Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Jabba the gut !

Our old adversary Jabba the gut has returned from a far away galaxy. His last post on his blog posted on May the 14th. has finally sprung into life. As always, Jabba is ridiculing people who have forgotten more than he will ever know regarding safe weight control, and it’s importance for type two diabetes, and the reduction of insulin resistance. Jabba the failed mod, failed forum owner, and failed morbidly obese Orlistat aficionado, never misses an opportunity to belittle people. 

The target for him and his carb and medication addicted guttersnipes, is someone they are calling the cake making tennis player. The tennis player is an absolute gentleman, highly moral and devout Christian. His crime, he is a  lowcarber and does a huge amount of work  on forums and behind the scenes promoting a lowcarb lifestyle for diabetics. A tennis player still playing regularly at over seventy years of age. A man decades older than Jabba. The question I am asking myself is, will Jabba be playing tennis at seventy years of age, could he play tennis now, or will he soon be pushing up daisies. One thing's for sure, I would not want to be his life insurance underwriter.



  1. Big baby tubs:

    Mummy mummy those naughty low carb bullies have infringed my crappyright:

    Mummy Tubs:

    There there big baby tubs come to mummy for your dummy and I've got a nice rusk for you:

    Big baby tubs with tears in his little eyes and a snotty nose:

    But mummy I want toast lots and lots of toast:

    Mummy Tubs:

    Phew! big baby tubs have you got a crappy nappy? must cut back on your Orlistat:

  2. Ah, Jabba the Gut, the slime trail of mucus used for crawling on and often visible on posts by fellow gastropods, DieticianLOL, SlipperyOne, CondomNob, and of course the vacuous Jokar and Bonkers. Snail slime varies in appearance according to the food sources used by the gastropods. You must judge for your selves the viscosity of the slime by the dietary company they keep.


  3. Q. How can a high fat diet help the duck gain weight, and also help people lose weight?

    Big baby tubs.

  4. Tubs

    Answer this one. How do we control our weight, BG and lipids on minimal or no meds. You like asking questions but never ever have any answers. Go for it, break a habit of a life time. BTW how have you not reached a safe weight after four years ?


  5. Big baby tubs said...
    "Q. How can a high fat diet help the duck gain weight, and also help people lose weight?

    Don't know any Ducks that follow a high fat diet!

    Me I'm 6ft weigh around 11st. with a BMI of 21, now I eat a high fat diet and "can't" gain weight could it be that I also Low Carb?

    Q. Is Big baby tubs getting confused between a High Fat High Carb diet and a High Fat Low Carb Diet!


  6. Four years on and old Tubs still has no idea. It's all down to insulin control. How much weight can a person put on with no insulin Tubs ?


  7. Lowcarb team member said...
    Four years on and old Tubs still has no idea. It's all down to insulin control. How much weight can a person put on with no insulin Tubs ?


    17 July 2012 23:48

    None they would be dead :)

  8. Hi team!

    Orlistat? Is that the tablet that keeps DynoRod in business?:D


  9. Anonymous at 20:45

    I've deleted your comment in response to Paul.

    If you re-submit with your forum name it will get published.



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The best of health to you and yours.
