I have learned many things from diabetes forums and blogs, and one thing I noticed early on, was the fact when a full scale argument was in progress, the forum became the most active. Signed in members numbers went through the roof, clearly aggravation sells, and sells well. I had just set up the lowcarbdiabetic.co.uk web site, a site for the newly diagnosed. But websites or blogs that no one looks at are useless. So how do you get publicity without throwing money at it. The answer a blog. Again a blog that does not get any attention is useless, so how do you get attention on a blog or forum, aggravation. Still smarting from my and others banning from the forum, and still watching the same bunch wrecking the forum. I set up a couple of blogs to ridicule and bully the bullies. Bingo, it worked a treat. Page views went up, the website got more hits and the antis were going crazy. Mission accomplished, I closed the blogs down, but what more could I do to raise the profile of lowcarbing. It occurred to me a blog with just low carb recipes or a blog that just had links to diabetes news or videos would not get much interest. There are so many blogs out there doing a great job already, something different was required. A blog with good links to interesting diabetes information, good food ideas and recipes, items in the news, a sort of magazine type format, but with lot’s of aggravation. People would view the grief, but hopefully go away with a recipe or a link that would be useful, even the antis must have learned something to their advantage. I formed a team with other banned members who shared my interest on spreading the lowcarb word and taking on the antis.
Well I don’t know what this says about us, or the human race in general, but my theory was correct. Our recipe and information blogs get very little attention. This blog gets more hits in a day than the other two combined get in a month, but many people read them. Some believe I am completely mad, and that’s on a good day, on a bad day I am accused of being a pervert, but there is method in the madness. Many have been interested in the links and food ideas, many have learned how to improve their diabetes control, many people see the method in the madness. We know this because they email us through our website, and the stats that Google supply. Many people past and present at the forum contact us, they have been sickened by what has gone on a the forum. Obviously people want this information totally confidential, who would blame them. It’s not everyone that wants to be publicly associated with a madman, as we have seen over the last few weeks, a forum member only has to post few words, here to be ripped on the forum or Carbo's blog.
What irony, that the same people that rip people for posting here, are spending there time over at Kens forum or Carbo’s blog ripping the diabetes.co.uk forum and it’s members. As we have also seen, the clique has lost its grip on the forum and rapidly losing the plot altogether. After years of anonymous posting by antis on Carbo’s blog, Phoenix, Catherinecherub and Jopar are outing themselves, a damage limitation job in full swing, if that’s not out of desperation I don’t know what is, backed up by the treacherous Karen and her sock puppets. Of course in Kens days thread locking, banning, post deletion, thread deletion and post alteration was the order of the day, 99% in the antis favour, but no more. Now a level playing field is being used, with honest and impartial Admin. and mods. Undoubtedly, almost all can see the clique for what they are. Ken has proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, our team was correct in orchestrating his downfall. Look at his antics on his own forum, this blog, and the laughable antics of Albert etc on d.uk. As for the dietition, long gone and much missed by the antis I suspect, chalk that one down to us, together with our roll in securing Tubolards, Jopar’s and SarahQ’s exit visas from their mods job.
Was all this worth the effort, all the grief, the humiliation, the threats to me and my family. The likes of Carbo signposting people to my family home address, why he clings to being anonymous, because he knows and has stated recently, he would lose his job if his employers really new what he is, who can say. One thing is for sure, it was one long, tough and grizzly job, but someone had to do it. Would we do it all again ? Not a chance, you would have to be a complete madman to take that job on, and the salary was crap.
Thank you for all the positive comments, help and encouragement we have received over the years. Thank you for the emails and food ideas and keeping our spirits up. Thank you to the most loyal bunch of people, the team, who have become my best friends. And of course the biggest thank you to Fergus Craig. A man that helped so many to a better and healthier life. A man that gave us hope, a very special man, that still works hard away from forums, spreading the lowcarb message.
You're not closing the Blog down are you Eddie?
ReplyDeleteI read everything on here and not just the arguements,hoping you're here to stay!
This is not my blog, it is a team effort. When the team calls it a day so will I. I am taking a back seat here, but the blog will go on. Thanks for your interest
That's great! You and your team are doing a great job on picking up on the fundamentaly bad dietary advice that is preached by the NHS and certain minority members of DCUK!! at least you and your team post on this blog-unlike Carbo and That Ken bloke on the 'Cobweb and tumbleweed' forum ABC!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the time you've all put in and the good advice that works! Simon
More importantly on the Radio today the potential imposition of a FAT tax in the UK. Yes it has been around for a while but looks more like becoming a reality.
ReplyDeleteAnd for the LC community is a tax on being healthy. We need a voice and pronto
"And for the LC community is a tax on being healthy. We need a voice and pronto"
ReplyDeleteYour right of course and it could lead to even more people opting for cheaper low fat foods with all the added crap.
Original comment in a post at Dcuk.
ReplyDelete"I could post a link but I'm not sure I'm allowed to as Daisy1 might shout"
Nothing in the post to indicate it had been edited but it now reads.
"I could post a link but I'm not sure I'm allowed to"
Editing of posts still go on @ DCUK
ReplyDelete"Editing of posts still go on @ DCUK"
ReplyDeleteRight but it tends to get overlooked because certain mods don't indicate thev'e edited them, just what kenny used to do.