Thursday, 2 August 2012

Empathy for a fellow diabetic, from CarbsRok aka SarahQ aka SueM.

Pump failure

Postby Cbrennan » July 30th, 2012, 10:33 am
I have been on the pump for a year now and after a great start for the first few months I have encountered problems I never had with the pen e.g Keytones More recently my pump has broken for the second time with Button Error Medronics believes it is because of a hairline fracture and because I wear it next to my skin some possible moisture has got into it Has anyone else had similar problems
Posts: 5
Joined: June 20th, 2012, 1:35 pm

Re: Pump failure

Postby CarbsRok » July 30th, 2012, 11:19 am
Nope no problems for me.
But if your pump has a crack then they need to replace it.
Posts: 530
Joined: January 28th, 2009, 9:35 pm

Re: Pump failure

Postby Cbrennan » July 30th, 2012, 6:45 pm
Yes they are sending me a new one tomorrow The hospital however believe it is more to do with the body scanner at the airport as both pump failures have happened within a few days of going through scanners at airports
Posts: 5
Joined: June 20th, 2012, 1:35 pm

Re: Pump failure

Postby CarbsRok » July 30th, 2012, 7:21 pm
Cbrennan wrote:Yes they are sending me a new one tomorrow The hospital however believe it is more to do with the body scanner at the airport as both pump failures have happened within a few days of going through scanners at airports

Well what do you expect then? I'm surprised Medtronic are replacing the pump. You must know assuming that you have read your manual that pumps do not go through scanners.
Posts: 530
Joined: January 28th, 2009, 9:35 pm

Re: Pump failure

Postby Cbrennan » Today, 8:36 pm
Medronic have told me all year that yes my pump is able to go through body scanners
Posts: 5
Joined: June 20th, 2012, 1:35 pm

Re: Pump failure

Postby CarbsRok » 2 minutes ago
Cbrennan wrote:Medronic have told me all year that yes my pump is able to go through body scanners

You must be the only one who they gave that information to then :roll: ... pumps.html even medtronics own site says no go through airport scanner with your pump.
Infact this applies to all insulin pumps as far as I know.

Perhaps read your manual!

She reminds me of Sister Ratchet in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.



  1. CarbRok is blunt at times. In this case very justified.
    Stupid is as stupid does, springs to mind regarding the origional poster.
    A quick google search shows many a post where pumpers have damaged their pumps going through the scanners. Pump companies always tell pumpers not to go through full body scanners.
    This is the second time the OP has done this so obviously hasn't learnt from the first episode.

  2. No, the bluntness was NOT justified. A simple, respectful, response with a link to the appropriate web page would have been much more helpful.

  3. Ah, methinks I detect a bit of the pot calling the kettle black going on here. I vaguely remember a thread on LCD where someone, who shall remain nameless but has the same name as a rather famous horse, pronounced that anyone who fell off the low carb wagon obviously had no will power.

    Have we matured a bit? Doubtful, given the tenor of most of the posts on here.

    Why are you defending a pump user anyway? I thought low carb was the bee's knees when it came to diabetes management. Surely you should be convincing the OP to do away with the pump and return to managing their BG with good old fashioned insulin and a low carb diet - in which case, apart from the insulin requirement for protein, and the carbs they're allowed to eat, and also catering for the pizza effect of the fat they consume - there would be no need for a pump! *simples* as my old mucked the canard would say!

  4. Why are you defending a pump user anyway? I thought low carb was the bee's knees when it came to diabetes management. Surely you should be convincing the OP to do away with the pump and return to managing their BG with good old fashioned insulin and a low carb diet - in which case, apart from the insulin requirement for protein, and the carbs they're allowed to eat, and also catering for the pizza effect of the fat they consume - there would be no need for a pump! *simples* as my old mucked the canard would say!

    What a load of bollocks!!
    I've never ONCE seen an insulin user slated on here just for being an insulin user! Many type 1's low carb to keep insulin requirements down to a minimum,myself included(DR Bernstein too,heard of him? or is the Pilsbury dough boy more your kind of Guru?) Typical mud slinging from a low carb anti who has no valid arguement or nothing of value to add!


  5. "Why are you defending a pump user anyway?"

    From what I can see it was not about defending a pump user but the condescending manner in which CarbsRok responded to the poster. The title of this blog post should give you a clue.


  6. Thanks Paul very succinctly put.

    Yet again we see the terrible consequences of excessive carbohydrate consumption and BG rammed down with ever more meds. Kenny boy, Carbo, Bonkers, Nobhead and a few others shooting the meds to cover a donut.

    Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care how anyone controls their diabetes, it’s when they use misinformation and lies to rubbish others methods of control that I fight against.


  7. "From what I can see it was not about defending a pump user but the condescending manner in which CarbsRok responded to the poster. The title of this blog post should give you a clue.

    100% correct Mel.


  8. Lowcarb team member said...
    "From what I can see it was not about defending a pump user but the condescending manner in which CarbsRok responded to the poster. The title of this blog post should give you a clue.

    100% correct Mel.


    So what you are saying then Eddie is that the OP should be gven a pat on the back and not a rap over the knuckles for wasting £6.000?
    His pump was replaced twice, the cost will be higher costs though for PCT's and guess who's pocket it comes out of?
    You moan at the big pharma. Look closer to home, as in the patients draining NHS resorces. That 6 grand would have bought a lot of test strips for type 2's.

  9. "So what you are saying then Eddie is that the OP should be gven a pat on the back and not a rap over the knuckles for wasting £6.000?
    His pump was replaced twice, the cost will be higher costs though for PCT's and guess who's pocket it comes out of?
    You moan at the big pharma. Look closer to home, as in the patients draining NHS resorces. That 6 grand would have bought a lot of test strips for type 2's."

    You could argue I have been a drain on NHS resources. My stent work cost a lot more than 6 grand. However, I have paid in to the NHS for 47 years and am I still still paying.

    Maybe this guy you feel is a drain will pay into the fund all his life and contribute far more than he takes out. The strong must look after the weak, at some time in our lives, most of us are weak, if not be very grateful.


  10. F.Whit said...

    "Surely you should be convincing the OP to do away with the pump and return to managing their BG with good old fashioned insulin and a low carb diet"

    You've got all wrong sunbeam we don't tell the pumpers what they should be doing, quite the opposite it's the other way round they think they know better than us how to manage OUR type 2 when it's patently obvious they have not got a clue.

    Low Carb = minimum meds safe numbers, really simples.


  11. F.Whit said...

    "as my old mucked the canard would say!"

    Hey F.Whit what's with the cannards are they on pumps! must be all the baguettes/croissants they consume.

    Adieu F.Whit


  12. I can see why some of you got banned from DCUK.

    Your comments on this blog about posters on DCUK leave much to be desired.

  13. Anonymouse said...
    "I can see why some of you got banned from DCUK.

    Your comments on this blog about posters on DCUK leave much to be desired"

    I think you will find this blog about posters on DCUK leaves a lot more to be desired, the posts are made mainly by anonymous DCUK forum members and the blog owner an ex mod uses a pseudonym as does his sidekick who is still a member at DCUK.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
