Bonkers is a pejorative term used to describe those whose behaviour is at best odd or at worst disruptive and downright annoying. The adjective "Bonkers" is used where appropriate and sometimes even by the victim. Seemingly they are unaware that by appending their own first name (eg XXX Bonkers") as a prefix to the term, they are announcing to the world that their utterances will be trivial and nonsensical.
Many are afflicted by the awful condition known as "Bonkerism". This manifests itself in various ways, one of which can be found on internet forums. It's easily recognised by the frequent senseless and inflammatory interjections into sensible forum threads.
Somewhat like a literary Tourettes syndrome.
The intermediate stages are well documented and its victims are described as as "Non Compos Mentis".
The later stages are thought to be related to a strict adherence to a diet rich in carbohydrates. The poor sufferers are then accepted as a lost cause having lapsed into "mentis compost in toto" Basically, their brains turn into manure to use the polite term.
You guys crack me up keep em coming!!!
ReplyDelete"It's easily recognised by the frequent senseless and inflammatory interjections into sensible forum threads."
ReplyDeleteTo true Ray I've a couple ot examples of "Bonkerisms"
And another here;
Sids new sig
ReplyDelete"The trouble with having an open mind is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it....." Terry Pratchett.
Plenty of space in Sids head.
Recent events and postings reminded me I had forgotten to include a reference to Stage 4 of Bonker's Syndrome.
ReplyDeleteThis is almost as bad as it gets. The poor unfortunate's brain suffers such an overwhelming abundance of fæcal matter that their Synapses are forced to wear "Wellies" in a last desperate attempt to maintain logical thought processes. Sadly, a further decline is to be expected.