Monday, 30 July 2012

DUK the not so silent assassins !

A few years ago, DUK the largest diabetes charity in the UK, run an awareness campaign called ‘Diabetes the silent assassin’ They forgot to tell people they were supplying the ammo. Their dietary recommendations have lead to an early death for countless thousands. Their dietary advice leads to unnecessary amputations and blindness for many every year. The big question why do they promote a diet of death ?

If there is one thing human beings are good at it’s over complicating a simple solution to an even simpler problem. Type two as with any type of diabetes is about controlling blood glucose. DUK like to complicate the situation. They promote a diet that has no scientific merit, but will benefit their acknowledgments, as they euphemistically call their paymasters, big pharma and unnecessary outfits such as slimming firms etc. Push the carbs with every meal, and use the medications our paymasters sell is the name of the game. That way people stay on the payroll and keep the company cars. Sounds unfair or over the top ?

We live in a world where big pharma have been fined billions of dollars for lying and bribery and corruption. We live in a world where Banks are being fined hundreds of millions of pounds in fines for breaking the law and robbing ordinary people. We live in a world where politicians are corrupt to the core. We live in a world where Newspapers pay for information hacked from a murdered school girls mobile phone. This is the world we live in.

If you think DUK are any better then you are already on too many drugs. It's all about money, and money talks !



  1. You've hit the nail on the head there Eddie,In my mind,DUK's ethos seems very transparent,They promote the carbs,we eat the carbs,we then get appalling A1c's,we then get put on bucket loads of meds because "Diabetes is always progressive...",the Big pharma is happy,morphy richards are happy because we need toasters for these carbs don't we?,Kellogs are happy because sales have never been so good and around and around the merry go round we go in a vicous circle except the losers are the Diabetics who trust all this advice,despite getting sicker because "it's a charity,they MUST have our best interests at heart don't they surely?" and then the already bankrupt NHS that has to try and fix us when we get nasty complications BUT is pushing a similar mantra to DUK because it doesn't want to admit it got things wrong so is cutting it's nose off to spite it's own face! What a bloody mess! thank god I found low carbing when I did! others aren't so lucky.:(


  2. Money doesn't talk; it swears as Bob would say...



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