Friday 27 July 2012

You could cut the irony with an axe !

I thought I had seen it all on forums, but today I nigh on fell over laughing, when I saw Jopar had started a thread called “Rude People”. This from someone that has stated lowcarbers are liars, cannot count and type two diabetics brought on themselves, and take NHS money from far more deserving type one’s.

Jeez, ya couldn’t make it up, beam me up Scottie !



  1. I also noticed, on another thread, that she is back to saying that Type 2's dont need more than a few strips to test.


  2. While I have sympathy for jopars daughter it's hypocritical of her to complain about rudeness considering her crass remarks about us T2's. She whines about us diverting funding from T1's for research when the skinny T2's like me are more or less ignored.


  3. I also have sympathy for Jopars daughter but it is amazing that she (Jopar) just doesn't appear to be aware of her own rudeness. You only have to look at some of her remarks.

    We all need to be more aware of each others feelings, but alas empathy, seems not to be in Jopars make up.


  4. Jopar quote!

    "Sorry I wouldn't frequent any establishment who treated me like an idiot"

    As most establishments would view her as an idiot that leaves very few places for her to frequent.

  5. On the 2 for the price of one thread on Jopar is giving all the benefit of her vast knowledge re farming. As with her dietary and diabetes information, she has illustrated her complete lack of sound understanding of the issues.

    If farmers have such an easy time why are their suicide rates amongst the highest groups. Farming is a high risk business and the rewards are small for many. Blame the likes of Tesco for ripping farmers off and sending many to the wall.

    As usual Jopar the compassionate is talking out of her backside.


  6. As usual Jopar the compassionate is talking out of her backside

    Are you calling Jopar an arsehole lol?

  7. She never changes goes she. I see the bonkers one is back to spouting gibber. Where's Nobhead when they need him.



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