1. Does she work for big pharma ?
2. Is she a failed medical professional ?
3. Does she rep for junk food companies ?
4. Does she really believe a high carb diet for diabetics will improve most peoples outcomes ?
5. Is she stark raving mad ?
Over the top ? Well, she has donated four years of her life to rubbishing low carb and high fat. Never slow in pasting an out of date or ambiguous post relating to four rats and a bloke in a shed, or twenty years out of date information, this woman clearly gets off on spreading fear and alarm to newly diagnosed diabetics. We will be keeping a close eye on this spreader of fear an misinformation. Kenny boy and Carbo are dead meat, but old phoenix still has a last gasp left. All but the brain dead, and newly diagnosed see straight through her, interesting times ahead.
"Never slow in pasting an out of date or ambiguous post relating to four rats and a bloke in a shed, or twenty years out of date information, this woman clearly gets off on spreading fear and alarm to newly diagnosed diabetics"
ReplyDeleteYep,That's her in a measure alright and it seems to be one of those days on the big one today,perhaps it's the wet weather but the Anti's are out in force,especially Bonkers,EVEN the Cherub has made an appearance to try and save the Anti's failing arguments with one of her famous links....Ya couldn't make it up!
There is a discussion going on right now about lowering your blood sugar levels. Phoenix has just posted a link to a site detailing 'dead in bed' syndrome for Type 1 diabetics.
ReplyDeleteThis suggests that otherwise healthy Type 1's who suddenly die in their sleep have probably suffered sustained night time hypos.
So, she is saying; lower your blood sugar all you like, but if you do don't be surprised IF YOU DIE.
It would be laughable if it wasn't actually happening; I don't mean 'dead in bed' syndrome I mean Phoenix's constant undermining of the low carb / low blood sugar message.
So very sadly true,her tactics of late are really scraping the very bottom of the already worn down barrel,we can see through her High carb/high meds message tripe but it's the newly diagnosed who may be influenced in their time of despair I worry about,I REALLY DO!><
The antis are deeply emotionally or physically damaged. Kenny boy quadruple bypass, cancer and leg problems. Sid virtually crippled with back problems. Jopar, have you seen her photograph, hardly a picture of health, and still young. The cherub, husband killed in a road traffic accident. Nobhead an idiot. As for the phoenix, rubbishing lowcarb and high fat her only job.
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of empathy for people who have been dealt a bad hand, but why the bitterness for people who can control their weight and diabetes with natural methods. For over 4 years I have asked this question. How do I control my weight and diabetes with two metformin other than lowcarb ? I am still waiting for an answer ! I cannot live on the 1000 calorie a day diet of the Kens, Sues and Sids of the world, I have to work for a living, often 12 hours a day.
"This suggests that otherwise healthy Type 1's who suddenly die in their sleep have probably suffered sustained night time hypos.
ReplyDeleteSo, she is saying; lower your blood sugar all you like, but if you do don't be surprised IF YOU DIE. "
If only you knew the facts before you mocked.
My sister died in such circumstances.
You and yours suck big time get a life and stop advising people on how to control their own diabetes.
“If only you knew the facts before you mocked.
ReplyDeleteMy sister died in such circumstances.
You and yours suck big time get a life and stop advising people on how to control their own diabetes.”
I am sorry for your loss. But I do know the facts. The facts.
NHS Statistics for 2008 2009:
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 71.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 33.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 33.6 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 14.3 per cent.
These results are very similar to those found in 2006 – 2007 and 2007 – 2008.
Most diabetics never get to safe BG numbers, hence they are the leading cause of kidney faluire, blindness and amputation of limbs. What are you suggesting ? We run high numbers and suffer gruesome complications ?
I suggest anon you do not know the facts. Tell me anon, why do people like you never even post a forum anonymous name, have you no courage of your convictions ?
Eddie Mitchell
So, without wishing to appear too insensitive to those who have lost loved ones in this manner, and relying on your many years experience of research into diabetes. What do you suggest happened to those who pass away in this way?
ReplyDeleteHow does the mere repetition of two year old statistics help those who have lost loved ones?
How does ridiculing someone who's lost a loved one help?
Might I be so bold as to suggest that your anonymous correspondent might be more aware of the risks involved in running too low an HbA1c than you are...especially as they've had to deal, directly, with the consequences.
Oh, by the way - the more recent National Diabetes Audit, shows much more encouraging data about those with diabetes and their targets.
ReplyDeleteFirstly, I'm very sorry for your loss and I do, of course, think you can die of hypoglycaemia. But that is not really what this is about.
The forum is mainly made up of Type 2's - and newly diagnosed ones are the people most likely to be startled by that type of post. It is saying low sugars can be fatal. These are the same people who have been given barely any information other than to eat plenty of starchy carbohydrates.
I am a Type 1, I believe there is a risk that if I get my nocturnal insulin ratios/amounts wrong there could be real and possibly fatal consequences. But that does not mean I'm just going to run my bloods high; because the risks from doing that are equally great.
It means I want to have stable low (not hypo) blood sugar levels; and here's the scratched record bit - the best way to do that is to minimise my carb intake and thereby the amount of insulin I take.
No one is making light of the terrible consequences of uncontrolled diabetes and no one is ridiculing anyone - I really am so sorry that the poster has lost someone to this disease, but surely the lesson should be to try and learn how to control it better and not worse?
“How does the mere repetition of two year old statistics help those who have lost loved ones?
ReplyDeleteHow does ridiculing someone who's lost a loved one help?
Might I be so bold as to suggest that your anonymous correspondent might be more aware of the risks involved in running too low an HbA1c than you are...especially as they've had to deal, directly, with the consequences.”
I have lost family members to diabetes complications. The last years of their lives ruined for believing the NHS dietary information was correct, i.e. starchy carbs with every meal. Type two and type one diabetics realise this is the last thing to do for good, stable and safe control. For many type two’s the care given is abysmal with not even a test strip to check BG. The lunacy is compounded when other diabetics, often with pumps, insulin and test strips, spend their lives rubbishing the only method, the left to slowly die type two diabetic, have at their disposal to control their diabetes.