The majority of NHS spending on diabetes is avoidable, says a report in the journal Diabetic Medicine.
Experts say much of this is preventable with health checks and better education - something the Department of Health says it is tackling.
The report also predicts that by 2035, diabetes will cost the NHS £16.8bn, 17% of its entire budget.
"That's hugely wasteful - in human life, in the quality of human life, and in NHS budgets. We need to stop this now and make sure people get the right sort of care early on in their condition."
At a separate conference in Copenhagen, the cost of diabetes has also been under discussion.
General Yves Leterme, from the Organisation for Economic and Co-operation and Development said: "Preventing and treating diabetes and its complications costs about 90bn euros (£73bn) annually in Europe alone.
"With health budgets already under great pressure and national budgets severely strained, for the sake of our health and the health of our economies we must find ways to prevent and manage diabetes in a cost-effective manner."
Why are the experts always years behind the average informed and well controlled diabetic. Almost all healthcare professionals have seen a remarkable reversal of type two diabetes in some of their patients, and what do we hear ? If it works for you stick with it at best. How DUK have the cheek to comment is a sick joke. It’s the NHS and DUK dietary information that is causing much of the misery and complications. More drugs is not the answer !
"It suggests that 80% of the NHS's £9.8bn annual UK diabetes bill goes on the cost of treating complications."
This is only going to get worse for T2 diabetics they need to be allowed to test and given the education on how to interpret the results. This is not going to happen with so many being refused test strips, following the advice given on diet to the newly diagnosed it can only lead to more long term costs.
NHS Spending on Diabetes is unavoidable. There will be a lot of complications comes when people with diabetes sustain high levels of glucose from a long period of time.It increases the risk of kidney failure, nerve damage, damage to the retina.If this will happen ,it would be a disaster for the NHS.
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