent. I am sure he gives many experienced and in control diabetics a chuckle. No one in their right mind would follow Sid’s ludicrous diet, based on 16 grams of corn flakes, bread, scones, spuds and chocolate digestives. But each to their own. I like Sid, every forum needs a good court jester. After Kenny boy, Sid is doing a great job. The big question is, how much confusing information is the ex Ken clique giving to the newly diagnosed and long term out of control ? And, is Sid a bit of a buffoon, or is someone pulling his strings.



  1. From The village idiot.

    "And I think you will find that I have had it with this forum now so I will just leave it to you and Grazer who are clearly experts on all things relating to diabetes.."


  2. When hell freezes over, the clique will still be on the forum and still causing trouble.

    Time to step up the pressure me thinks !


  3. The NHS numbers are terrible. No wonder so many diabetics die young.

  4. Sid’s ludicrous diet, based on 16 grams of corn flakes, bread, scones, spuds and chocolate digestives.

    Misquoting my diet as usual then Duckwood.

    Jog on dickheads


  5. "Misquoting my diet as usual then Duckwood.

    Jog on dickheads"

    So sorry Sidney or can I call you Kim? we neglected to say you had added another gram of cornflakes making a grand total of 17g.

    I see you have returned to the ABC forum, you will fit in well with that other lowfat madman Kenny were you seperated at birth?


  6. Of course I should have typed Duckward as you and teddy boy are just as simple as that other duo Jedward.

    Am I supposed to be upset that you know my given name or something? Just another one of your hidden threats or cyber bullying tactics eh?



  7. Kim -Kim Jong-un?

    That would explain a lot!!!


  8. Sid, I am beginning to think your grip on reality is next to nil. You said “another one of your hidden threats or cyber bullying tactics” Your idol Ken, the man you campaigned to get reinstated as a forum mod, was one of the most tyrannical bullies ever seen on a forum. You and the clique aided and abetted him 24/7. You have carried on his promotion of dietary stupidity, bulling anyone that does not agree with your way of controlling diabetes.

    I fully appreciate you can get by on low fat diet, supplemented with Celebration chocolates, cornflakes, biscuits and spuds, but others can’t. Your extremely low calorie diet suits you, because by your own admission you are not very physically active. Many others are not retired and work long hard hours. Do you honestly believe the diet that works for you, would suit the average active and fit type two diabetic, indeed any other diabetic than you.

    Next week is Easter and the first anniversary of the greatest piece of cyber bullying ever witnessed on the forum. This of course was the Dr. Jay Wortman debacle. All Jay was trying to do was help people. He is a lowcarb expert and a type two diabetic, he is also a very descent man. You and your despotic cohorts, bullied and rubbished Jay, and he was banned and his posts deleted. Without the likes of you, Ken would not have lasted five minutes as a mod, I hope you are proud. He has his own forum and I am sure you will fit in very well. Since ken’s demise as a, all you have done is disrupt interesting threads, stifled intelligent discussion and made a complete arse of yourself. Feel free to comment here anytime.

    I only joined Kens forum to correct a comment he made about not being able to comment on here. I look forward to Ken commenting here, but as he won’t be able to ban me, or delete or alter my post, in reality we know it will never happen. Ken never could stand a level playing field.

    Have a nice Easter.

  9. "Am I supposed to be upset that you know my given name or something? Just another one of your hidden threats or cyber bullying tactics eh?"

    So calling you by your "given name" is a threat or cyber bulling, as usual a ludicrous statement from you Sid.
    The fact is you and the rest of the clique are the real bullies and like all bullies given a level playing field like we have now at DCUK you couldn't hack it and threw your dummy out of the pram.



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The best of health to you and yours.
