Hot off the press, from the Pulse on-line medical professionals information site, the details below came in yesterday. “A one-day seminar to bring you the latest clinical developments, guidelines and innovations of relevance to general practice” being held soon. As you can see the info lists who should attend. What a great pity diabetics are not required. What a pity diabetics who control their weight, blood glucose, lipids on nil/minimal medication are not wanted. Massive savings in human misery and huge benefits for the very over-stretched NHS budget could be achieved. The big problem ? None of the diabetics who do not make up the gruesome NHS diabetes audit statistics, are following the standard methods put forward by the very people who will be attending the conference.
Will Doctors Bernstein, Wortman, Lustig, Eades, Morrison, Phinney, Kendrick, Briffa et al be there, not a chance. Stand by for more of the same, from most of the medics who are clueless as to the way forward.
“Why Attend?
GPs face a daunting number of new guidelines and treatment options for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. With new drug launches presenting the challenge of working out where they fit in, pressure to keep prescribing costs down - and controversial NICE guidance telling GPs to perform ambulatory BP monitoring before making a diagnosis of hypertension - optimising care for patients with diabetes and CVD has become more complex and in some cases, prohibitively costly.
Attend for:
- The pros and cons of diagnosing diabetes using HbA1c versus random/fasting sugars
- Advice on managing diabetes with renal impairment
- Tips on which patients to switch to older insulins and how
- Ideas on reaching beyond QOF targets to optimise patient care
- Clarity and practical advice on implementing latest NICE guidance on heart failure
- Expert advice on tackling diabetic foot problems and diabetic neuropathy
- The chance to question our expert speakers, network and visit our lively exhibition
Who should attend?
- GPs
- GPSIs in diabetes and cardiovascular disease
- Specialist nurses”
"Will Doctors Bernstein, Wortman, Lustig, Eades, Morrison, Phinney, Kendrick, Briffa et al be there, not a chance. Stand by for more of the same, from most of the medics who are clueless as to the way forward."
ReplyDeleteCome on now Eddie it would be far better if Doctors noblehead, phoenix, jopar et al were there! Their experience in Type 2 diabetes is second to none, they could report on the detrimental effects of long term low carb on DCUK forum members.
They know lowcarbers like Hanna, IanD and Wiflib after over four years of lowcarbing are suffering from a multitude of diabetic complications.
On a side note if phoenix were to make a presentation she would really need to make sure her links are valid, clicked on her latest and got this "File not available. [23887_819C894F1AAE62F413C0AD8BE667D3AF_journals__PNS_PNS54_01_S0029665195000243a.pdf] time=1347525350 [eopocc=1347576493]/app/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/cjo-online/deploy/cjoc.war/tempHtml/"
That's three duff links currently on DCUK provided by phoenix, seeing she's logged in 24/7 you would expect her to at least ensure her links to be valid.
Graham + 4 years LCHF
Rather remiss of me to omit another 4 + years staunch Lowcarber Clearviews who they could include.
This only gives us more insight into the 'powers that be' do not seem to want to know about the many successful diabetics who could educate both the medically qualified and the lay person. For example look at Ians excellent article recently posted on this blog. It still gives those of us that have been enlightened to the benefits of a lower carb diet more work to do in spreading the good news. Its blogs like this, doctors in the know such as Wortman, Briffa, Morrison, diabetic groups and the good news parts on forums that enable us to do this and I for one would ask those in the know to continue. We owe it to ourselves, fellow diabetics especially the younger generation who still need their eyes and ears open to what can be achieved.