Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Forum Focus

Before you can say ‘has Ken been banned from his own crypt of a forum at ABC‘, he resurfaces back on diabetes.co.uk Our Kenny boy high tech alarm system, was ringing off the wall within ten minutes, after he slivered back yesterday morning. Posting to antagonise and siding with Jopar aka Pingu the lobotomised penguin, only the sight impaired could not see through him. As usual his chief recruitment officer, and back coverer, Daisy, done her best to cover his tracks. A typical example.

The original post.

Stand easy there soldier!

I think Jopar had the opinion that all doctors are alike and that Defren just disagreed with that opinion. Nothing personal from either lady that I can see so I see no reason for you demanding an apology. We aren't in the army here Highlander.

Highlander eh? There ken be only one perhaps?


The edited post.

Stand easy there soldier! 

I think Jopar had the opinion that all doctors are alike and that Defren just disagreed with that opinion. Nothing personal from either lady that I can see so I see no reason for you demanding an apology. We aren't in the army here Highlander.

Highlander eh? [mod edit daisy1 inappropriate remark removed]

Ken was a menace to the diabetic community as a mod, but by the cringe hasn't he given us more entertainment as a punch drunk troll. Looks like it is going to be more of the same at the big one. Stay tuned for live updates.


  1. Having failed to in his attempt to to become a Scot, an example was after a recent trip to Glasgow wearing a kilt and Union Jack boxers, Mcmadken made the fatal mistake of exposing his expansive Union Jack clad rear to the natives which resulted in him being floored by a glesga kiss. Mcmadken has now decided to emigrate to Switzerland to be with his last remaining disciple Daisy. Having purchased his lederhosen in readiness for his move he can now be heard on a remote Scottish hillside yodelling "Fours the fllllloooooorrrrr!"


  2. I hope he doesn't get banned just yet,beats anything on the TV tonight! Och Aye

  3. if you look, Highlander does admit to being a pussy!
    I'm a pussycat really!
    Or is someone else Trolling (Daisy/SugarlessSue?)

  4. This is a quote from Jopar:

    "I think personally that you should prevent from personal attacks of other members isn't very becoming at all!"

    What the hell language is that? It sounds just like those spam bots that create apparent English to get through spam filters for e-mail.

    So, there you have it; Jopar is a spam bot. But surely with added starch as spam would be dangerously low carb for her..?

  5. Yet another quote from jopar which she edited for clarity Doh!

    "As to the 'it isn't your decision' being uttered well this can't believe that was ever said... I have dealt with and been treated by many of the health care profession and even been called a liar by one of my original consultants... But I have never heard a patient being told 'it's not their decision' when that patient is campus mentus (Isp) I've only heard it uttered to an relative who is trying to enforce a relative into a decision they don't want or when somebody has been sectioned under the mental health act!

    It's not said, purely because it's pointless to say it...

    Edited to clarify,"

  6. She's off again on a Type 2 thread a while back today, going on about the pizza effect and Hypo's and Insulin use of all things on a thread about post meal testing.


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