A member saw the light today, and asked the “fat ex copper that used to a mod” to delete her account. Can you blame her ? What right minded person would want to be associated with the likes of Ken ? OK EricD and a few others like the Bonkers one, Nobhead and Daisy. But you get my drift, Ken in my opinion, is about as much use to a diabetic as chocolate teapot.
By lucylocket Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:22 am
“I cant find anywhere where it tells me how to delete my account. Can someone tell me how to do this please?”
The pipe fitter replied requesting a PM be sent to the fonts of all knowledge, the admin. When this had been done, the gods would delete the persons account. As you would expect from the old thread chopper, all disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Diabolical ABC will go the same way Tubolards/Carbo’s forum went, down the carzy.
Hey,Check out ABC! Kenny boy and EricD are Ranting again about the 'Nasty Low-carbers' and Kennys off to see some bagpipers apparently..Och Aye
ReplyDeleteQuestion! if Scotland votes for independence in the referendum will they view Kenny as an illegal immigrant and deport him?
ReplyDeleteAaaarrrggghhhh! Hadn't thought of that,he could return to Sutton Coldfield anytime soon,not far from his Arch enemy forums headquarters!
ReplyDelete"Question! if Scotland votes for independence in the referendum will they view Kenny as an illegal immigrant and deport him?"
ReplyDeleteI hope he stays in Scotland. I sleep easier knowing he is over 500 miles away. There are internet nutters and there is Ken. I see he has formed a double act with EricD. A match made in heaven.
EricD was a total idiot on the forum of fail, he'll fit in well in Ken's asylum. I quite like diabetes ABC mind, it's nice to get away from diabetes discussion sometimes, and you certainly don't get any there. Unless you count Ken screaming at the walls as 'discussion'. Poor blighter!