Monday 6 August 2012

Is Sport a Health Hazard ?

For the last few days I have been glued to a sofa, the most strenuous thing I have achieved is opening bottles of wine, and working a TV remote control. I must be getting fatter and more unfit by the hour, but hey, someones gotta do it.

I’m a sport nut and Team GB have blown my brains out with their talent and awe inspiring attitude of never give up. Only the massive populations of China and the US have more medals than us. The naysayers were forecasting the games would be a failure and we were not ready, but they have been proved wrong, it’s been perfect and has run like clock-work. The only downside has been Paul McCartney. With John Lennon he was arguably one of the best popular musical writers of the last century, but jeez he is well past his sell by date. If I hear Hey Jude again this year I’ll probably throw up. It was a poor way to finish the opening ceremony, and there he is in the Velodrome croaking the song again. Macca NO MORE  PLEASE! 

On a serious note, wouldn’t it be great if we can keep this sport momentum going after the games. The younger generation have some fantastic facilities and roll models to look up to. The games have cost a massive amount of money to set up, but if kids all over the country get involved with sport, and a half way decent diet, we may be able to stem the tide against obesity and type two diabetes in the young. 

My generation are has beens, let’s hope the next generation learn from our mistakes. One thing is for sure, the kids need to keep well away from the junk being flogged by two of the main Olympic sponsors. They won’t become gold medal winners on Coke and Big Macs.


PS. I have just been told the talent less and gruesome Spice Girls are lined up for the closing ceremony. Maybe I could take Hey Jude one more time. Come back Macca all is forgiven.


  1. Hi Eddie,

    This has been my favourite olympics so far and team GB have been going from strength to strength and have had me on the edge of my seat too.
    The spice girls??{Sigh} I thought they were joking!:( and Macca? Yep,A bit past his best now,would have preferred it if he got on lead guitar and played 'Helter Skelter' instead OR if his brother Mike McGear had reformed 'Scaffold' and banged out a few of their old tunes for the crack of it!


  2. Hi Paul

    Check this out.

    IAN DURY & THE BLOCKHEADS Reasons To Be Cheerful (pt 3)


  3. "Is Sport a Health Hazard ?"

    Well I did get a sore thumb from playing Tiddlywinks.



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