Now I'm back perhaps you will leave the innocent good posters on DCUK alone and you can concentrate on me again.......mind you I suppose you must think I am dead and buried.
How's your old quack pal Jay Wartman then Eddie......he doesn't have much to say about you, even though you bleat on about him from time to time.
I've been looking round this cesspit today and saw a reference to somebody, Highlanders.....who or what is that then ?
I don't for a minute think you will believe me but it 'aint me pal ! Sorry to disapoint all your moronic victims, sorry, I meant associates......
Well, I also have news for you Eddie're always bleating about how your posts were deleted on DCUK. The bulk of your posts (which wasn't much really if you take out the dross, innuendo and just plain perverted) on DCUK were not deleted by me, however I had delight in assisting with the removal of the remainder from what once was a great forum after you were disposed of by Dan thge then Administrator. A guy with some balls unlike the present incumbent.....
Given the circumstances I would happily do it all again, however obviously that cannot happen now.
Not that I wish to have anything to do with DCUK any more. It is a 'dead pool' now.....populated by ego freaks, verbalists and people who just plain haven't a clue what they are talking about. Much like you and your pals Eddie.....back to the 'bad' old days again. hope you're happy, cos it sure doesn't promote low carbing in the way that other more reputable Fora do.
As for you and your pals.....lovely to see your brain function is diminishing by the day. Maybe soon somebody will put you all out of your misery and read Bernstein to you at bedtimes..
Bye bye dickheads.....hahaha
BP is 109/67 just now, then I suppose you would want a Dr's note ? this place does make me laugh though, that's one thing you do well......
Slainte !
Ken aka cugila :-)
Great to see you back. I hear you have been ill, nothing to trivial I trust. First day back and straight into you old modus operandi, clearly the anger management course was a complete failure, and your therapy is going nowhere, a bit like your forum, wouldn’t you say.
Talking of forums, have you seen all the positive news from the members, regarding their successful control of their diabetes, over at As almost always, it’s our old friend lowcarbing, that has made a huge impact on BG numbers, weight, and lipids etc etc.
I think we can say Benedict has returned the forum, to a place that existed, before you and your clique came close to destroying it. Can you remember Fergus, Timo, Doctor Katherine, great posters that you and your ‘innocent’ chums wore down and caused them to call it a day. What a great new team has appeared on the big one eh. They have seen straight through your clique, and exposed them for the trouble makers and idiots they are, why doesn’t your clique post on your forum ?
Can you remember, I joined your forum to correct a lie ? You said you could not post over here, and had no redress to the comments we made about you. Well, I have posted your comment, and even given you this new thread. Never let it be said we operate like you.
You are more than welcome to comment here anytime. Please make sure you sign your comments as Ken or Cugila, as I am sure you will appreciate, you are not the only nutter that comments over here. Almost all of the negative posts are anonymous, and we would not want to delete your rants, you are in a class of your own, and never fail to make our day.
Eddie. Just a simple a simple person (you). I use the term loosely....
ReplyDeleteWhat excatly is wrong with the information that was written mainly by Sue, yet somehow attributed to me, and is posted on DCUK and also in an updated version on ?
You always complain about it but never tell us what it is that you don't like. Now's your chance. We will consider all responses carefully. You see Sue and I are rational human beings, unlike yourself and your pal the dick.....
'Memo from a adman'..apparently somehow that doesn't apply to Eddie in his tiny little world, brain (is there one?), quite right really, one would have to look for something a lot stronger than 'madman or insane.
Free membership of the Grazer, xyzzy and borofergie fan club to the first correct, sorry has to be second....Defren has taken First place.....its been fixed by the bAdministrator and a tame Mod on DCUK.
If it isn't in that order then dear old pneu (was that peanut brain) you called him Eddie ? He will sort it out for his Daddy.....
I mean his Daddy is is always telling us what a 'well respected' member his 'baby boy' is. Type 1 I think Eddie, is that allowed on DCUK now. Seems to be them and us all over again in many areas.
Leave it with you and your punters ! Ya know it makes sense..
Ken aka cugila
The cut and paste job given to most new members.
ReplyDeleteBlood glucose ranges for type 2 diabetes
Before meals: 4 to 7 mmol/l
2 hours after meals: under 8.5 mmol/l
Blood glucose ranges for type 1 diabetes (adults)
Before meals: 4 to 7 mmol/l
2 hours after meals: under 9 mmol/l
We have heard much about the pizza effect over the last week. An effect that rarely concerns true lowcarbers. If you don’t eat the carbs, why would fat slow down the effect carbs have on BG numbers. For most type two lowcarbers, fat has almost no effect on BG numbers. Protein has an effect, but nowhere near the same as carbs.
The cut and paste job states two hours after a meal under 8.5 and 9, but with the pizza effect, BG numbers could well be into double figures at maybe three or four hours, for those that have consumed too many carbs and fat.
Also, no well controlled diabetic ever wants to see 8.5 or 9 on a BG meter. These numbers are way above the numbers where damage occurs. Quoting the NICE guidelines is a kop out, and are highly dangerous. A well controlled diabetic, should be seeing fives on their meter two hours after a meal, most well controlled diabetics rarely see a peek of seven on a BG meter. The numbers being quoted on the cut and paste job, give a false impression of safety, and will lead to complications for many. We have stated this on more than one occasion.
ReplyDeleteSorry to disappoint you Eddie my old mate. Your info is flawed as usual. I am my usual healthy self, fit and very active. Unlike you and your pals who seem to spend all their time watching Fora like Hawks, copying and pasting for all they are worth (not much !) Eddie, no anger. You would have had a visit to your hovel before now if I was actually angry about anything you say or do.
You are just an insignificant little person who is a blatant liar....and fantasist, no more.
I don’t suppose you have seen the traffic that views our forum ? No, so going nowhere is only in your head Eddie.
Positive ? Really. Advice, if you can call it that from people who think Low Carb is 150-180g per day ? People who also do something different to what they tell others to do. That’s positive is it ?
Before the influx of the rabid pack there now there was ALWAYS good results from many who did Low Carb like myself and Sue, and also others who managed in different ways.....ALL with excellent results. There was a balance there, now.....just propaganda and do as we do ! You will obey.....we know your body better than you.
Benedict.......the sad excuse for an Administrator of DCUK. Yes. He has returned the place to somewhere where many are frightened to post, innocent people are accused of being me or someone else and probably banned.
The ‘Thought Police’ at work again on DCUK just like back in 2008/9 when you and your pals ran riot and nearly bought the place to it’s knees. Nothing but Low Carb, nothing but your way.
I/we don’t and never had a clique, unlike now. Members from both sides of the divide were able to post openly and were able to criticise things if they wanted, unlike now where Benny Boy has deemed that nobody can go off topic for even the slightest amount. ‘If we want your opinion....WE will give it to you !’ your eyes maybe.
Fergus, Timo (when he was sensible,) Katherine were all good posters but they all had common sense, something you have none of.
We never fell out with them, only Timo was banned because of his stupid comments. The same Fergus you alienated because of your behaviour on lowcarbforum LCF.
Remember that ? Nobody has to post on any forum, we don’t ask or tell people to post on ours, unlike you to further your own aims.
Katherine left because of YOUR behaviour....telling us it was like a childs playground because of YOU ! That’s the real TRUTH Eddie....
There was no lie you were correcting Eddie. You or someone there has failed to publish comments I/we have made.
You were banned because you broke OUR rules by ridiculing members of OUR forum in this cesspit blog.
If you had behaved differently we may have let you stay. But you couldn’t resist it could you. Same old Eddie......liar and comedian and always full of bullshit !
Thanks for the opportunity, you can do what you like with my comments. Your choice. Your blog.
I have always posted openly and not as anonymous. If I am a ‘nutter’ I dread to think what that makes you Eddie.
I don’t rant Eddie, I stay very calm and cool......something I have always done over many years. That was part of MY job. YOU DO NOT know ME never will, fortunately for you.
Peace and Love and a Crusty white mate.......
Ken aka cugila
ReplyDeleteBTW we have never called anyone peanut brain, and as for Pneu we have the highest respect. A type one with an HbA1c in the fives is one hell of an achievement.
So the NICE guidelines are not what anybody wants a well controlled Diabetic to see or want them to achieve. I agree and have always maintained that. There is a caveat that 'lower is better.' did you ever see that ?
ReplyDeleteA newly diagnosed Diabetic with numbers in the high 16/17's is not going to be able to achieve the low numbers you quote instantly and it is what their HCP's try to get them to achieve. A manageable target in the first instance.
We and others have always encouraged members to get the numbers as low as possible bearing in mind any other conditions they may have.
That is a safe way and a sensible way to get them under control, allowing them to go on to achieve better numbers with more knowledge about the condition. Do you disagree with that ?
The low numbers I achieve are not what I expect to see instantly from a new Diabetic. They have to work at it.
They are guidelines made by the NHS....neither I or Sue agree with them. That doesn't mean you don't tell people what the NHS expects, we expect lower but we need to offer support and encouragement not some mantra that you will die if it is over 7.8 or whatever !
That way can put many people off even trying to get lower numbers, not everybody is as motivated as you or I.
We tell people the levels for lipids, HbA1c, all sorts of guideline figures.
Guidelines....not set in stone and inflexible, we have always said nothing more than that.
So, is there anything else in that lengthy info pack you have an issue with ?
Seems rather petty to argue about something we basically both agree on although I prefer to assist people NOT tell them this is what you MUST do.
Ken aka cugila
As for was somebody on this blog who used the term peanut brain, however I am not in the habit of copying, saving and pasting large blocks of posts or comments from yours or any other blog or Fora.
ReplyDeleteI have better things to do.
Ken aka cugila
"BTW we have never called anyone peanut brain, and as for Pneu we have the highest respect. A type one with an HbA1c in the fives is one hell of an achievement.
But he's got a *ucking pumper you hate and despise all pumpers.
In the past we have observed cosmologists travelling to the West Midlands to study Ken as a source of ‘dark energy’. With his latest incoherent rant there is a further option for the cosmologists – the possibility of ‘parallel universes’. I have informed my cosmologist friends that Ken appears to be inhabiting a parallel universe where his reality appears to be outside the rest of mankind’s experience. Unfortunately, after his humiliating sacking he stomped off into the wilds of Rannoch moor. I advised the cosmologists on a search strategy for Ken – any person exhibiting outbursts so out of kilter with the rest of the human species would be a could candidate for Ken. Whilst I do not expect a Nobel prize for this parallel universe hypothesis, I should be able to publish a journal article.
"But he's got a *ucking pumper you hate and despise all pumpers"
ReplyDeleteWhen has Eddie ever said that? He's called up on a certain pump user on the big one for derailing Type 2 threads but that's NOTHING to do with the fact that she uses a pump-It's about WHAT she posts!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding us why we were correct in seeing you off from You are not only a menace to the diabetes community, but also a menace to the community at large. And to think you once had the honour and respect of wearing a Policeman’s uniform. How times have changed.
Surely, after Levenson, a much simpler hypothesis, is selective amnesia coupled with deep anxiety regarding feelings of inadequacy. Perhaps a more appropriate set of experts to study Ken would be psychologists? The man needs help.
ReplyDeleteIn the past we have observed cosmologists travelling to the West Midlands to study Ken as a source of ‘dark energy’. With his latest incoherent rant there is a further option for the cosmologists – the possibility of ‘parallel universes’. I have informed my cosmologist friends that Ken appears to be inhabiting a parallel universe where his reality appears to be outside the rest of mankind’s experience. Unfortunately, after his humiliating sacking he stomped off into the wilds of Rannoch moor. I advised the cosmologists on a search strategy for Ken – any person exhibiting outbursts so out of kilter with the rest of the human species would be a could candidate for Ken. Whilst I do not expect a Nobel prize for this parallel universe hypothesis, I should be able to publish a journal article.
13 May 2012 19:28
Thanks for that....YOU have just proved what a stupid and arrogant tosser YOU are. You couldn't hold a sensible converstaion to save your life. though I doubt anybody would be so stupid as to assist you. You are obviously a man of no talent at all......
bye bye dickhead.
ReplyDeleteThank you for reminding us why we were correct in seeing you off from You are not only a menace to the diabetes community, but also a menace to the community at large. And to think you once had the honour and respect of wearing a Policeman’s uniform. How times have changed.
I do have honour, something you know little about. You credit yourself with getting rid of me from DCUK.....I really don't care who it was but for the record it was the Admin because I wouldn't bow to the little creep ! So, don't let your ego get too inflated.
As for coppers uniforms have probably seen a few in your time, mostly telling you you're nicked !
Dream on you insignificant little creep. You are losing the argument so as usual the other 'boys and girls' come out to play.
You also have no concept of the meaning or code of respect. I've said it vefore Eddie you are scum ! OK.
I used to lock prats like you up on a daily basis, they too thought they were cocky little bar stewards. they found reality was a lot different......
Dr. John The NightTripper said...
ReplyDeleteSurely, after Levenson, a much simpler hypothesis, is selective amnesia coupled with deep anxiety regarding feelings of inadequacy. Perhaps a more appropriate set of experts to study Ken would be psychologists? The man needs help.
13 May 2012 19:36
And your point is.......
"Four's the fllloooorrrrr" said the uneducated fat-ex-copper come pipe-fitter. We sure miss his intellectual leadership at DCUK.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's time for Ken to tell us why he got kicked out of "the Force" and ended his days as a pipe fitter, rather than as a shopping centre security guard, like all the other fat-ex coppers?
ReplyDelete"I don’t suppose you have seen the traffic that views our forum ? No, so going nowhere is only in your head Eddie."
ReplyDeleteKen this blog has had more comments in the last few hours than your forum gets in a week.
Felix said...
ReplyDelete"Four's the fllloooorrrrr" said the uneducated fat-ex-copper come pipe-fitter. We sure miss his intellectual leadership at DCUK.
13 May 2012 20:15
Well we can all see what school you went to sunshine....NOT.
4 as they say....NOT MY saying IS the floor. Fact.
uneducated.....fat ex cop, pipe fitter ? Yeah, I can go with some of that.
I was educated at a very nice school and then College where I was taught many things, unlike you who is basically a spare part from some alien being. Not a lot of use really are you ?
I am a trained pipe fitter from way back in the 60's. My previous trade was a HGV Mechanic/Fitter where such skills came in handy.
Fat......nah, nearly 6 ft and 14st 4lbs. Not in my book pal......still you don't know a lot do you ?
Ex Cop.....yeah. You got a problem with that. I have commendations for bravery and other stuff which I won't bore you with. I just know that MY record can eclipse your sorry little parade any day sunshine.
Any other trivia you feel like imparting to the good, the bad and the ugly here ? Actually, forget the good.....that don't apply here......
Now be careful crossing the road, hold the hand of the Lollipop lady....
Children - pick your toys up and put them back in your prams it is time for bed.
ReplyDeleteEddie - stop this rubbish will you - you look a right plonker!
Kens forum
ReplyDelete5 Users active over the last 24 hours: carty, cugila, daisy, Google [Bot], sugarless sue
Its dead.
"Now I'm back perhaps you will leave the innocent good posters on DCUK alone and you can concentrate on me again.......
ReplyDeleteInnocent like jopar! get a life Ken your finished at DCUK, the forum is a far better place without you!
Anywhere is a far better place without Ken just ask Sue.
ReplyDelete"Eddie - stop this rubbish will you - you look a right plonker!"
ReplyDeleteDon't stop Eddie, Kennys rants make for great entertainment, not much on the box till Match of the day!
Ken, a man so far from reality he is in another galaxy. One day man will build a telescope that will identify him. But I agree with football fan, the greatest form of entertainment since the invention of radio. Thank God he has moved to Scotland. I sleep better with five hundred miles between us. I wouldn’t like to meet Ken on a dark night.
"I wouldn’t like to meet Ken on a dark night."
ReplyDeleteMe neither Eddie, I'd be scared that he might eat me.
From Sue at ABC.
ReplyDelete"I noticed the comments, Ken, about no true low carber would eat pizza. Probably true but....this forum is designed for new Diabetics, those that may want to low carb but do not yet have the knowledge and experience to know what to eat. Like everyone else on forums and blogs they will experiment with different foods, eating and testing 2 hours later. If they are not aware of the 'pizza effect', the fact that fat slows down the absorption of carbs they may think that pizza is OK to eat.
What seems blindingly obvious to us and many experienced Diabetics is not to someone newly diagnosed and confused about what to eat. It is a thing we must always remember.....what it was like when we were new as well"
It's blindingly obvious to those that come here, or drop in on our website
"I noticed the comments, Ken, about no true low carber would eat pizza. Probably true but....this forum is designed for new Diabetics, those that may want to low carb but do not yet have the knowledge and experience to know what to eat"
ReplyDeleteHow about telling them not to eat Pizza, you bleedin' idiots?
"Now I'm back perhaps you will leave the innocent good posters on DCUK alone and you can concentrate on me again.......mind you I suppose you must think I am dead and buried."
ReplyDeleteCome on now Kenny boy don't flatter yourself we have no intention of concentrating on you, why should we you have no influence over the events at DCUK apart from your Swiss maid Daisy.
Boy you must hate it when "ordinary members" as you disdainfully called them have the audacity to use UPPER CASE in their thread titles or shock horror even use "bold text" in their posts, your history Ken as thankfully are many of your rules.
I don't wish to be a pedant, said Dillinger, wishing to be a pedant but may I draw your attention to this:-
ReplyDelete"You have no concept of the meaning or code of respect. I've said it vefore (sic) Eddie you are scum!"
Ken aka Cuglia
And then this: 'respect' noun; meaning esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability.
So under the 'code or respect' isn't there a slight problem there with that first statement? You know like calling the person you are talking to 'scum'? Or is that 'scum' in a respectful/good way?
What larks, Dillinger
Felix said...
ReplyDeleteMaybe it's time for Ken to tell us why he got kicked out of "the Force" and ended his days as a pipe fitter, rather than as a shopping centre security guard, like all the other fat-ex coppers?
13 May 2012 20:18
Ah....poor Felix the Cat.....sorry Prat !
If you or anybody else is able to show evidence that says 'I was kicked out of any force'.....feel free to publish it.
I retired from my Force some while ago after exemplary service, and have a Police Long Service and Good Conduct Medal to prove it.
As stated previusly I do have the skills of a Pipe Fitter...however I am not, nor ever have been one by Trade.
So you can understand what I say....I repeat, I am not fat.....
Any more lies wish to propogate ?
Lowcarb team member said...
ReplyDelete"I don’t suppose you have seen the traffic that views our forum ? No, so going nowhere is only in your head Eddie."
Ken this blog has had more comments in the last few hours than your forum gets in a week.
13 May 2012 20:30
Comments.....yes all because I chose to take you to task about your lies and bile here.
It is quality that matters Eddie....not quantity. We have over 1000 page hits every day and we know people are reading most of our information. That is all that matters to US at present.
We are just taking things nice and easy, very relaxing compared to DCUK, which if you were around in 2006 took around a couple of years to get up to speed in 2007/8. Everything has to start somewhere.
I was looking at DCUK forum well before you ever joined and it didn't take me long to realise Low Carb was going to be better for ME.
So although you may have had a mention in an article I wrote for a newsletter.....don't let it go to your head.....yours wasn't the only info I was reading. There were MUCH better posters than you.
We are proud of the information OUR Forum has in it's info sections......we don't have many Members....however, we have patience and plenty of time. What will be will be........
We are also proud of the fact that OUR Forum is listed ahead of DCUK when searching certain subjects on Google etc. We may be small just now.....but our voice is getting stronger.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteKens forum
5 Users active over the last 24 hours: carty, cugila, daisy, Google [Bot], sugarless sue
Its dead.
13 May 2012 20:45
Ah......the blind faith in what you see on the surface.
Rumours of our demise are premature I think someone famous once said about something else......
If you look at DCUK it shows over 37000 most days there are only a few members online. A fraction of the membership, if you want to work out the percentage.....feel free, I really can't be bothered.
At present we have a total of 36 5 online at over 24 hrs is not bad percentage wise. We have only been around for less than a year.
If ever DCUK gets 50 members online at one time I think I might send THEM a bottle of champagne ! Remeber what you said about US Eddie ?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Now I'm back perhaps you will leave the innocent good posters on DCUK alone and you can concentrate on me again.......
Innocent like jopar! get a life Ken your finished at DCUK, the forum is a far better place without you!
13 May 2012 20:58
Scott......of the Arseantics ?
Jopar is a VERY pleasant and knowledgable Lady.....innocent !
Stating the blindingly obvious that I am 'finished' at DCUK ? Yes, for nearly a year. Am I bovvered......
The way you bunch of idiots keep digging stuff up about me you would think I was still there ! It's history with it.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteAnywhere is a far better place without Ken just ask Sue.
13 May 2012 21:02
I wouldn't if I were you.....she has a foul temper especially for idiots like you......
Footie Fan said...
ReplyDelete"Eddie - stop this rubbish will you - you look a right plonker!"
Don't stop Eddie, Kennys rants make for great entertainment, not much on the box till Match of the day!
13 May 2012 21:13
Footie Fan.....says it all really, BRAIN DEAD ! Glad I am entertaining you.....still, I suppose it is better than letting you out on the streets where somebody might mistake you for a Chimp......
I wouldn’t like to meet Ken on a dark night.
You don't know how right you are Eddie.......
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"I noticed the comments, Ken, about no true low carber would eat pizza. Probably true but....this forum is designed for new Diabetics, those that may want to low carb but do not yet have the knowledge and experience to know what to eat"
How about telling them not to eat Pizza, you bleedin' idiots?
13 May 2012 21:53
Actually, you bleedin' idiot.....if you had taken the time to read anything we have ever written about Pizza on DCUK and other places we HAVE actually told Members that Pizza isn't the best food for a Diabetic.
However, who are we to dictate to anybody what they should and shouldn't eat. Some diabetic's have actually managed to eat portions of Pizza without dying.......
Lowcarb team member said...
ReplyDelete"Now I'm back perhaps you will leave the innocent good posters on DCUK alone and you can concentrate on me again.......mind you I suppose you must think I am dead and buried."
Come on now Kenny boy don't flatter yourself we have no intention of concentrating on you, why should we you have no influence over the events at DCUK apart from your Swiss maid Daisy.
Boy you must hate it when "ordinary members" as you disdainfully called them have the audacity to use UPPER CASE in their thread titles or shock horror even use "bold text" in their posts, your history Ken as thankfully are many of your rules.
Ah....the dickhead duck, a man of very little brain, mostly fogged up with alcohol !
No intention of concentrating on me.....what have you pack of idiots been doing for the last 3 years ?
I have been left DCUK for nearly a year, yet I am still mentioned here frequently. If I wasn't around you lot would have very little to talk about.....
Daisy is a member of our forum as she is at DCUK, so are other moderators such as Anna29 and Louiseb.
Do you think they all are doing my bidding. People are allowed to belong to ANY Forum they choose. They are all independent people
WE however, do NOT send pm's to people telling them they should not join or post in other places as a certain 'clique' on DCUK are doing.....telling people NOT to have anything to do with in particular.
What exactly are they frightened of.....questions ?
As for the rules on DCUK they were always rules of the Administrator in conjunction with Sue and I as Monitors.
Many of the same rules are still in use today, although most of the moderators have no idea what they are ! Benny makes them up as he goes along......
There is, and always will be a hierarchy on any Fora. You have 'Ordinary Members', people able to post things.
'Moderators' people given certain priviliges and able to delete/edit posts in accordance with the rules.
'Monitors' like Sue and I who were given a lot more freedom to suspend, warn or ban people who didn't wish to comply with any rules.
CAPITALS in headings were always used for information posts from Admin, Moderators or Monitors. That was a rule and kept things tidy and uniform, unlike now where it just looks like a 'dog's breakfast', haphazard and confusing.
If a post needed editing for breaking a rule it was always made clear either by a pm to the member or by stating what had taken place in the 'mod edit' box of a post.
It appears that now much editing/deleting etc is done on DCUK without ANY person telling a member the reason.
As for 'bold text' in a post...... you have obviously been at the 'sauce' again me old mate.
I have NO idea what you are talking about. Mind you where you were concerned that was usually the case wasn't it ? You always were a sore loser .......
Any other 'muppets' fancy having a pop ? Come on, don't be
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI don't wish to be a pedant, said Dillinger, wishing to be a pedant but may I draw your attention to this:-
"You have no concept of the meaning or code of respect. I've said it vefore (sic) Eddie you are scum!"
Ken aka Cuglia
And then this: 'respect' noun; meaning esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability.
So under the 'code or respect' isn't there a slight problem there with that first statement? You know like calling the person you are talking to 'scum'? Or is that 'scum' in a respectful/good way?
What larks, Dillinger
14 May 2012 11:09
Oh dear Al....ever the pedant. You such an intelligent Man too.......?
For the record.....Eddie knows my opinion of him well. He is, as I said SCUM. Respect or not.....
(That's me being polite.)
Something that no supposedly intelligent Man such as yourself would really want anything to do with him, or the rest of his lowlife Pals. Am I to put you in the same category now......I really did think better of you !
Well, what a pleasant way to while away the afternoon. It's raining here so no point in going off out today.
ReplyDeleteI do soooooo love chatting to all my friends here, it gives me a warm glow to know that I have helped the mean infected ! How silly of me.
That all for now folks. Happy to up Eddies post count any time.....
ReplyDeleteI see you have got out of your straitjacket twice in 24 hours, a poorly made Chinese import I suspect.
Wow thanks for episode 2 Ken, brilliant comedy take a bow, your the Joey Barton of the diabetes fora.
ReplyDeleteSeeing the once mighty dictator acting like a deranged pre-menstrual teenage girl is really quite comical.
ReplyDeleteHe just can't accept it thet he no longer has the sanction available to ban people! We can now bite back at the bully and he can do nothing!
It reminds me of the anguished Gadaffi in that YouTube video. He'd just been captured and someone was sodomising him with a stick. Not pleasant viewing but understandable in the circumstances.
Perhaps he should bypass the stick and insert his forum and his views into his anal cavity. Seeing as where it's what he talks out of, it should shut him up as well.
ReplyDeleteI see you have got out of your straitjacket twice in 24 hours, a poorly made Chinese import I suspect.
14 May 2012 17:47
Now I know you have lost any credibility you may have had. A poor riposte to me, not had enough wine yet ?
Are you going to show us your 'lovely' Wifie again, your 'lovely' Grandkids again. Go for the aaaaw factor ?
If you had looked at ALL the info on DCUK and our Forum you would have seen that much of it is aimed at advising people to reduce carb consumption.......something surely even you would approve of ? But no, all you can find fault with is the NICE guidelines.....AGAIN.
You're stuck in a time warp Eddie. Your 'glory' days are gone, you are history, an irrelavance stuck here amongst your little pals, or is that sock puppets trying to be funny when everybody knows you are a pathetic, vile little man.
You haven't changed Eddie, bitter and twisted just like the dick. The two of you make a great pair, dementia setting in already. I do hope it comes on really fast, I wouldn't want either of you to
Happy life Eddie......
ReplyDeleteThank you for confirming, over the last twenty-four hours, what a complete moron you are, and everything we have said about you is true. The term ‘not fit for purpose’ comes to mind. Certainly not fit to run a diabetes forum. You also confirm the so called ‘care in the community’ has been an unmitigated disaster for many.
For what my opinion is worth, I thought you had reached the pinnacle of your stupidity, some time ago, but you prove me wrong, with every post.
Hoping this riposte, meets with your approval.
“Ah....the dickhead duck, a man of very little brain, mostly fogged up with alcohol !”
ReplyDeleteAt least I’ve got a brain sunshine more than can be said for you!
“I have been left DCUK for nearly a year, yet I am still mentioned here frequently. If I wasn't around you lot would have very little to talk about.....”
Laugh about more like…..
“Daisy is a member of our forum as she is at DCUK, so are other moderators such as Anna29 and Louiseb.
Do you think they all are doing my bidding. People are allowed to belong to ANY Forum they choose. They are all independent people”
Thanks sunshine two more to keep an eye on….
“As for the rules on DCUK they were always rules of the Administrator in conjunction with Sue and I as Monitors.
Many of the same rules are still in use today, although most of the moderators have no idea what they are ! Benny makes them up as he goes along......”
That’s a bit rich from you who made up new rules on a regular basis..
“There is, and always will be a hierarchy on any Fora. You have 'Ordinary Members', people able to post things.”
Hierarchy so that’s your excuse for being an arrogant despot! Something you forget without these Ordinary Members there would be no forum…
“'Moderators' people given certain priviliges and able to delete/edit posts in accordance with the rules.”
Trouble is sunshine you abused those privileges and ignored the rules…..
"CAPITALS in headings were always used for information posts from Admin, Moderators or Monitors. That was a rule and kept things tidy and uniform, unlike now where it just looks like a 'dog's breakfast', haphazard and confusing."
Total bullshit Dan never used capitals in his headings!
"If a post needed editing for breaking a rule it was always made clear either by a pm to the member or by stating what had taken place in the 'mod edit' box of a post."
More lies and you know it, I had threads moved posts edited and locked by you without getting a pm nor any info in the “mod edit box” remember when you lost your mods job albeit temporarily?
"I have NO idea what you are talking about. Mind you where you were concerned that was usually the case wasn't it ? You always were a sore loser ......."
Sore loser! Check out your manic raves on this blog, you’re a loser big time sunshine ........
Goodnight Mr Ken.
“Ah....the dickhead duck, a man of very little brain, mostly fogged up with alcohol !”
ReplyDeleteWritten by a man who doesn't even know basic punctuation, and feels the need to fill every sentence with elipses(....).
Trying Googling "comma" retard.
"Any other 'muppets' fancy having a pop ? Come on, don't be"
ReplyDeleteWoo-maaaan! bring it on.
I, moiself, have always enjoyed a good scrimmage.
ReplyDeleteLooks like the knowledgable Jopar has been rumbled again:
"In diabetes, there are five essentials for victory - six if you include my book."
ReplyDelete"The answer is surely somewhere betwixt the doorstep."
"I am wearing my grandmother's grubby old undies."
"Diabetes is almost a game of about two or three halves."
~Keng Phooey
"Looks like the knowledgable Jopar has been rumbled again"
ReplyDeleteJopar the female version of Ken. Rude and stupid.
Anonymouse said.....
ReplyDelete'Rude and stupid.'
Hahaha.....You have just described the idiot and his pals (of which you are obviously one) to a 'T'. Thanks for saving me the trouble !
NEWSFLASH...... Eddie the idiot saves the World. He has friends. Possibly one ! He is a VERY nice man. (Yeah right) BTW, for the info of the brain dead 'footie fan'......those things you call 'elipses' are actually called 'brackets.' A valid grammatical tool. (Tool being the right word in your case !) What you do if you make an aside which is not part of a sentence you OPEN brackets ( type what you want to say in here. Then CLOSE brackets ) like so. Obviously your schooling wasn't up to much dickbrain ! You need to educate yourself about punctuation and grammar before trying to correct those that do know how to......! Regards cugila
ReplyDeleteThe last post from Ken/Cugila was moved from another thread, but not hidden as was one of his tricks. I want him kept here in his padded cell.
ReplyDeletehas your keyboard got a sticky key?
you seem to.................a LOT
"BTW, for the info of the brain dead 'footie fan'......those things you call 'elipses' are actually called 'brackets.' A valid grammatical tool."
ReplyDeleteElipses brackets WTF, I think thats a spectacular own goal there Ken, keep em coming.
Ken never seems to post after 7pm is that when he goes back to his cell.
ReplyDeleteNo....Ken....these....are...elipses...the...little dots....with incorrectly....punctuate...every sentence, making most of...what you write incomprehensible...and making you look idiot.
ReplyDeleteWould I trust a man who didn't even go to school for diabetic advice.
"Foooouuuurrrssss thhheee flllloooor"
I see Ol' Kenny's arguing with himself on ABC today,todays subject,DCUK,Hypo's and bitchin' about Xyzzy and Grazer.
ReplyDeleteJust for a change.
"I see Ol' Kenny's arguing with himself on ABC today,todays subject,DCUK,Hypo's and bitchin' about Xyzzy and Grazer.
ReplyDeleteJust for a change"
Ol' Kenny or Hypoman as I used to call him must have shares in Gluco tabs. Don't think the targets of his bitchin' will take a blind bit of notice.
"Yep, that's about what you ever do duck, just "quack" and "quack" more. That's why no one ever listens or believes the crap you "quack" about. LOLOLOL"
ReplyDeleteWTF you on man! I can't believe your having a conversation with a Duck, have you seen your shrink lately? think you need to up your medications. are still as big a larf as you were 4 years ago Ediot and still the same vile idiot as ever.
ReplyDeleteWhen are you going to grow some brain cells and realise that no one, apart from the duck, is ever going to believe anything you say. Everyone knows that the miserably few responses you get on your bile blog are nothing but sockpuppets created by you and your duck friend who needs only the crums you feed him to follow you.
You two are the most vile and disgusting idiotic laughing stocks of the diabetic world on the Internet .
BTW, I don't need any tablets, but I think everyone would like an explanation as to why you would need to take Metforim if lchf if as good as you claim it to be. Surely something is not right there, either you are cheating or you are not low carving at all. Either way, your claim just does not add up hence why you need to swallow the Metformin.
BTW, how's your clogged up arteries doing, if you haven't had the second stent yet? Don't worry, you soon will, followed by a bypass surgery in a year or so thanks to all that lovely fat you are forcing down your cake hole. Lol
Keep taking your Metformin Ediot, you know it makes sense, the pharmaceutical industrie and the Docs are depending on you. Lololol
High Karen
ReplyDeleteStill working the night shift.
From carbos blog another crazed rant.
ReplyDelete"The Ediot and Sue were once very close friends on DCUK. I had very long chats with Sue via
PMs and she even threatened to ban me if I didn't "leave him (Ediot) alone" telling me that he was a "good person". Once she told me that she had just spoken to Ediot on the phone and he was nearly in tears because everyone was "picking on him".
Ken was also one of his followers and did ban me in the end for standing up to the Ediot.
Look at them now, like cats and dogs, but mind you, isn't that the same with all of the Ediot's "friends" who used to abide by his law and believed the sun shone out of his arse, where are they now? LOLOL
Ediot and the Duck, two lonely ugly ducklings forced to live in exile in a bile blog.
And he thinks I am Ken....LOLOLOL what an Ediot"