Wednesday 13 June 2012

Carbo the gutless and despicable !

The day before yesterday we copied and posted a thread from Carbophiles blog. We gave him full attribution. We stated very clearly this was his work and gave a clickable link to his blog and the post in question. He asked us to remove the post and stated we were in breach of his copyright. Copyright to what ? A cess pit and totally useless piece of work the anonymous and gutless Carbo hides behind. A man that has insulted people from Hana to Dr Jay Wortman. A blog of hate and misinformation. As reported, he fears his employer would find out who he is because he would be fired, because of the nature of his blog. He appears to have complained to Google, as he said he would do. See link below.

I am away from a computer for a week and have left this matter in the hands of our team. How this guttersnipe has the audacity to complain beggars belief. He has spent years spreading fear and alarm amongst diabetics. He has told lies and authorised lies that rubbish good people, and knows if his identity was known, he would have been sued in the courts. He is a malicious troll, no more, no less. He is a failed mod at and a failed owner of the forum diabetes for life. He is in short a coward and a hypocrite that hides under the guise of anonymous. In all my years, I have yet to meet a more gutless and despicable excuse for a human being.

Should this blog disappear in the next few days, please check on and place in your favourites We will start a new blog on our website, we are here for the long term and none will silence or intimidate us into submission, least of all the likes of Carbo/Tubolard.

Eddie Mitchell

The link;postID=4635498698659329961

From Google

"We have received a DMCA complaint for your blog, The Low Carb Diabetic. An email with the details of the complaint was sent to you on 13-Jun-2012 and we have reset the post status to "Draft"; you can edit it here. You may republish the post with the offending content and/or link(s) removed. If you believe you have the rights to post this content, you can file a counter-claim with us. For more on our DMCA policy, please clickhere. Thank you for your prompt attention." 

We will be issuing a counter claim.


  1. Oh man!:( is there no level the Antis won't stoop to? Enjoy your break in the lovely Lakes Eddie and get your batteries recharged! the Antis can stew in their own juices for a week!

  2. Oh man - have you actually looked at this blog!

  3. "Oh man - have you actually looked at this blog!"

    Ye man - great innit!


  4. Anonymous said...
    "Oh man - have you actually looked at this blog!"

    Surprised you've got time to type that as I believe I just heard your Toaster Pop...Run along and eat your crumpets


  5. You should check out The 'Fair Use' Rule in regards to copyrighted material. It's ok to use limited amounts of a copyrighted material under certain circumstances.

  6. Anyone here read Carbosoze?

  7. "Anyone here read Carbosoze?"

    Of course all the team members and a few trusted lowcarbers have viewed and had some input.


  8. Anonymous said...
    "You should check out The 'Fair Use' Rule in regards to copyrighted material. It's ok to use limited amounts of a copyrighted material under certain circumstances."

    TBH is it worth bothering, it smacks of desperation when tubs goes as low as to complain to google, he's batting for the losing side now.

    He will never be able to silence us even if google took the blog down we could always resume on our web site;



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
