Tuesday, 22 May 2012

What a mess !!! Inside Kens Head !

cugila said...
Eddie.......and 'shit for brains' the dick !

When have I EVER pushed a 'high carb' diet to anybody ? We emphasise reducing carbs.....isn't that what low carb is about. The DCUK pack, the BOB's and Sister's all say the same......eat to your meter, again what we have always said. We still do. Whatever works for you and others is all we have ever posted.

The fact that you and the present pack on DCUK are allowed to get away with insults, ridicule, aggression and bullying is testament to how far DCUK has sunk since the inept Benedict took over there.

The place is just a joke now, no balance, no fairness, no opinions other than the 'ruling' clique dictate. It is now back to how it was in 2009 when you and your sockpuppets ruled the roost.

You were a joke then Eddie....you are even more of one now with your claim to have been the architect of returning DCUK to a sensible and safe place to post. It is now just another low carb forum, just not very good and full of people like xyz....with theoir own personal agenda and protected by a biased Mod 'team'. Sound familiar Eddie...... you always will be a fraud and a liar....

What a mess !!!



You were given the opportunity to state your side of the argument on this blog. You had previously stated on your forum, you had no right of reply here. I joined your forum and corrected your lie. I have mentioned this fact before on this blog. Not only were you allowed to comment, you were given two threads to tell us why you believe we were wrong to orchestrate your downfall at diabetes.co.uk. You stated yesterday “now with your claim to have been the architect of returning DCUK to a sensible and safe place”  I have never said that, but getting rid of you, was one hell of a good start. 

Benedict and his new team of mods are doing a great job. But a forum is about the members, and the members are showing great knowledge and enthusiasm to help others. With of course the exception of your toadying ex clique. The anti’s and wreckers have all been identified, all can see their selfish motivations. Now their chief minder and bully boy has gone, they have to rely on lies and insults to get threads locked. Not for much longer I think.

You have clearly illustrated why you are the last person to moderate any forum, let alone the largest diabetes forum in the UK. We remember your foul mouthed ravings from years ago, clearly nothing has changed. Read your comments on this thread and the memo from a madman thread. Ask yourself, are they the words of a sane or in control person. Why do you think your old band of clique members and cohorts, keep well away from your new forum ? Not only are you a rude and obnoxious oaf, you know nothing about safe and sustainable diabetic control. Dr. Jay Wortman warned you a year ago, that a low calorie, low carb, low fat diet was not sustainable in the long term, once weight loss had been achieved. It works for you and a few others, because you never get to a safe weight situation, or you are so physically inactive, you can get by on the calorific intake of a two year old child.

Post again here by all means, but if your comments are on the line of your usual modus operandi they will not be published. Never let it be said we use the tactics you have used, i.e post deletion, post alteration, thread locking and banning, that you turned into an art form at diabetes.co.uk. I see you are deleting some of your more outrageous comments re. Benedict and d.uk members, on your forum today, old habits are hard to break eh Ken. Your previous posts here will not be deleted, and will stand as a monument, to why you are unfit for purpose. Redeem yourself, before it is too late.



  1. "The fact that you and the present pack on DCUK are allowed to get away with insults, ridicule, aggression and bullying is testament to how far DCUK has sunk since the inept Benedict took over there."

    DCUK has come on leaps and bounds since you were deposed ken, it was you and your cronies that were the real bullies.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Kenny I didn't know you cared, love you too dear heart.

    Love and Hugs
    Dick xxxx

  5. Not that Ken's a sore loser...

  6. Graham you slag ! You told me I was the only one.

    I will respond Ken, but we have friends round tonight, and I want to give my reply my full attention.


  7. More of your lies Eddie.....nah, WTFP. You lot can wallow in the pile of shit that this place is. You wouldn't notice the stench. You all smell the same.

    As for your friends.....hahaha you're having a laugh mate. who would want to be friends with a no mark like you ?

    God the smell here is overpowering..... bye bye !


  8. Breath of Fresh Air22 May 2012 at 22:53

    cugila said...

    "God the smell here is overpowering....."

    Smells ok since you left sunshine.....

  9. As someone newly diagnosed I came on here looking for information and I was shocked to see nothing but insults and childish comments. I've also been on this Kens forum who you so happily slag off at every turn and I see nothing but common sense may I suggest that you focus less on the playground and more helping signpost diabetics; I've never seen such rubbish.

  10. Hi Sue! Bye Sue!

  11. Who is Sue? And why are you posting as anon.? only cowards post as anon. You all need to get a life as quite clearly you are all so socially inept all you can do is throw insults I'm not Sue whoever that may be; my name is Leah; you see I don't have to post as anon because I'm not a cowardly freak like you. If you had a brain between you I'd see something intelligent and worthwhile such as I've seen on other blogs and forums (yes like Diabetic ABC) where they actually spend time helping people not behaving like children. You won't hear from me again you bunch of misfits I have better ways to spend my time.

  12. Leah said...

    "I've also been on this Kens forum who you so happily slag off at every turn and I see nothing but common sense may I suggest that you focus less on the playground and more helping signpost diabetics; I've never seen such rubbish."

    Kenny does not slag people off then? you've obviously not read the posts on his forum! were he's quite happy to "slag" DCUK forum members off, or on this blog were he "slags" off the admin Benedict.

    Lets not forget kenny decided to post his tirade here were he "slagged" off Benedict, the Mod team (three of whom are members of his forum)and of course DCUK members.

    Sweet Dreams

  13. When are Ken and Sue going to retake the reins at Diabetes.co.uk?

    Oh hang on, I remember - never!


  14. Too'ing and Throw'ing, slinging mud, slanging matches, where will it all end?

    I see your reply to Ken Eddie but you are not perfect. What about the ridicule do you think that's right?

    Not that I'm saying Ken is right his behaviour has been disgusting and yes he needs to redeem himself.

    How about it the pair of you - will you ever agree to differ?

    It makes for fun reading for some, appalling reading for others. Surely the question you must remember is, who are you helping?

    Dare I say shake hands the pair of you?

    Well perhaps not seeing what has gone on -- it's over to you.


  15. Ken is an old pussy.

    Not previously being a Cat lover but 'converted' as one of my friends has said........I thought this encapsulates what it is we love about these creatures. I love the last verse........bit like us mere human's as we get older ! Enjoy......

    He blinks upon the hearth rug,
    And yawns in deep content,
    Accepting all the comforts
    That providence has sent.

    Louder he purrs and louder,
    In one glad hymn of praise
    For all the nights adventures,
    For quiet and restful days.

    Life will go on forever,
    With all that a cat can wish;
    Warmth and glad procession
    Of fish and milk and fish.

    Only.....the thought disturbs him,
    He's noticed once or twice,
    The times are somehow breeding
    A 'nimbler' race of mice !

    Dedicated to Guinness, Tigger, Alfie and Ozzie........and very good friends !

    The last post 4 days ago on his blog/forum.

  16. Another jokar quote:

    "After all rumours say this is what happens, in fact only 2 to my knowledge only 2 extreme low carb advocates have been banned, they did take around 30 sockpuppets with them (sockpuppets is the term used for one member who uses multiply accounts to post under)!"

    Wondering if ken is one of the 2 she's referring to? none of us can be considered extreme low carbers <30g, Ken on the other hand has been known to go as low as 30g. Sockpuppets! yes ken had plenty if jopar says it was 30 then it is a possibility it was he.

    Now we just need to identify the other one.



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The best of health to you and yours.
