Monday 25 June 2012, and the moron of the year prize goes to ?

Over at our favourite forum, the good news re. lowcarbing comes in by the hour. Non or minimal med type two’s are reporting HbA1c numbers in the fours. In the last week the well known Doctor and low carb promoter for diabetics John Briffa has joined the  forum. All positive stuff eh, not quite. Long term anti lowcarbers, Jopar aka the Jokar, who recently had the audacity to comment on another members spelling,  and Sid (the enforcer) Bonkers aka the pharmacist, are up to their usual tricks. When not calling lowcarbers out and out liars, they are implying they are not being honest. I could go on, and on, but regular watchers on the forum, and this blog know the score. So we need your vote ! Who is the biggest moron on the forum ? The Jokar or the Bonkers one ? Who is the most anti lowcarber, the most idiotic, the most rude and obnoxious, in short, who deserves the moron of the year award ? I know a tough call but please let us know.



I see Kenny boy is going for the sympathy vote on the ghost forum.


  1. Hi Eddie!
    It's a tough one but by a Gnats cock it has to be Jopar! The Answer to a question that NOBODY asked!

    I saw the latest on the Ghost forum too,nice try Kenny boy but It'll take more than that to see you in a positive light!


  2. Ghost Forum

    I see Kenny Boy is now making his usual non-contribution of Cut and Paste. I guess you can't teach an old copper "New Tricks"


  3. They are both deserving of the award, I can't separate the two of them!


  4. I suppose if you can't get people to post you might as well play with yourself.

    CliqueFinder General

  5. They both score high on the cretinometer, but I agree with Simon the fruitcake jopar has the edge just!


  6. They are both barmy.

  7. A couple of quotes from Sid hypocrite Bonkers:

    Re: Low Carb Cookies

    "I'm not sure why anyone would want to make biscuits that are not particularly nice to eat just because they are low carb, if I want a biscuit with a cuppa I'll have a chocolate digestive 10g carbs not great but it doesn't do much to my bg levels on its own as a snack so why compromise, other biscuits are less carbs than that so I can have a couple which is nice
    Just check the per biscuit carbs on the packets in the shop/supermarket..."

    Re: chocolate

    I seem to have lost my chocoholic cravings since being diabetic nut I have to agree re the biscuits I could easily polish off a packet of Jammy Dodgers given the opportunity.


  8. Type sid in the search facility at DCUK and you will see more of his hypocrisy. He's nothing but a sarcastic bully therefore I nominate him for the prize.


  9. It's a tough one.

    Jopar is nasty and stupid.
    Bonkers is stupid and nasty.

    However, I get the impression that Sid probably isn't a bad bloke, but get's caught in some sticky situations trying to be the voice of his man-crush in exile Ken. He understands that he should be objecting to all this high-fat stuff, but he isn't intelligent enough to do it properly.

    Jopar is just plain hateful, and possibly one of the most stupid people ever to post on the forum. It's tough to argue with someone who writes compete jibberish. Unlike Sid, she is not motivated by loyalty.

    This makes Jopar the undistputed winner, in my humble opinion.

  10. Twala's rule is unchallenged. An evil, impossibly ancient hag named Gagool is his chief advisor. She roots out any potential opposition by ordering regular witch hunts and murdering without trial all those identified as traitors.

    Gagool seems to be winning the prize.


  11. Hi guys :) im new to this forum, how are you guys doing?

  12. Well on balance I'm with Scott on this one, I would split it between them as they are both deserving of the award and it's difficult to separate the two of them.

    I D

  13. For me it's got to go to the obnoxious Sid Bonkers he's just succeeded in derailing yet another thread.


  14. From the comments received, it would seem we have a dead heat. Both are nasty and stupid. Both have nothing new to add to the debate, and both have chips on their shoulders the size of a house. Both have no compassion whatsoever for the newly diagnosed or confused. Jopar has the pump, insulin and test strips, and has stated type two’s are taking money and resources away from type one’s. Bonkers due to his infirmity and sedentarily life style, lives on a handful of cornflakes and various junk including biscuits and celebration chocolates.

    Clearly fixated with Kenny boys barmy diet, has he ever wondered why Ken and Sue cannot get to a satisfactory weight (both are always stating they have weight to lose) on the barmy army diet ? Why does Sid stay well away from Kens forum ? How many more threads will be locked or posts deleted due to this pair of retarded and obnoxious misfits ?


  15. Nice comments eddie - what a lovely fella you really are!

  16. Anonymous said...
    "Nice comments eddie - what a lovely fella you really are!"

    Hello Kim/Sid-or Jokar!
    How's life on Tubolards ghost forum these days?


  17. "Nice comments eddie - what a lovely fella you really are!"

    Thank you for your kind words, I will try not to let it go to my head.


  18. A joint prize - they are both equally moronic, both sound like stuck records, both have this bizarre self righteousness born of who knows what. Both can't understand that what happens to them isn't the whole story and both keep coming back again and again and again like some bad cheque.

    Can't they go and inhabit Ken & Sue's Place? Please?

  19. "Can't they go and inhabit Ken & Sue's Place? Please?"
    Would be nice but
    I'm not sure they can anymore as the ABC site seems to have dissapeared into a puff of smoke this morning,perhaps old Kenny boy is calling it a day?



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
