Friday 16 March 2012

White Rice Increases Risk Of Type 2 Diabetes, Study Claims !

Eating white rice may be linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, researchers said today.

A review of four studies involving around 350,000 people found the more white rice people ate, the higher their chance of developing the condition seemed to be.

All the people were free from diabetes at the start of the studies.

During follow-up, ranging from four to 22 years, around 13,200 people developed diabetes.

The authors said previous studies suggest that eating brown rice may modestly decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes. But they said larger studies were needed to look at any benefits of substituting brown rice for white rice.

Err........that will be the carbs then !


  1. Yet another study and more money paid out no doubt. When us low carbers know the sensible thing to do is - stay clear of any rice, potato, pasta and high starchy foods which contain a lot of carbs !

    If we do this we help lower our numbers and stay clear of complications.

    Mind you if studies like these stop just one or two out there from eating higher carb foods perhaps it is worth the money spent?

  2. Yes, if studies like this do stop just one or two out there from eating foods that are too 'high carb' then it has got to be worth it.

    We need people to question and think more about what they eat, especially the younger generation where obesity is rising, this alone can lead to Type 2 diabetes.



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