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Friday, 11 May 2012
To stop shooting yourself in the head !
My old friend Dillinger, started a thread the other day on the big one, called ‘To stop shooting yourself in the foot‘. He talked about forgetting to take some medication that morning, and his BG numbers went higher than normal, who hasn’t forgotten to take medication ? I know I have on occasions. But more on the thread later.
The forum, the forum I call the big one, has become a place of joy. It seems to me, every other post, is talking about the success brought about by lowcarbing. Weight loss (where required), reduction in medication, reduction in blood pressure, improved lipid numbers, and so importantly, reduction in highly dangerous blood glucose numbers. I have been saying for years, diabetes does not cause life changing complications, elevated BG numbers causes all the damage. Logic tells me, if you can run non diabetic BG numbers, why should you suffer diabetic complications ? All the science stacks up, the lower the BG numbers, the better the long term outcomes for us all. With one big proviso ! It has been well established, ramming down BG numbers, with multi medication regimes, is not the way to go. The ACCORD study proved that.
What has really enthused me lately, is how many are reporting their Healthcare Professionals are agreeing lowcarb is the way to go. OK, it’s all a bit hush-hush, but from acorns oak trees grow. When I was diagnosed my HbA1c was close to twelve, BG number twenty-six. Thanks to Fergus Craig, three months later, HbA1c in the fives and BG non diabetic. Fifty pound weight loss. I was ecstatic, I thought I had reinvented the wheel, but as so many know, I was typical of a guy that dumped the junk, that lead to my obesity and type two diabetes. There is also a huge hereditary factor involved, but I won’t bore you with that one. Lowcarbing works, it has always worked, it will always work, and it is safe.
As I said, it was Fergus Craig, a long term, highly knowledgeable, and extremely well read diabetic, who saved me from a fate worse than death. We all have to die, that is natures way. We pass on, and a new person has their chance to progress the human race. But we do not have to leave this world, finishing our time, riddled with diabetic complications. This I have seen first hand. I started posting my story and good news, and a lot of people took notice. Don’t get me wrong, almost all could see, Fergus had forgotten, more than I would ever know, regarding diabetes control. I believe people were enthused, because I was a newbie, I knew next to nothing, but I had tamed type two diabetes. Others must have thought, if he can do it, so can I, and they did ! I posted over two thousand posts, all deleted by Ken. Not one liners, many posts contained thousands of words, many hours of work. But hey, thems the breaks. With my good friends, Graham, John, Doctor Jay Wortman, and Jimmy Moore, we exposed and got shot of Ken. Ken was not the only destructive and idiotic member of, which brings me to another lowcarb anti and arguably the biggest fool, and most anti lowcarb member, the forum has ever seen, Jopar.
In my days on the forum, she stated, if she followed Fergus’ or my diet she would be dead. She also argued with me, the difference between HbA1c of five and seven, was only two percent, and not worth bothering about. She knew nothing then, and nothing now. Check out her demonstration of lack of understanding and knowledge, of even the basics for good diabetes control, on the thread below. It is my opinion, this member should carry a government health warning. Shoot yourself in the foot, this member has shot herself in the head, on so many occasions, it’s lamentable.
The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.
The best of health to you and yours.
Eddie said:
ReplyDelete"With my good friends, Graham, John, Doctor Jay Wortman, and Jimmy Moore"
Carbo says:
Jimmy and I weigh the same, I will admit to being 2" shorter than Jimmy"
do you go up to Jimmy and call him "morbidly obese"? What a fine friend he must be to put up with that from you.
I'll give you my carb when you pry it from my cold, dead hands! Capiche
In the 4 years of reading Jopar's posts on diet I have yet to find one that is based on the latest scientific evidence. Perhaps they are based on course material that was published decades ago. She certainly seems to pride herself on exhibiting her ignorance. The Chinese would say "she has no face".
Charlton Heston on guns if memory serves.
Eddie said:
ReplyDelete"With my good friends, Graham, John, Doctor Jay Wortman, and Jimmy Moore"
"Carbo says:
Jimmy and I weigh the same, I will admit to being 2" shorter than Jimmy"
do you go up to Jimmy and call him "morbidly obese"? What a fine friend he must be to put up with that from you."
Jimmy and his wife are honest and open people ! They do not skulk in the shadows, like gutless, anon guttersnipes.
Iv'e seen a photo of Jimmy but not of carbo, so we can only rely on the evidence presented. Jimmy is an honest and open person can the same be said for carbo?
ReplyDeletePut up or shut up!
So, offering to bury the hatchet with a "gutless, anon guttersnipe" wasn't your doing? What a fine friend you would make, eh?
ReplyDeleteOh no an anonymous gutless guttersnipe calling me a liar. I must go and hang my head in shame.
ReplyDeleteIt was you, who said recently stated , you feared your employer would find out who you are. If that does not say, you are a scumbag, I don’t know shit from shineola.
Eddie Mitchell, real name and not an anon.
Hi Eddie from Carbos blog.
ReplyDelete"The ediot has always lied, trouble is he is so good at it now some people think what he says is the truth!"
Who are we to believe, Carbo and his liars or the many members at DUK!
The targets to a certain extent are set by plotting all the complications of diabetes against HbA1c levels... They've been doing this since the HbA1c's were done, our HbA1c's are constantly collected and reviewed every 2 years! So far, since HbA1c's been available there's a constant U shape, to the left is complications associated with low levels/hypo's to the right is the other long term complications... Top of the U is the high figures, at the bottom of the U is the 6.5-7%... Hence why we get told that this is considered good control, as go one way or the other you can start hitting problems at a greater rate.
ReplyDeleteMore false info from the Jopar
"Oh no an anonymous gutless guttersnipe calling me a liar. I must go and hang my head in shame."
ReplyDeleteOh come on tubs old chap why so tetchy has your toaster blown up!
"Anonymous gutless guttersnipe" surely you can have no complaints after all most of your sheeple (readers) come under that category, unless carbopile/tubolard is your real name lol! you shouldn't expect anyone to consider you anything but an "Anonymous gutless guttersnipe"...
Still awaiting the omelette/pizza effect...
"More false info from the Jopar"
ReplyDeleteSurely, not the discredited ACCORD study again!
Do any of you actually realise how childish you all look - no wonder no one posts on here. Eddie hang up your boots this is all rather pathetic - he said , she said etc WHO CARES. People will live their lives as they want!
ReplyDeleteIn this current climate maybe you all need to be careful what you say about each other!
“Do any of you actually realise how childish you all look - no wonder no one posts on here. Eddie hang up your boots this is all rather pathetic - he said , she said etc WHO CARES. People will live their lives as they want!
ReplyDeleteIn this current climate maybe you all need to be careful what you say about each other! “
It’s our childish behaviour that see off Ken, when we outed the identity of the resident idiotic dietition, she went into hiding, don’t tell me that did not help return some sanity to the forum. Jopar and others who have brought about much thread locking and argument, have proved on so many occasions, they know nothing about the control of diabetes for the majority.
I see she is getting on her high horse re. test strips from e bay etc. As was pointed out, it’s people like me who pay for her test strips, and if memory serves, she refused to sign a test strip petition in the past. With the NHS cut backs, come pump renewal time, she may not get a new pump on the tax payer. A good time to start learning how to low carb me thinks.
So many antis get all the tools, yet begrudge others who get fantastic control, with no help from the NHS, despite paying in to the fund all their lives. ‘WHO CARES. People will live their lives as they want’ We care that people get sound information, and are not harassed by antis, who know zilch re good control, and believe the NHS and DUK diets are the way to go, together with shed loads of drugs. The NHS stats prove that is not the way to go.
Good point well made Eddie!
ReplyDelete"In this current climate maybe you all need to be careful what you say about each other!"
ReplyDeleteWHO CARES
Talking about Antis..It's the 1 month Anniversary of the Kensters last post on ABC! Apart from Highlanders,where the hell has he been?
ReplyDeleteSilent now.....JUST WAITING!!
“Do any of you actually realise how childish you all look - no wonder no one posts on here. Eddie hang up your boots this is all rather pathetic - he said , she said etc WHO CARES. People will live their lives as they want!”
ReplyDeleteDear pathetic anonymouse, as I’ve said before we are in this for the long haul, while we have fruitcakes like jopar inferring T2s are fat idle slobs who brought it on their selves, can’t add up and tell lies, we shall be around to set the record straight. Who cares we do of course. As for people living their lives as they want try telling that to jopar.
“In this current climate maybe you all need to be careful what you say about each other!”
We have nothing to hide unlike people like you! Are you one of these creepy anonymous cyber bullies would not surprise me at all if you were?
Me a bully - far from it but what about you. You write vile things about people and think you can get away with it. I am sure one day it will catch up with you.
ReplyDelete“Me a bully - far from it but what about you. You write vile things about people and think you can get away with it. I am sure one day it will catch up with you.”
ReplyDeleteYou like so many of your ilk are anonymous. That makes your complaint meaningless. We report on what we see on blogs and forums. It is not our fault some make complete fools of themselves. It is not us than ran a forum like a tyrant, assisted by a small band of know nothing idiots. Idiots that have done their best to stifle intelligent debate, and rubbish a method of diabetes control, that clearly works for so many. The NHS has let so many down, and a small group of carb addicted diabetics, have done their best, to ensure the grim NHS stats get worse.
The clique and the lowcarb antis are finished at, and we are very proud to have played a small part in their downfall. When the likes of Jopar start thinking before they post, we will stop highlighting their stupidity and obvious lack of knowledge. All experienced people know when they are reading nonsense, but the long term out of control or the newbie’s are often confused. Why don’t you and your anonymous ones, start posting to help rather than hinder, people that in many cases cannot even get test strips to improve on the grim statistics we read about every day. Why are the likes of you to gutless to even post under an anonymous forum name ? Is it because you would be ashamed of what you have said and done on forums and blogs in the past ?
Great advice about this subject Sue.......I noticed that some people on a certain forum seem to think it doesn't apply to them. Maybe they should do some MORE reading over here........ or even listen to the established members there who DO know what they are talking about.
ReplyDeleteKens back
He's not been near a PC in weeks....Apparently
ReplyDeleteThat's right you wonderful people.
ReplyDeleteNow I'm back perhaps you will leave the innocent good posters on DCUK alone and you can concentrate on me again.......mind you I suppose you must think I am dead and buried.
How's your old quack pal Jay Wartman then Eddie......he doesn't have much to say about you, even though you bleat on about him from time to time.
I've been looking round this cesspit today and saw a reference to somebody, Highlanders.....who or what is that then ?
I don't for a minute think you will believe me but it 'aint me pal ! Sorry to disapoint all your moronic victims, sorry, I meant associates......
Well, I also have news for you Eddie're always bleating about how your posts were deleted on DCUK. The bulk of your posts (which wasn't much really if you take out the dross, innuendo and just plain perverted) on DCUK were not deleted by me, however I had delight in assisting with the removal of the remainder from what once was a great forum after you were disposed of by Dan thge then Administrator. A guy with some balls unlike the present incumbent.....
Given the circumstances I would happily do it all again, however obviously that cannot happen now.
Not that I wish to have anything to do with DCUK any more. It is a 'dead pool' now.....populated by ego freaks, verbalists and people who just plain haven't a clue what they are talking about. Much like you and your pals Eddie.....back to the 'bad' old days again. hope you're happy, cos it sure doesn't promote low carbing in the way that other more reputable Fora do.
As for you and your pals.....lovely to see your brain function is diminishing by the day. Maybe soon somebody will put you all out of your misery and read Bernstein to you at bedtimes..
Bye bye dickheads.....hahaha
BP is 109/67 just now, then I suppose you would want a Dr's note ? this place does make me laugh though, that's one thing you do well......
Slainte !
Ken aka cugila :-)
"Fourrrssss the Flooooorrrrr" Welcome back Ken,we've missed you!!
ReplyDelete"Me a bully - far from it but what about you. You write vile things about people and think you can get away with it. I am sure one day it will catch up with you."
ReplyDeleteSo we have to take the word of an anonymous nobody do we? For all I know you could be a serial stalker, a mass murderer, an escaped convict, or maybe just a sanctimonious loony.
Vile Things