Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Clique Factor Prevails Again

The post Type 2 diabetic, kidney damage on now blocked!

Bonkers: “Kidney damage is indeed exacerbated by certain diets whether some are convinced of it or not it is a fact and should not be taken lightly” [My underline].

Posters repeatedly asked Bonkers how he knew it was a fact, evidence, etc.

I suspect Bonker’s evidence is of the type “my GP told me”

Consider your average GP and ask yourself when does he find the time to research and seek out the latest papers on dietary matters?

Yet Posters with some scepticism of Bonker’s evidence are now denied the opportunity to hear from the great man. He might, after all have something genuine to offer. Yes, yes, I hear you say, the amusement is genuine.



  1. Blah blah blah, blah blah, blah blah blah blah blah? Blah blah blah blah blah! lol blah.

    Blah blah.

  2. "... The I'm fed up with the restrictions blah blah blah, so sod it I'm chucking it in!"

    Jopar the anti's WSD (weapon of self destruction)has got a touch of the Blah's too!


  3. Phoenix is getting rattled.

    Re: What level is High Protein?
    by phoenix » 11 minutes ago

    Xyzz. This is a thread about protein and kidneys.
    I have no intention of giving you a prescription for diabetes diets in every circumstance why on earth should I? I don't think that it's my place to do so. I have never told anyone that they should eat any particular amount nor suggested the composition of their diet .
    I will say what I do, and what I did in the period before I realised I had T1. I will cite evidence which is what I have done on this thread. I will also say that the quality of the carbs chose may influence how much people may be able to eat.
    However, I feel very strongly that YMMV and what works well for one may not work well for another.
    People are different in their age, gender, weight, activity level, type of diabetes, co-morbities and lifestyle, even culture plays a part.

  4. Is phoenix Hope Warshaws sister ?

  5. Still,at least this time she ACTUALLY wrote an opinion herself rather than her usual supplying some links to some crazy studies carried out in a basement! Maybe she's seen the light?


  6. "Maybe she's seen the light?"

    She is carb and med addicted. She knows if type two's followed her diet they would be dead men walking. What has she got against the human race ? we need to be told ! Is she a shill for big pharma, has she got a financial interest in the saw bones ?

    Not a bad accordion player though!


  7. and I bet she makes a mean Coq-Au-van to boot!!:D


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