Friday, 31 August 2012

Quote of the month !

xyzzy wrote:
"I must say Sid I think you're just trying to pick an argument with me for the sake of it. I think I'll just go back ignoring your posts again rather than trying to have an adult conversation with you"
Stand by for the Front Page thread at to be locked. 
If getting threads locked ever becomes an Olympic sport they will have to issue a platinum medal for Sid, gold just won't do the man justice. Bonkers by name and Bonkers by nature, he has turned stupidity into an art form. As a comedian he is in a class of his own. I will miss him when he's gone.


  1. I can trump that Eddie.

    "Even so the membership numbers as it stands represents less than 0% of UK diabetics!"

    From Jopar on the front page thread.

  2. Why dont the admin just edit the troublesome posts or give certain members time-out instead of locking the threads? That would stop certain repeat offenders using thread locking as a weapon to stop effective debate.

  3. Hi Claire thanks for your comments.

    Stand by for the 'Jopar nails DCUK post'


  4. Professor Von Poopypants31 August 2012 at 16:08

    "Even so the membership numbers as it stands represents less than 0% of UK diabetics!"

    A recent study of 0% of the UK population revealed no incidence of diabetes or obesity, leaving the authors to conclude that being non existent is a safe way to avoid becoming diabetic.

  5. Wherever your loyalty lies you have to admit that xyzzy often becomes like a dog with a bone and loses the plot.

  6. xyzzy is rock solid as far as I am concerned. He states diabetics should eat to their meters. He works tirelessly to help fellow diabetics.

    He is hugely patient in dealing with the high med, high carb, junk eating carboholics. What more could you ask for ?


  7. Kens forum has died RIP.

  8. Anonymous said...
    "Wherever your loyalty lies you have to admit that xyzzy often becomes like a dog with a bone and loses the plot."

    Far from losing the plot xyzzy has played a big part in showing up the hypocrisy of the anti's.


  9. "Why dont the admin just edit the troublesome posts or give certain members time-out instead of locking the threads? That would stop certain repeat offenders using thread locking as a weapon to stop effective debate."

    Yes this could work, I always feel just as good debate gets under way it is stifled by threadlocking, editing etc. Individuals should try to remain polite and to the point in discussion, easier for some than others it would appear.

    It's debate, exchange of ideas that enable us to learn and progress we shouldn't lose sight of this.


  10. Once more you can say what you like about Sid. He does bring a breath of fresh air to the forum depending on which way the wind is blowing of course but it does or can make for a more interesting read. Certainly gets peoples backs up, or noses put out of joint. Sorry but I quite like the difference of views and where it can lead to thread locking, deletion etc permitting.

  11. It's not going so well for xyzzy on the Front Page thread. Nobhead seems to have had the last word. Does xyzzy really know a Hospital within the NHS that recommends LC for diabetics?

    How are all the sock puppets from here going to help the campaign without revealing their identities?

  12. "Once more you can say what you like about Sid. He does bring a breath of fresh air to the forum"

    Where do you live? next to a Chinese coal fired power station.


  13. I don’t know any hospitals that recommend a lowcarb diet. That is precisely why the NHS statistics for diabetics getting to a safe HbA1c are absolutely horrendous, and why the death rate and grim complications are rising. 92% of type one’s have a dangerous HbA1c, 72% for type two’s. The NHS should hang it’s head in shame. Same grim numbers next year no doubt.

    Results for England. The National Diabetes Audit 2010-2011
    Percentage of registered Type 1patients in England
    HbA1c >= 6.5% (48 mmol/mol) = 92.6%
    HbA1c >   7.5% (58 mmol/mol) = 71.3%
    HbA1c > 10.0% (86 mmol/mol) = 18.1%

    Percentage of registered Type 2 patients in England
    HbA1c >= 6.5% (48 mmol/mol = 72.5%
    HbA1c > 7.5% (58 mmol/mol) = 32.6%
    HbA1c >10.0% (86 mmol/mol) = 6.8%

    These results are very similar to those obtained in previous audit over the past 5 -6 years.


  14. "How are all the sock puppets from here going to help the campaign without revealing their identities?"

    No one has spotted us in the last three years.

    Special black ops special agent Dick Duck MBE,OBE and bar.

  15. "How are all the sock puppets from here going to help the campaign without revealing their identities?"

    Cos we already help without revealing our identities stupid!

    Check out carbo's bog were all the sick muppets claim to have identified us.

    Graham AKA the Scarlet Pimpernel

  16. You really don't get it do you Graham. If a campaign goes public you will not be able to use a forum name but will need your real name. No more anonymity.

    Looks like xyzzy has been told to put up or shut up anyway.

  17. Also why criticise others for staying anonymous when you post under false names !

  18. That’s a bit rich coming from someone who is too spineless to post here under an anonymous forum name. I always post under my own name, with the exception of DCUK. Even someone as thick as you must realise why I post under a different name there.

    Diabetes should not be all doom and gloom, we have to have some fun, and winding up the high med Carboholics is so enjoyable. Tell me what are you ? A Carboholic, a dietition or a drug rep.

    Eddie Mitchell

  19. Wow ed that is quite a statement and a double standard ! What is wrong with the people who run that forum for allowing you to corrupt it!

  20. Well, who is to say that Eddie may not be an ordinary member. The web works in mysterious ways.......

  21. "Wow ed that is quite a statement and a double standard ! What is wrong with the people who run that forum for allowing you to corrupt it!"

    Don't you realise there are trolls on both sides of the fence? There's a few antis that are not adverse to a bit of trolling.

  22. Hey, Tony agree with your sentiment but NOT the language.

    We do need people like Eddie and his team to highlight the very poor NHS and DUK diet advice and recommendations etc for diabetics.

  23. Tony made up Montana - I do hope you are not a mod ed shameful


  24. All I have in this world is my balls and my word and I don't break them for no one.

  25. Ed your word is worthless

  26. Hi Eddie

    Have there been any messages left for me?

    Al Pacino

  27. What ever my word is worth, I put my name to it.

    Come back any time anon.

    Eddie Mitchell

  28. Eddie

    The anon looks like the resident dietitian to me possibly chocfish aka whitby jet. They never give up.


  29. What is wrong with the people who run that forum for allowing you to corrupt it!

    They allow WhitbyJet still up to her old tricks playing the pm game.

  30. Goodness what a lot of comments, it does make quite a read of all sorts of views and ideas.

    I wasn't sure what you meant when you mentioned "WhitbyJet still up to her old tricks playing the pm game." so like many others do I went over to see what you meant.

    I have to question why is a pm needed for a Christmas Cake recipe. Surely she could put the recipe on the open forum for all to see. I think it's less than 190 days to go to Christmas and things like this will be of use to so many.

    I for one use this blog to catch up on recipe ideas, your mini roasts for example and cauliflower cheese taste very good.


  31. "I have to question why is a pm needed for a Christmas Cake recipe. Surely she could put the recipe on the open forum for all to see. I think it's less than 190 days to go to Christmas and things like this will be of use to so many."

    Hello Grace, as you see I have copied some of your words, hope you don't mind. I too was puzzled as to why this recipe could not be put on the open forum. I see that WhityJet and her mother have had problems with some copyright or other. Call me cynical but why didn't she make this known before starting to talk about this recipe. I have teenage children and one of the first things they learn before going on to computers, chat rooms, forums etc. is be careful and think, if something doesn't look quite right it probably isn't quite right. WhitbyJet and others may well be an innocent here but she does seem to like getting people to pm her. I question why does she want this, to me it seems unusual.
    As my children quote to me " mum never divulge any personal details no matter how innocent it seems and don't be lured into conversations over the world wide web with people you don't know." Am I being a bit too cautious, better to be safe than sorry springs to mind.

    From Sue a concerned type two

    PS I also agree with Grace your cauliflower cheese recipe does taste very good.

  32. Copyright laws do exist and that is why DCUK mention this in forum rules. I often see a recipe there that has been on TV or similar. People don't realise that it is serious and can cost you if you get found out.

  33. If the recipe is online a short description and a link to the website would not be a problem.

    As for copyright laws I doubt there has been many prosecutions of people copying recipes on to forums or blogs.



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The best of health to you and yours.
