Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Just when you thought, it couldn’t get worse !

Ken aka cugila on Carbo's blog.

“I couldn't care less what you and the rest of your pals think about me or Sue. We work together on our forum and we are good friends as well. No more than that.

We chose to attack the raving loony Eddie and his pals because they have continually derided and ridiculed everything that we have done......I chose to have a pop at Benedict because I felt like it.......Albert was me to start with but it was later passed to others after I left the West Midlands. They managed to get Albert banned....so what ? Any comment made on DCUK was quickly attacked and ridiculed by the NOW resident clique. A far more antagonistic band of brothers with connections on DCUK.

As for Phoenix and catherinecherub.....they were not part of any clique, just good posters who don't subscribe to the LOW CARB is the only way mantra that the idiot Eddie and his pals scream at everybody. As a low carber myself I too never subscribed to that view......for that the idiot targets me relentlessly. He needs to be sectioned as he is deranged and deluded.

Apparently if I make any comments I am supposed to be 'on one'....'having a rant'.....'spewing bile' etc etc ??? The idiot posts something and he is supposed to be the 'sane' voice of reason ? Have you read his blog lately ? Looks more like the ramblings of a madman !

I have never said that I am a Saint......all I do is attack those that attack me.....if you don't like it then basically you can **** off !!"

Ken I have commented on many occasions and asked, why do you drag Sue into your rantings. We have complimented her on many threads. I state again. It is my opinion she was an excellent mod before your tainted and poisonous hand fell upon her shoulder. Why do you continually hide behind a woman ? Why do you use your Forum to attack diabetes.co.uk and its members ? Why do you go to the skid row of the failed, Carbo’s blog (another disgraced duk mod) to complain. I have offered you the chance to debate the issues on this blog on numerous occasions. Why did you get Sue to ban me on your blog, and why are you so terrified of facing me face to face on this blog, or a meeting ?

One last thing. As you know we have an extensive archive of deleted posts and internet information. Why after helping you with pm’s, posts and phone calls did you turn on me and my friends. A short extract from the online diabetes magazine, which you posted on diabetes.co.uk, long deleted I am sure. We have the full articles. Anyone wanting the full transcripts can contact us via our website.

“If it wasn't for the help and advice I found on that Forum. There were many good people there who give up their time freely to help and advise people. I have to mention the Moderators, Sugarless Sue, Dennis, Fergus, Totsy and many others such as Eddie, Trinkwasser and so many others whose advice I gratefully took on board. They all helped me in one way or another. All unpaid and unbiased.That NHS 'healthy' diet for me was totally wrong. It may well be Ok for others but I cannot understand why alternative diets are not thought worthy of a mention ? The Diabetic Observer

Get over here Ken, let's chew the the fat, prove to me you are not a gutless blow hard.


Post edit. The latest from Ken at Carbo's blog.

You are obviously blissfully unaware of history however I won't go over it. Suffice to say I am not attacking anybody on DCUK just pointing out the dearth of good information nowadays because of the new 'clique' who have their own take on things and think that EVERYBODY is the same ! Disagreeing with posts is not attacking just highlighting rubbish information. Can't you see that ?

Even the great Carbo highlights things in his Blog which he believes are wrong.....where is the difference. Basically it is a fact that there are still people who hate me because of my role on DCUK. I hate to see bad information anywhere........why shouldn't I point it out to people ?

The attacks are from a certain quarter and certain people.....I will always go on the offensive where they are concerned. They are SCUM......and why any right minded person would want anything to do with the idiot Eddie Mitchell and his pack of rabid Dog's is beyond me. Do your homework before you start to criticise people who have done nothing more than take on the Mob.......

Eddie Mitchell is obsessed with me.....tries to separate Sue and I as if we don't agree about him. We BOTH think you are SCUM Eddie......get a life !

Ken aka cugila

You know where I am Ken.


  1. I wouldn't bother with Ken, mate. Don't get me wrong - there are some antis with something interesting to add to the debate - but Ken's not one.

    Ken just wants to talk about Ken, rather that anything of any real consequence. Look at what he did during his time at D.co.uk. He turned the forum into one massive ego trip for himself. He was given a fair chance. Too bad that D.co.uk decided to start serving the global diabetes community rather than Ken's ego.

  2. Regarding Ken. From a non low carb blog “….. but he has left such a trail of bile across the internet, it's difficult for him to hide from his own past.” His past includes such trolls as:

    Etc, etc, etc

    It wouldn’t surprise me if he was arguing with himself on his new forum/blog?


  3. Bloody hell. Kudos to xyzzy for getting banned from Ken's forum of doom without ever even posting there.

    Do you reckon Ken dresses up as a woman when he writes the Ms Steak posts?

    1. Ms Steak the or the troll Chocfish or whatever the name is this week.

  4. "Do you reckon Ken dresses up as a woman when he writes the Ms Steak posts?"

    No. He gets completely naked and then smears his entire body with horseradish sauce.

    He was originally going to call himself "Mr Tabasco" but it made him very hot-headed - and a bit red-faced.

  5. Not our friend from Whitby?

  6. "Apparently if I make any comments I am supposed to be 'on one'....'having a rant'.....'spewing bile' etc etc ???"

    Don't think apparently is the correct term, it's patently obvious kenny's on one and "having a rant"

  7. We are used to benders from Ken but he has gone over the top this time. There must be a place for him but I cant think where.

  8. Poor old phoenix complaining about bullies on carbos blog. Wonder if shes had a good look at the blog, if she did she must have seen some of the nasty comments. Does she condone this by being on carbos blog it would seem so.

  9. Oh dear - he does seem to be hyperventilating a bit.

    What is interesting is that the newcomer Paul1976 who agrees with Ken on the idiocy of low carbing has posted his latest HbA1c as 14.1%. F*@k me! Poor man - you can lead a horse to water, etc., etc.,

  10. "Paul1976 who agrees with Ken on the idiocy of low carbing"

    Ken is a lowcarber, well he was yesterday. BG in the 20's not for long I hope ! Has anyone put Paul straight ?


  11. "Poor old phoenix complaining about bullies on carbos blog"

    A bit rich to say the least eh ! None so blind than those who do not want to see.

    When will these people realise, without insulin, less than one in ten type two's could eat a high carb diet as phoenix and stay safe. They will get there in the end, I hope.

    We hear of statins for all, maybe some want insulin for all.

    "Does she condone this by being on carbos blog it would seem so."

    Any port in a storm, and a storm is heading the antis way for sure !!


  12. "What is interesting is that the newcomer Paul1976 who agrees with Ken on the idiocy of low carbing has posted his latest HbA1c as 14.1%. F*@k me! Poor man - you can lead a horse to water, etc., etc.,"

    Before you start picking on Paul he has already stated he has special needs and was educated as such. He has also implied he has mental health problems,So leave it off lads.

    You will also find he has been desperately trying to get help but no GP help. So awaiting a consultants apt.

  13. "Before you start picking on Paul he has already stated he has special needs and was educated as such. He has also implied he has mental health problems,So leave it off lads."

    Can you read ?

    I said BG in the 20's not for long I hope ! Has anyone put Paul straight ?

    That was not running him DOWN !

    Try Specsavers


  14. "Anonymous said...
    Oh dear - he does seem to be hyperventilating a bit.

    What is interesting is that the newcomer Paul1976 who agrees with Ken on the idiocy of low carbing has posted his latest HbA1c as 14.1%. F*@k me! Poor man - you can lead a horse to water, etc., etc.,

    11 April 2012 18:15"

    Regarding your reply to anon Eddie who was I am sure commenting on the above quote,I and many others have assumed that you wrote the anon post quoted above as well.

    Grow up.

  15. Thank you brave Anonymous.

    Are you confusing us with Kens blog or perhaps Carbo's cess pit ?

    What's it like hiding in fear skulking in the shadows ?


  16. That was me who wrote the "F*@k me! Poor man post". I'm not Eddie. I didn't know Paul had other issues going on and did not in any event intend to criticize him but to point out that his approach isn't working.

    Just to be clear; Paul I wish you the best and at the very least a normal HbA1c!!

  17. "I and many others have assumed that you wrote the anon post quoted above as well.

    Grow up."

    You must be one of carbos mob anonymous, your assumptions are the results of a very warped mind or a childlike imagination just like like the rest of them over at carbos blog.

    Its you that need to grow up.


  18. And what have you learned? Paul is just one of many that may have other health problems. Not everyone advertises other complaints. We are not all the same and have different needs.

  19. "And what have you learned? Paul is just one of many that may have other health problems. Not everyone advertises other complaints. We are not all the same and have different needs."

    Just who are you to take the moral highground? doubt we'll ever get an answer.

    The person that posted the remark has acknowledged the error, which for me shows sincerity.

    You may be right in saying "not everyone advertises other complaints", but many are finding their complaints are not helped by the crass diet advice dished out for T2s not only by the NHS/DUK but other diabetics "mainly insulin dependents" who push the high carb mantra for us T2s.


  20. Again if you had bothered to read Paul's posts he has clearly stated he has mental health problems. He has also stated his on going problems in getting help. He has also listed his A1c's and said they keep on rising.
    So dim wits has it ever crossed your minds that Paul could be a late onset type 1? No lc diet will help unless he has insulin to go with it.

  21. So Paul could be a late onset type 1, this strenghthens the case for keeping carbs as low as possible at least until the correct diagnosis is made.

  22. "So dim wits has it ever crossed your minds that Paul could be a late onset type 1? No lc diet will help unless he has insulin to go with it."

    Far better to low carb if he is an undiagnosed late onset type one, keeping carbs to a minimum is must to help prevent even higher blood glugose levels.

  23. I love it when Ken blows a gasket! Ha ha - I see he's still pushing the 'I've got a social life routine. A sad sack of the highest order.

  24. Watch your back pal ken says he's been splitting logs that means he must have an axe, just think of it a madman with an axe scary or what.

  25. "So dim wits has it ever crossed your minds that Paul could be a late onset type 1? No lc diet will help unless he has insulin to go with it."

    OK wise guy what do you suggest Paul’s diet should be until he sees the consultant? Should he starve?
    The only logical way is to keep to an ultra low carb diet at least until diagnosis is confirmed.


  26. The clique have dug up jopar to join in the attack on lowcarbers.


  27. Jopar just like phoenix another T1 pumper and a complete loon, she should stick to the pump forum, her thoughts on T2s and low carb are like something out of Monty Python sketch!

    As for her fellow pumper phoenix and the GI diet how come despite all the advantages of the pump she has mentioned seeing a 11.4 and 11.6mmol/L on her meter, hardly a good advert for the the diet she reckons would be ideal for us T2s.


  28. Boy well it's been many years since I've had to have an paramedic out to sort other half

    5.30am this morning the alram goes off, but no response from OH, so gives him a nudge, and recieved a load of verbal gobbly gook from him... I tell he's hypo and to get up this is followed by shouting, then he roles over to go back to sleep.. So off I went to get the Jelly Babies and BG meter... Tried to get him to have some Jelly Babies and no this wasn't going to happen he starts to become very aggressive so that was it time to call the parmedic out...

    I always wonder if the Ambluance control find it wried having a calm caller, as I explained diabetic husband in aggressive hypo etc etc... I was adviced to remove anything dangerous, keep at a distance and not to avoid contact with him (I'm wise enough to wait for backup) and any changes to call back...

    The paramedic crew were here within 5 minutes, the paramedic I knew, and he knows Les via work, to say that Les was uncopertive was a tad understand statement, wasn't having any of it.. Jelly babies etc all throwen across the bedroom, any attempts to get too near he started to get aggressive... So no-one was going to get near with hypo-stop gel or Gluogen injection... Time to get even more back up... Phone the police

    They weren't quite as swift as paramedics had been I must admit, so as we waited one of the paramedics did manage to get Les to eat a Jelly baby or 2... So I ened up with 2 paramedic, 2 coppers in my bedroom by 6.15am this morning

    They were then able to get a gluogen injection into him and he finally started to come around...

    Diabetes is a strange old thing..

    An hour it was a medical emergency, now all quiet, and Les is getting ready for work as though nothing actualy happened.

    Is this the Jopar that knows all the answers for type two's but can't help her type one husband ?


  29. We should give Jopar a break she's discovered a new form of Diabetes "Moddy"

    "Yes LADA and T1.5 are the same... there is another one called MODDY... Yes under active thyroid, also Addison's disease are all linked in with T1 due and autoimmune diseases, some T1's get clomped with all 3..."


    Glad I'm not "clomped" with all three.


  30. "Glad I'm not "clomped" with all three"

    According to our extensive archives, SarahQ was clomped with all three. These lowcarb antis are often clomped with many things, hence. "In diabetes it is a complete nightmare, as the theory sounds easy but the practice is not"

    I think because diabetes is a nightmare for them, they want everyone else to have a nightmare, hence their stance on a lowcarb diet for good diabetes control.


  31. We are all different - but in the digestion of carbs we are all the same. Carbs turn into glucose, therefore, for a diabetic especially, being careful with any food that is high in carbs is a MUST. The level of how many each person can eat may be different, but, Carbs = Glucose no matter how you look at it. Low fat products add carbs. Low GI products are - Carbs. I found that porridge is horrendous for me - yet it is considered low GI. Low GL is better for a diabetic.

    If you are restricting the number of carbs you eat then - unless you are trying to lose weight - you have to replace them with something. Personally it'll be a while before I hit that problem, but if you low carb, low fat and low protein then you must be also low calorie and not everyone has messed their system up like I have (I can maintain or even put weight on with 1000 calories - of 40%+ carbs - a day).


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
